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1.5 hrs on record
No that guy with the sour cream analogy is right that ending is a joke

Honestly ♥♥♥♥ games where you get nothing and die at the end, I don't care if the intro was foreshadowing with the subtlety of a sledgehammer

I had fun for like 20 of those 90 minutes though
Posted 17 February.
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3.2 hrs on record
This game feels like an amalgamation of things I don't like in current games.
The simplest way I could reductively describe it is "Breath of the Wild as an extraction game." And there's no hiding that, it's got similar combat systems, stamina management, and that goofy climbing mechanic that you can just glue your hands to any surface like Spiderman until your stamina runs out. Much to my chagrin however it also takes a page from a souls game and pastes that over the botw book so regular attacks also consume stamina. I don't think this adds a whole lot besides forcing you to let the enemy take their turn, which you can then just parry with the world's most generous timing window to take yours back. Unless you're using a two-handed weapon, which isn't offered to you until the end of the first area, and has no block but you don't need it with how much you overpower the enemy anyway. Stark contrast to how worthless bows are.

Many have already complained about this, but I'll do it too: The extremely limited inventory that expects you to repeatedly stock up on items so you can blow through them to craft singular pieces of armor is annoying and I don't think this system that lets you freely pick what materials create those armor has enough depth to justify the variety. Thanks to item rarities you either slog through the same stuff to get enough pieces of uncommon drops to create decent equipment, or you just slap together a set using the most base trash you can find, and to be honest I wasn't interested enough in the system to analyze just how much of a difference +4 cold res vs +6 cold res made. I think armor in other BotW-like systems that simply have tiers for what levels of freezing temperatures you can tolerate without taking damage were fine.

The magic you can use feels extremely proof of concept. Yeah sure you can kinetic grab items and throw them into stuff. You can also create ice that follows the cursor in an extremely confusing way that's worthless if you're not pointing at the ground. Aside from when puzzles in the world require them, neither of these abilities feel worth using over hitting things with a sword until they break. Trying to freeze enemies in particular feels like a joke - I tried completely coating enemies in the stuff multiple times and aside from acting as a physical barrier they didn't seem to "get frozen" at all, which is funny since the game tries to get you to do that by claiming it makes rare items drop more. The first boss was the only enemy that seemed to actually be affected, wherein freezing one of its limbs would make it stop and shake it off for like two seconds before resuming its assault completely undeterred. I'm sure there's more and hopefully better spells later but these ones didn't exactly sell me on the function.

I don't have anything against the story itself. However, the way that story is told sucks. Just hours of people talking at you that you're automatically assumed to care about because they're in your party, often with the poison of quippy Whedonese modernity coursing through their word choices, or interrupted by nauseating honeymoon behavior from two of your party members that you're supposed to believe have been married for almost a decade already. They also expect you to talk to every one of your party members after every single occurrence in the progression as they always have something new to say, sometimes even before leaving the camp again. Which I, again, wouldn't mind if it wasn't always so long and droning about themselves with no bearing on what's going on. Something that really gets at me is that you can't always speed read through these, either - sometimes a single line pushes past one text box, and it will only advance when the character has reached that point in their speech, so if you manually press A to go to the next line they just skip that box. The archetypes of these characters are also notably modern - my personal favorites go to the demon guy who lived in an evil theocracy that hates magic and escaped his home to become the most flamboyant magic enthusiast of all time, and the wallflower bookworm who is fascinatingly a they/them despite their upbringing as the child of a noble family. But whatever, those alone aren't what made me stop playing the game, the rest of it was far more tiresome.

Finally, the last thing that happened was that I reached the next objective point in the open world and noticed a drake flying towards me. The protagonist and her allies commented on this, which ended in one of them saying "it should ignore you if you don't get too close"... after I was already being pelted with fireballs to my death.
I returned to that area with the drake absent, and then after climbing the nearby tower and interacting with the quest item there I had a UE5 crash. I took the hint and didn't try again.

Thanks for the demo so I didn't have to let Steam sniff my forty dollars for a couple days to get the same result. But my biggest question is: why does she run like that?
Posted 8 February. Last edited 9 February.
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21.0 hrs on record
Lovely little game, honestly. I think Mili is kind of overhyped, and that $16 soundtrack is crazy, but there's no denying how cohesive the whole experience is, unified in tone and theme. Might be heavy on the sadness and despair for some, but there was enough of an undercurrent of hope to see me through to the end to see if it would be rewarded. Which it was, I think.
As a "metroidvania," I think it demonstrated the genre well. I had the recurring issue that I often had to try going literally everywhere on the map to find where I had to go to progress using whatever new ability I had gained, but it wasn't much of a detriment and there were usually pickups of some sort along the way. I'm not really a fan of the kind of slotted equipment system popularized by Hollow Knight, I'd much rather just gain passive effects instead of having to juggle them, particularly with some of the relics that turn on or off entire features, but I'm mostly willing to forgive it just because there's no corpse run or any other "souls-like" death consequences. It's a very forgiving game, but that doesn't mean it's an easy one. I particularly enjoyed the combat, though I know some people aren't fond of the floatiness, which I think is fair. It takes some time to give you a good variety of tools and ways to use them, and the supply of upgrade materials for spirits doesn't really provide too much room for experimentation, which can be unfortunate but I found that the weapons I got at the start of the game remained strong and reliable throughout so I didn't mind. Bird up, it's free damage.

