"From the grassroots of UCAP, "happy fragging" from server to server for the sheer joy of it, to our first dedicated server, we've always had a strong "band of brothers" attitude towards gaming. A real integrity that became the core reason we logged on.
This small community of friends made the fragging even more fun, made it a real "lol". So, with a love for gaming, a strong small community and a bit of cash, we set out to take this small community and turn it into a much bigger one. Giving players the opportunity to start their own teams under our name and supplying them with the resources they need to play on, to progress to be the high skilled teams they are today.
From CS:S to TF2, HoN to LoL, StarCraft to StarCraft2 - if you've got the passion and the want, we've got the time and money.

What we offer...
Our website currently has approxemately 500 unique hits a month which is gradualy rising through addition to teams and affiliates. We will do partnerships to help other companies to increase their web traffic and will either put a free advertisement or link on our site in return for the same from the company or we will ask for a small and resonable fee to add to funding for the organisation.

Where your donations go...
Any donations that we recieve are all re-invested into the organisation with current server costs, website hosting costs or to fund events that we hold such as ladders or cups ( as prize winnings). None of your money will be used for personal transactions and will all be used to further benefit the organisation. As a reward or tocken of thanks for the donation we will give special titles to the donator on the website and the voice server, just to show how we highly value those dedicated to want to donate towards the cause that management currently do.

How we aim to achieve this...
We have a team of dedicated and enthusiastic management that between them have and will overcome any obsticles that are apparent to them. They will do their best and go out of their ways to help the person needing a problem resolving. With this self motivated and proffesional culture shown through management we strive to constantly improve, and with the help of the current and new member will achieve the goals we have set out to achieve.

What is the environment like in the organisation...
In UCAP gaming we like to have a layed back but motivated and active environment in which the main aim of the games we provide for can achieve, to have fun and enjoy the games they are playing together. Then secondly that we like to encourage the more competative side of the games, with the encouragement to enter leagues, ladders and cups to face the otehr side of gaming which is equaly enjoyable as you have to form stronger linsk with team members to suceed.
Currently Offline
freq 23 Apr, 2011 @ 6:04am 
UCAP GAMING 16 Feb, 2011 @ 2:30pm 
new account (: