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Posted: 1 Jul, 2019 @ 2:08pm

This game brought back memories of playing flash games for hundreds of hours at my friend's house late at night when we were supposed to be sleeping. Sometimes you don't need several hundred hours of story and thousands of collectibles and side quests to have a fun game. Sometimes you just want to blow stuff up, and that's exactly what Intrusion 2 is.

Just when you think you're getting bored of the enemy variety it throws a new one at you, and there are times where you can even ride mechs and even giant dogs (which you can't pet, sadly). It really feels like a spiritual successor to Metal Slug in its gameplay, with flairs of personality and humor sprinkled throughout (such as when bosses do a fist pump when they kill you).

It's short, but sweet. If you ever had any fond memories of playing flash games as a kid, this will scratch an itch you never knew you had. It's worth an afternoon or two it takes to finish.
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