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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.2 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Dec, 2014 @ 3:12pm

Unload half an LMG clip into someone, and you'll be killed with a single shotgun shell from 30 meters away.
Run into a field, and you'll get shot by a sniper.
Spawn, blown up by an Apache.
Spawn again, sniped by someone behind your base.
Join the wrong team, and they'll all be snipers and hide in the bushes while the other team caps everything with ease.
Try sniping on the attacking team, hide in a bush, get sniped from across the map by someone spamming Q until the red marker shows up above your head.
Fly a helicopter, you'll get blown up with rockets before you even leave the ground.
Drive a tank, and you'll get C4'd within the minute.
Ride in the passenger of a tank, and your driver will drive over a mine.
Blow someone to smithereens with an RPG, and their friend will defibrilate them before shooting you down.
Run into cover while being shot at, only to have the lag catch up and kill you while you're in a safe spot.
60+fps at all times, but never have a ping below 250.

And that's just on a good day. A regular day, in Battlefield. If you can look past all that and play with a large group of close friends that won't trash talk you after killing you with a tank, then it's a very enjoyable multiplayer game.
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