Vladislav   Donets'ka Oblast', Ukraine
Sens: 1. | Res: 1024x768 | 1280x800 stretched

Trade | Twitch [/url]
● I will not accept invitation if you have 0 steam level
● I should delete you from friends if you will spam me
● I should deny your invite to party
● I should block you for bad comment

MY FACEIT PROFILE [www.faceit.com]

Twitch [twitch.tv]

Playing Counter-Strike since 2009 year
Started playing CS 1.6 but in 2014 moved to CS:GO
I played ~1200 hours in CS 1.6 and now i have ~3000hours in CS:GO

My keyboard: Steelseries APEX M500 (Cherry MX Red)
My mouse: Zowie EC1-A Settings: 800DPI,500hz,m_rawinput 1,Sens: 1.27
My monitor: Benq XL2411Z (144hz)
My launch options:
-novid -console -language english -freq 144 -tickrate 128 -cl_cmdrate 128 +cl_updaterate 128 +rate 124000 +cl_interp 0 +cl_interp_ratio 1 -high -noforcemaccel -m_rawinput 1 -threads 8 -w 1366 -h 768
My current resolution is 16:10 1280x800 stretched
My crosshair: gap -3,size 3,thikness 0,style 4,color 1

(GPU) VideoCard: Msi GTX 970
CPU: I7 4790K (4.0 GHz)
Memory: 2x8Gb

Currently Offline
Multiple VAC bans on record | Info
2332 day(s) since last ban
Artwork Showcase
Kep_Kote 24 Mar, 2018 @ 9:07am 
Give a potato
Позывной"Дед" 8 Dec, 2017 @ 5:49am 
дебил на софте
VOVCHICK 8 Dec, 2017 @ 5:46am 
VAC IN CS 1.6 IF here someone would like to say about it
Позывной"Дед" 6 Jun, 2017 @ 11:39am 
Твой отец уебок 14 Sep, 2016 @ 1:21pm 
Gryvando 12 Sep, 2016 @ 1:03pm 
+stay strong