Most importantly, Lily is a good girl and she deserves protection and a hug. I was on the fence about buying the sequel so soon, but this dev convinced me they can deliver.
Posted 2 February.
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2.8 hrs on record
This game made me realize how much quality of life Dokapon Kingdom has and I really can't believe I'm saying that.
Visuals have a really poor upscaler, so all icons and text are muddied and often illegible. Can be turned off for player sprites and models but not anything else, including the dialogue portraits. The preview for the filter toggles also uses the kid with the sword whose appearance changes a lot less per mode than every other character.
English translation is questionable and voice acting is worse. A repetitive one that wore on me was that when the item shop girl yells "Graaamps!" to have him come to the counter, there was clearly poor voice direction because she yells it like she just saw him fall down the stairs and is afraid for his life, not that she's trying to get his attention from down the hall. Also, God, who is a character and seemingly the main plot driver in this game, started both of the scenes I saw him in by saying "Wh-What, I say, what did you say?" which made no sense as a response to the dialogue that preceded it and all I and the guys I was with could think was "what line in Japanese could that POSSIBLY be a butchering of?"
The prologue is pointless, being a whopping 7 tiles long and immediately ending once a single player finishes the very easy fight at the end of it, with no rewards besides the exp.
Enemies nearly always Counter, so Strike (Finisher in this) is worthless, which the CPU knows and never uses it.
Previews of damage calculations are only provided at the end of a combat turn, and don't mention Counter (success or fail) in the list. So you'll never know how much you're doing on the first turn of a fight, and you may well forget by the time you're back in it, and they won't be accurate predictions anyway due to the above point that everyone counter fishes all the time.
Stats gained on level-up are random.
No class system, characters have fixed roles, which I don't necessarily think is bad, but it means there's no mastery benefits, and you can't play the same character, so it's definitely going to be unbalanced. I did like the edgy guy with the cowboy hat, though.
This also means there's literally no reason to not buy the most powerful equipment of each category available to you. Not that I think Kingdom's equipment is per se good - but at least it had slightly more going on.
But even that's not good enough - stealing from stores can provide even better equipment than they sell, which was eagerly demonstrated by the CPU players who won 5 theft attempts in a row.
Players extremely rapidly out-pace the stats of the field monsters and the EXP they give, with a gigantic power gap still remaining against the town monsters. Pacing is even more glacial because of this. Further not helped that the boss monster takes action almost every single turn - and picked the option to pack up and move and spawn a new monster where he was miserably often.
Combat magic is consumable, for some reason.
Healing limited to a single paid-for Inn tile. The castle can only cure ailments and towns literally don't do anything but give and take money. In debt? Lol, Sword of Fury says, lmao even.
Instead of local items, there are treasures, which are passively owned and sometimes provide beneficial abilities, but can be lost and stolen.
There's a bank which lets you deposit money to an account and pay for purchases with a card with a whopping 30% service charge. That card can also be stolen, of course.
More casino games exist, but they don't pay you, they only reward you with items proportional to their entry fee and even the top ones aren't any good.
And what made me uninstall, when I got paralyzed it lasted for 4 consecutive turns and it only ended because a CPU reached my tile and killed me.

I think that's everything I saw in 2 hours. I don't come to Dokapon expecting a good or balanced game but this was just a huge waste of time that I couldn't even see being fun with friends and I'm thankful I was able to refund it. The ONLY point I can give the game over Kingdom is having the option to use Japanese voices - but the dialogue is still written poorly, so who cares?
Posted 25 January.
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0.6 hrs on record
What exactly is the point of a picross game that gives you the name and shape of the subject of the puzzle before you even start it
Posted 13 December, 2024.
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1.6 hrs on record
In the words of the buddy I was playing with before we opted to refund this game, this game is kinda like FEAR... without the fun. Or the fear.
The controls are irksome, stuff doesn't work sometimes, and there's a comical bloat of things that don't matter because surely this particular dystopian tech future is more interesting than the others. The tutorial isn't very good and only explains things once. Sometimes areas get cut off without a way to continue exploring them with the only conclusion being that because you were able to move on clearly nothing else in them mattered. Voice acting is miserable, and the enunciation is so inhumanly bizarre it has to be generated, but there's no AI content disclaimer on the store page. That's not a big deal to me but it didn't help my already low opinion.

