final CS:GO playtime: 1122.9 Hours
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franzj kisses me
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Liberty City - Grand Theft Auto IV
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
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Sprunk - The Ɛssence of ᒐife
Review Showcase
Grand Theft Auto V has such a diverse world with so many things to do, even after completing the main story missions.
Grand Theft Auto Online is like a shadow of what Grand Theft Auto is.
Los Santos in online is barren, with even simple things like naturally spawning animals being cut. Grand Theft Auto Online is not a traditional grand theft auto game. It is just Grand Theft Auto V's map plopped into a grinding simulator. you cant even keep cars that you steal off of the road. yknow, the entire point of the game, Grand Theft Auto.
But this is a review for Grand Theft Auto V.
This game is extraordinary. If Grand Theft Auto Online was a standalone title on steam, i wouldnt be mentioning it in this review. This game is packed with hours of story missions and fun things to do. Its hard to imagine that Rockstar North made this game from scratch in 5 years. Even with its sub-linear mission gameplay compared to other Grand Theft Auto games, that dosent mean its not good. For example, in games like Grand Theft Auto III, you are simply instructed to do something, it dosent matter how, just do it. With Grand Theft Auto V, there is more hand-holding done for the player. For example, when you die, you are prompted a checkpoint. if you die 3 times, you are even given the option to skip that part of the mission. But even with these things in mind, this game is a good Grand Theft Auto game; and there are 3 different endings to it, so its not a complete linear game. Franklin, Michael, & Trevor both have such diverse personalities that make this story so good. I also want to give some recognition to the soundtrack to this game, specifically the ones made by Tangerine Dream; "Los Santos City Map" also known as the pause menu music is really, really nice. This game only makes me look to the future of Grand Theft Auto. With the February confirmation of the next Grand Theft Auto, and with its last game being 10 years old next year, i can only dream of what Grand Theft Auto VI will bring us. Thank you for this game.
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Review Showcase
114 Hours played
Red Dead Redemption II has the most touching story in any game i have ever played.
This prequel lets us play as Arthur Morgan, an outlaw on the run. He and the Van der Linde gang have to survive the winter cold, explore the wild west, commit crimes, robberies, and murders just to get by. Amidst all of this, there are of course traitors, ones that will betray anyone just to gain power and money. This game tells a story like no other, and will probably make you cry. It's unique Honor System makes you think about each and every decision you choose to make as Arthur Morgan. From antagonizing someone to killing, the honor system will track your decision, and affect the stories' outcome and cutscenes. You can explore the entire wild west in 1899 and go wherever you want. Each location detailed down to the smallest things, like lost letters, or unique items. Each NPC has their own life, and evolves as the story goes on. Even when you are not paying attention, their lives will change. Kill someones father in front of their son? Years later you can see the effect it had on him. There are so many tiny details in this game, some probably haven't even been discovered yet. Possums play dead when scared, NPCs retain their injuries as time passes, and you can eventually see them recover. Animal corpses will decompose, Arthur will make remarks about himself when looking in the mirror, sunlight passes through character's ears, can i go on? With over 500,000 lines of dialogue and 300,000 separate animations, this game was built from the ground up by Rockstar with love and care. This game tops any open world game i have ever played. The attention to detail and massive open world, with a heart-touching story, all combined into one, just makes me love this game so much. So much thought and effort was put into this game. The level the lore goes to is phenomenal, even after you've completed the story, there is still so many conversations you can have with characters, so many stories and adventures to go on.
This game will always hold a special place in my heart.
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gaara 27 Feb @ 11:41am 
salty cry baby
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kevin can i have hard sex with u
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hacked teeheeheeheehee :33333
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Mrrrp Mreeowww :3