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18.2 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
select few games earn my attention and praise to get a 100% achievement rating, truly not even all of the games I've played and have poured thousands upon thousands of hours into even get a chance.
This game earns not only the money spent upon it, but the time that'll be sunk into it.
I like this game.
I think you should try it.
Posted 6 November, 2024.
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716.9 hrs on record (240.6 hrs at review time)
For Democracy. a great game with a 10/10 playerbase.
saved me from darktide...
very silly in all the best ways.
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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1,688.0 hrs on record (1,002.3 hrs at review time)
This game has so many issues, terrible bugs, a community that ranges from toxic behaviour to average-joes, things that would require total and complete changes, and issues that stem from the game's base core idea.

I have put 1000 hours into this game. I am going to be putting 1000 more. I will keep playing this game until they close the servers down.

To start with, the devs put time and love into this game, actively. Issues are patched out slowly over the coming weeks as is the case with any experienced team, but some issues are still in the game and haunt us to this day. The fun things sometimes get patched out making weapons either useless or boring, and sometimes they just break a thing entirely so you'll be stuck seeing the same weapons used over and over again.

Games can sometimes crash on you after you complete them so you don't get paid anything and wasted 30 minutes.
every game is either 15 minutes with a high skill playergroup, 25ish minutes with an average group, or 50 minutes in a perpetual nightmare state, and they all give the same amount of rewards each, which encourages you to run through missions as fast as possible which means you're both encouraged and not encouraged to explore. You don't explore and you get no plasteel. you do explore and your game is now harder because you have less ammo. But you need plasteel. You can upgrade a weapon once if you complete a mission. why. why is plasteel used for everything and so radically expensive for how little you're given. divide the amount used by 10 and the amount given by 2. Or change something about this upgrade system.

The Gameplay is solid, with an encouragement of exploring, navigating, and taking things slow.
This is responded with swarms of enemies and constant spawns of specialists or elites that require you to stop what you're doing and focus on killing them. This makes you have less ammo or you use your melee to kill them which requires a modicum of skill which 85% of the player base doesn't have. So they use their bullets, and then they take all the ammo, which is fine until it runs out for everyone.
(Side note, never gotten this bad to me before, but I have ran entire missions as a veteran where I only used what bullets I got from scavenger because everyone else had autopistols and refused to use their melee.)
I'd say that a lot of Players are scared of the maelstrom modifier that takes all ammo refills out of the spawns.

This is bad. They need to be encouraged to play this. maybe with a reward of some kind, because using ammo as little as possible makes you better at the game in a net positive fashion. Veterans are scared to play those missions because they're so dependent on their guns, and who's to blame them. Their entire skill trees are devoted to using them. and yet with the ability to regenerate ammo freely and with the high damage they can do, they're actually perfectly capable of handling a mission where no one else fires a single bullet.

You only need your gun for ranged enemies but guess what, there's melee enemies that are deadly at melee with little to no counter, so you need your guns for those ones to make the engagement easier. But the ammo is gone, taken by other people, or just not spawning at all.

Music and gun-feel is great, but guns can't be modified and are the same gun but with a slightly different fire rates or animations. I'll give credit to the developers on that each gun does *feel* unique, but until recently, the only real difference was fire rate and ammo count, and even after recent changes, they're still very similar. just each has a different "quirk".
The laspistol crits a lot, the lasgun is accurate, the recon shoots a lot. you can reskin the revolver to look like a bolt action sniper and it'd be the same gun, which the headhunter also does because it's a marksman rifle, and if you have enough rending, it'll work exactly the same way with just a larger mag size and a much quicker reload.
Truly the only real "different" weapons are weapons that actually are different. The grenade launcher is different to the bolter. the plasma gun is different to the flamer. every lasgun is the same weapon. every stubber/autogun is the same. You can hide it behind animations but it's the same. Turn off your hud or find a way to disable your viewmodel and you'll see it in real time.

Is there a way to fix this? I have no idea! This bloat of items is a problem, and they've got it right in many ways, but wrong is so many others.

Truly the melee are the only things that ARE unique, which I find fine, this is a melee based combat game that names itself a hybrid, and they'd be right. The weapons do have different feels and uses, although a lot of that is down to a gacha system where you have to roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and HOPE you get the right thing to make your weapon ACTUALLY unique and do something that the other weapons don't do.

I hope you like spending lots of money and time on this game btw, because you're going to get things drip fed to you slowly, and if you're playing with random people, it'll be drip fed like molasses.
I've timed it, you play with friends, you can get to level 30 in about 10 hours, or about two days.
You play with randoms? It took me 35 hours, a whole week, just to get there at last.

Low level is a mountain climb where you're encouraged to never adventure into difficult things, because your weapons will be bad, your talents will be little, everyone either uses the meta or is yet to figure the meta out, and if you step foot into higher difficulties you'll either get kicked, cussed out, or die immediately, probably to a rager because the only real counter to them is guns, grenades, or a devil-claw sword. OR a crusher because you haven't learnt how to dodge yet, and neither has anyone else.... or 100 gunners because your toughness isn't high yet because you're low level, why would you have any curios, or even know which curios to take?

because you can't explore. you can't adventure, you're encouraged to stick with the group and not go further from them or risk dying, and the higher level of difficulty you go, the more likely that means a squad wipe. The meta is a guide you can read on the steam. The meta is told to you by 100 people. the meta is something you stumble into. and then you never leave the meta until you realise you're bored.

Atleast the benefit is you still get paid on how far you got, that's a nice saving grace.

Make the Aquila store cheaper, and please add a proper level of difficulty, devs. Maelstrom auric class missions are fun, it's chaotic, it's noisy. and if you're freshly level 30 with some decent gear you won't survive because it takes a looong time to be ready for the insanity you're about to experience.

Level 1 to 2 missions are brain drainingly boring, level 3 gets boring if you're higher level, level 4 is basically the default now, and level 5 can range from "oh look only gunners" to "oh, i took a single point of damage, woops." There's no scaling, no actual difficulty that works, it's a never ending cycle of struggling until you learn.

Bosses can be fought solo but i've seen plague ogyrns squad wipe because no one knows how to position themselves. The Spawn director is malicious at times or merciful in others. You can either spend 40 minutes desperately struggling to get through a single high intensity game. Or you can speedrun an auric mission because it's only spawning gunners and the entire team is veterans and a single ogyrn who all brought the heaviest piece of iron they could find.

Which is why I have 1000 hours in this game. and at some point, I'll have 1000 more. I have every achievement. I have spent almost £50 more into this game on aquillas alone because I like funky guns that look different. I've been in the play test. I've done it all...

And i'd still say, unless you can handle a Sisyphean task.... don't even bother finding the right boulder to push.


Posted 23 November, 2023.
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612.6 hrs on record (502.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
o7 rest in pieces
Posted 26 July, 2022.
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212.8 hrs on record (73.1 hrs at review time)
Shot a rabbit with the same gun I used to kill god, It survived because I missed it.
10/10, loving it.
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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