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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 40.4 hrs on record (33.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Dec, 2019 @ 11:57am

With all due respect to the VA of Chuck and the efforts put into the original DR2, as far as I'm concerned this is the canon sequel to Dead Rising. Everything you liked about the original Dead Rising is here, with improvements to the survivor AI, weapon combinations, easier to read interface, and more. Plus, you can have a friend join you for some co-op hilarity, which is even more fun.

It's a fun game if you ever enjoyed the first game, but there a few caveats. The major issue with the PC version is that you can't play the game out of the box with modern controllers (i.e. Xbox One), and Steam's controller configuration manager won't help. You need to use x360ce and tweak the .ini in the game folder, a tweak which found in the forums (Link:

Aside from that, the game gets very tedious near the end when dealing with the new zombie types. Crowd control gets difficult, and the new zombie type can stunlock you into getting grabbed over and over again which is frustrating.

Despite these issues, this was a worthy sequel to the original. I recommend it. Here's hoping Capcom Japan can pick up where Vancouver left off and make things right with the fans.
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