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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 227.5 hrs on record (49.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 29 Jan, 2023 @ 9:40am

Alright, Your looking for a game to play and you've come across sea of thieves.
Here are some pros and cons of the game from a player thats switched from Xbox to PC.
1. People are alot nicer but also alot ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. (might not be a word) Over 50 hours played so far and i've come across countless players who have been friendly or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Some of the friendlies I've added and invited them to my discord server to play with them again and when we do it's a laugh.
2. Alot better graphics then consoles. (Don't have to say much here)
3. Overall a genuinely nice game to play when you don't have to worry about Reapers and the sweaty little kids that think sinking you makes them good.
1. Friends are a necessity with this game. If you can get a good rando then this doesn't apply. But having friends is so much better.
2. Sailing a sloop and coming across brigs or galleons your definitely gonna have people feel bad for you OR sink you because your a sloop.
3. Expect bugs, its not a perfect game.
Overall my experience so far has been enjoyable and if this helped you then please react saying its been helpful, award it or even reply saying "Thanks!" it'd mean alot knowing that i've helped people on the venture to find a new game to play!
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