Tampa, Florida, United States
It is not enough that I should succeed - others must fail
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Sniper Guild
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USA_FROGS 4 jul 2020 om 19:01 
↓ Please click on the profile below this comment to see an angry player that I was slam dunking repeatedly ↓
3Pink1Brown 4 jul 2020 om 18:49 
thats all??? one gay snide remark right before leaving after getting raped???? sucks that youre seething on the 4th of july but i guess thats what being ugly gets u ... cant relate! sad!!
Imperator 4 jun 2020 om 12:22 
svs mge me money match anytime
USA_FROGS 4 jun 2020 om 6:50 
↓ Please click on the profile below this comment to see an angry player who I outsniped like 10 times in a row in a pub ↓
arb1ter 3 jun 2020 om 20:00 
You're good but you might get even better if you don't let your ego take over you when you lose more fights than you win them.
meow 16 dec 2018 om 19:16 
the legend himself