I don't have a good impression of the developers and their view towards the players. The first puzzle my friend and I got stuck at, we looked on the forums for help and the dev's response felt contemptuous, like they were quietly seething about players being too dumb to understand their vision. Their vision being... an intentionally unclear and incomplete answer, where even knowing the solution doesn't mean you have any indication of what the format they intend for you to answer it is.


All these things in mind, I wasn't interested in seeing it through. But apparently it's an open ending with no follow-up planned anyway, so who cares. Nobody is playing this game enough to make the 2 hour video essay about what it all means that it seems to be going for.

Edit: I got a friend request from one of the devs after this. If you have something to say you can say it in the open.
Posted 8 December, 2024. Last edited 9 December, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 9 Dec, 2024 @ 9:46am (view response)
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2.7 hrs on record
This weekend Strinova is running an event where you can play any character you like without having to unlock them, giving you a glimpse into a world where this game is actually the competitive environment it pretends to be and not one where it takes literally 25 weeks bare minimum over 450 gameplay hours to fill out the current cast and will get exponentially worse every time they add a new character because it scales infinitely.

Game's ok though. It'd be better if I could set a secretary that isn't celestia.
Posted 6 December, 2024.
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1.9 hrs on record
Dreadfully boring video game. In the 4 and a half cups I finished with the default character and default loadout within the refund window, I only lost a race one time at the end to AIs that cut straight through offroad corners losing zero speed, which was exciting. Didn't help that they tried that on another course but the rival straight up got stuck on a wall and didn't know how to free himself for 2 laps - something that also happened to me during one of the damn tutorial replays. I probably could have gotten to the 6th cup or beyond if it weren't for those needless tutorials, the mind-numbing dialogue spouted between races and if I had stopped doing the totally pointless objective-based side-events sooner.

Yeah sure the visuals are pretty but that doesn't make it distinct or memorable. I don't remember any of the courses already aside from the last one I did where I repeatedly fell off the sides during turns and got teleported back on top of the road because I guess I was "close enough." It's all just the same plain roads and boardwalks with the same big arrows you barely read at your speed, just with varying scenery. Speaking of arrows, the actual rally events where a co-driver yells pace notes at you? Totally meaningless. "Easy" "medium" "hard" are vague and inconsistent categories and they usually don't even come out in time before the turn.

I had a buddy come up with the term "artist game (derogatory)" recently, to describe when a game's visuals are such a priority to the developer that they come at the expense of the gameplay. I'd call this game that, but then I read about how this was originally a kickstarter game where the courses were supposed to be made of sprites like the arcade game Power Drift, and they couldn't even pull that off and made them 3D instead, which I think is very funny and further evidence of how this game's nostalgia bait is skin deep. Many such cases!

Why don't you put a demo back up so people can save themselves the trouble seeing how dull the gameplay is without having to pay for it and refund it like this? You clearly have enough people who see retro thing and immediately call it goty even without their help.
Posted 24 November, 2024.
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1.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Unsurprisingly an esports-oriented game with an entire aesthetic revolving around hypebeast streamer lingo ends up being really annoying to listen to and the game isn't fun. Eternal Return does this "moba BR" union better and I don't even like that game.

Never trust a game that shows off its microtransactions the first thing when you log in
Posted 21 November, 2024.
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46.7 hrs on record
I'm so tired, man.
I've been following this game since launch and had great enthusiasm at that time but the devs were extremely eager to curb it and never stopped doing so even as they kept saying they were making things better. This is going to get long, because I always write long when I'm invested.

I'm sure you can see in the other reviews how many early supporters of Techtonica felt confused or even betrayed by the 1.0 release. But this is hardly the first time they've made an eyebrow-raising decision. This game's development history had, in total, 2 qol hotfixes, 1 content update, a cosmetics update, a bigger qol update, an update for optional game modes (which were then rendered unusable in 1.0), and another update for "fun" side-content. Then 0.6, which was supposed to be the "biggest" content update yet, got turned directly into 1.0, which was a surprise for a lot of us. That was quite a pace for a game that was in early access for right around 1 year, and a rather lopsided balance in terms of what was actually added to the game before then.

