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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm
120 30 4
Review Showcase
30 Hours played
I do not regret buying the Valve Index: this game is the reason why. I am hugely nostalgic for the half-life games and Alyx feels part of the series very much while managing to surpass the previous iterations in gameplay, atmosphere, and storytelling.
There is an insane level of interaction with the environment and equipment. Performing tasks just as you would in real life (such as throwing grenades) is immersive and very fun. The gunplay is incredibly satisfying and better than any other VR game I have tried.
Alyx takes you on a journey through fear, relief, desolation, otherworldliness, horror, and awe.
No spoilers but half-life fans must play this!
Review Showcase
49 Hours played
I loved final fantasy tactics as a kid. This takes the best of the gameplay from FFT - positional strategy/ high difficulty - and crystallises it into something brilliant. Highly recommended. So fun! So many different strategies to try out with the different mechs.
I've particularly enjoyed building my own custom mech team and finding synergies!

Only problem is, after about 20 hours in, the game got too easy/ I got too good. Would be great if they added an extra difficulty level.

Amazing value for the price!
Favorite Game
Hours played
bropal 24 Dec, 2014 @ 3:56pm 
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And a jolly New Year!
randingo 25 Dec, 2013 @ 9:07pm 

whatever happened to DoW?
randingo 25 Sep, 2013 @ 4:14am 
remove color
randingo 20 Aug, 2013 @ 1:26pm 
You guys been playing soulstorm lately?
randingo 17 Jul, 2013 @ 7:46pm 
Oh ♥♥♥♥, I'm sorry.
theplayerofgames 20 May, 2013 @ 8:44am 
I've got a few steam trading card beta invites if anybody wants them.