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Ulasan terkini oleh Urosh Auberon

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Tercatat 15.8 jam
This reminds me of Glean from way back during the Flash game era. And that a good thing because I adore that series.
From time to time I need to scratch that itch of a relaxing mining game. No enemies, no stress, just mining. And this game delivered.

My feedback on how to make this game better and more enjoyable:
1. Allow the players to mine things that are above us or at least to mine left/right during a jump or gliding. It's so annoying when you want to get something above you so you have to circle back and dig a tunnel from above instead of just mine one cube above you.
2. Drilling speed is very slow, even when you have the best mech fully upgraded in combination with boosters things are very slow. I just want thing to be faster.
3. Remove the timer on the Teleporter. Why is it even there? If I want to spam it, let me spam it. I'm the one purchasing it from the shop anyway.
4. Speaking of the shop, remove the silly limit of 5 for bombs/dynamite. It really serves no purpose to have these things limited. If I want to blow stuff up, let me do it.
5. Add a feature of auto/farm bots or something of the sort. I would love to have little automatons who drill the ground slowly. Gradually starting from the first layer and going downwards as they progress. That would be especially cool as I am drilling in the deeper levels to have them do stuff in the earlier part of the map which I will probably never go back to myself. Just clear some space you know.
Diposting pada 23 Desember 2023.
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If you crave more Mining Mechs, then this is the perfect DLC for you.
If you had your itch scratches from the base game, then you don't really need this.
Diposting pada 23 Desember 2023.
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Tercatat 24.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
A bit janky here and there but overall a pretty fun game with a friend or two. Hopefully more maps will get added in the future!
Diposting pada 21 Desember 2023.
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This was so nostalgic! Loved it very much!
Diposting pada 9 Oktober 2023.
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Tercatat 3.9 jam
You can run
You can use number keys to instantly select items

A very buggy game
- Mine cart level has an issue where you can fall through the cart and get stuck in the floor. Restarting the level is the only solution
- Level 15 has a huge problem with those tetris looking thingies that you need to rotate to solve the puzzle. Their hitbox is so broken that in most cases they refuse to rotate unless you click on the exact pixel. Tried changing FPS, toggling Vsync, changing resolution. No luck. The only solution was to click and swipe over and over again until they decide to move.
- Level 16 the secret note under the wheel on the ship simply can't be picked up.
Certain graphical issues where you can see through walls and floors because they don't merge properly making a gap into the out of bounds section.
Just like in the previous game, you can click on already completed puzzle doors and the game will zoom in on nothing.

All in all, if you want to play Faraway games, just play them on mobile. They were not made for PC and this is just so lazily stitched together.
The dev never goes back to fix issues that have been reported. The first game STILL has a game breaking glitch where the solution you see in the game doesn't work, the one from the mobile version of the game does, but you don't get those clues.
Diposting pada 2 Oktober 2023.
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Tercatat 34.5 jam
I love the GemCraft series. Countless hours spent playing them here and on Kongregate back in the day.
Hopefully one day we'll get a new one after Frostborn Wrath cause I simply want more!
Diposting pada 10 September 2023.
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Tercatat 1.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Played this for many hours on Kongregate. Glad to see it's on Steam now as well!
Save importing from the browser version works too!
Diposting pada 9 September 2023.
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Tercatat 4.3 jam
Unlike the previous game, this one thankfully doesn't have a game breaking bug with one of the puzzles. The solution is the one from the mobile version instead of what the puzzle shows on the PC version. And that STILL hasn't been fixed in the original game.

With that being said, there's a lot of jank present here. So many objects that you can clip through, a zipline i one of the levels can be used without even getting the handle for it, doors that vanish once you unlock them can still be interacted with even though they are gone etc etc.

Originally played the first game in its demo form back on Kongregate and then on mobile. Positive review only cause of nostalgia.
Diposting pada 25 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 0.1 jam
Seems like a good port of the original. Not one of those lazy mobile ports with missing features and bugs.
Diposting pada 4 Maret 2023.
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Tercatat 0.2 jam
The previous two releases of Moorhuhn of the classic "Shoot ’em up" games on Steam have both been just a lazy mobile port.
Thankfully neither are available for purchase now cause they were just bad.

This one however is, to my knowledge, the only good re-release of the classic Moorhuhn games that's actually good.

The main game is there, the secret level is there and the previously console (I think?) exclusive mini games are here as well.
The only things missing from the original release from 2003 are the Sven sheep in the background near the bee hive that you could shoot for some points. And sunflower/field chicken no longer give you increase to time remaining.

Those are the only two missing things that I have spotted.

Overall, a decent re-release and I hope more of the same quality will come.
Diposting pada 6 Desember 2022.
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