And the result? The game we had played before had been sliced up into 11 vertical zones linearly connected by a new form of progression that literally amounted to filling a meter until it was done, with the expectation of using one central hub to transport items between floors. Multiple aspects of the game had clearly not been adequately adjusted for this: dialogue now references things that never happened or that happened long before when they come up; the edges of areas that had formerly been connected are now lazily blocked off by the equivalent of minecraft bedrock floor-to-ceiling; building fragments are sometimes now located in areas disconnected from their logical purpose; some areas don't even serve a purpose beyond providing the player free pieces of concrete structures if they're willing to stand around scanning them for an hour. Using the elevator as a main bus is hardly even done in a sensible way; items can only be sent to a specific floor rather than just pulling anything off the bus as needed, and despite Filter Inserters being required to do this in a meaningful fashion, anything better than the 30-per-minute version of them is far, far up near the end of the tech tree.
All this was done with the stated purpose of taking away exploratory freedom (???) and optimizing performance, but from the reports of some players, performance isn't improved at all and in fact is sometimes worse, with the seeming reason that despite being separated the regions are not actually unloaded from each other and the game's spherical rendering distance means you can still be affected by floors you're not on. But hey apparently it was good enough to allow them to release the game on Xbox.

And on that point. In a dev response to the feedback on the map, the devs very specifically stated that the primary motivator of making such drastic changes to 1.0 was expressly to make them distinct from the factory game giants that had just released major updates themselves to remain competitive, and to fish for a new audience on consoles, because their playerbase had dwindled. None of these reasons make any sense to me. First of all, of course the playerbase of your single player game dwindled over time, especially during gaps between content additions, doubly so when most of the updates didn't... actually add any content. Trying to compete with their forefathers in the genre is insane. You're just not going to "WoW killer" Factorio; some people may not realize this, but players can in fact play multiple games, and you should recognize that many of your players came in the first place on the prospect of playing something that's "like Factorio but." Finally, chasing console audiences. Techtonica is more or less unique insofar as most automation-centric games don't have console releases; who are you competing with? You can just give them the game you already had and there would be no Factorio to hold it against in the first place. It also is written with an air of giving up on their PC players because those console players have new money they haven't spent yet and significantly less avenues of feedback, and it doesn't matter if that's what they meant or not, it only worsened the opinion of the players who had already felt like the devs didn't care what they wanted. Shockingly the devs then doubled down on this by telling every player who said they preferred the old map they can play the obsolete and unsupported 0.5 instead of getting to finish the game.

You know what's weird? One of the other reasons the game was changed in this way was apparently to encourage scaling up production in areas other than the one where you started. But they didn't actually accomplish that at all - Terminal Victor still has everything you need, it's inconvenient to transport things, and building up anything in other areas requires even more groundwork-laying because of the poorly divided space. Moreover, there's no reason at all to build at scale in the first place, because the mere story progression gives you nearly everything you need for free in chests and such.
Until floor 12, when the first part of the content that's new to 1.0 begins. Suddenly entirely new mechanics that don't interact with the previous ones at all are introduced, where not even your power grid from the other floors is allowed to be used. New mechanics are introduced that require completely unprecedented production, but it's all production of one thing: fuel. Fuel to feed pumps to attempt to offset a permanent, endless "rising water level" (it's sand but whatever) mechanic. Fuel that isn't exactly easy to make, either. I haven't gotten any farther but reportedly this rapidly accelerates to insane levels and I'm not interested in proving that for myself. What's really funny to me is that the custom game sliders don't seem to have been updated for this new content so there's no way to make this better even if you're basically playing on creative mode. Despite a week passing since feedback on this new content started pouring in, no devs have voiced even a word about their plans regarding its balance or really anything else.

So sand pump simulator aside, I'm gonna be honest: Techtonica is a walking sim wearing a factory skinsuit. Experiencing the story, which contains no conflict and most-if-not-all consists of just walking to whatever point of interest and having talking cubes rattle lore at you like a park attraction, is clearly the first and foremost objective, making pretty structures (out of steel, concrete, plants, and neon lights) is the second, and actually manufacturing product feels practically tacked-on, perhaps even resentfully at this point. But if the story is that important, is it good?
Eh. It's nothing special. Maybe if you've never seen any of the Alien movies - or watched any sci-fi from the past 50 years at all, really - "humans go to alien world and the xenos make things go south" is interesting, but to me it just felt formulaic. It's got even less for you if you aren't the type to open the Codex:tm: and read whatever snippets of background text the game provides for everything you discover, which in this game are mostly presented as business correspondence and I found wildly uninteresting. I'm considering looking up how it ends on Youtube later, dependent on anyone actually uploading it, since it's not like this game is getting a huge following.

Oh yeah, and then I got permanently banned on their forums for "rude inappropriate language" by a dev because I told a guy, and I quote, "Download Foundry and shut up." First offense. Like dude, Club Penguin would need more to ban you than that. Is it because I recommended a game I thought was better? Because I stand by that, I do advise anybody on the fence about Techtonica to look into Foundry instead. It has less content right now, but they aren't rushing it out the door either.

Don't buy.
Posted 13 November, 2024.
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