Theogrin the Eccentric
Jennifer   Ontario, Canada
Hi, so!

She/her, 30-40 years old, fox furry, reader, writer, gamer, musician, scholar, sometimes I even do things in which people are interested?

Ultimately, I'm just me. I can be found at Schismatism on Twitch on very rare occasion, or on Nintendo Switch if I already know you and we trade IDs.

Perennially tired, but that's the usual state for those of my generation, so nothing new there. Mostly, tired about a world we were promised never coming to fruition. But c'est la vie, as they say in the everywhere.

Hoping better things might come. Worried there might not be enough time for them. But hey, we get to make virtual toast.
Zurzeit online
-UT- Makoto 'Queen' Niijima 28. Juli 2013 um 7:16 
Aragan told me about what you're going through, via Gmail. I just want to let you know, Theo, that I hope for the best for you. Shining can wait.
Snowball McHoneypuff 1. Aug. 2012 um 13:50 
My challenge for Team Fortress 2 is still standing :3
Trev-MUN 29. Jan. 2012 um 1:18 
Hey, what's going on? You've all but vanished since November. Are you alright?
Evil Puppeteer 22. Juli 2010 um 12:57 
Where the heck are you?