Furry Pride FP
Furry Pride FP
8 August, 2007
United States 
ABOUT Furry Pride

Almost too much floof.

The first furry group on Steam!

We are a group where furs from around the world can meet, chat, play games with one another, and have a good time.

If you are looking for new friends, please join the chatroom or go Here . We have a room in the chat specifically for looking for friends! Come find new friends and strike up conversations! We also have our own discord group.
Link here:
Furry Pride[]

Rule 1 - Be nice and respectful towards each other, treat them the way you wish to be treated. This includes flame wars and trolling.
Rule 2 - Racism, sexism, transphobia and other forms of discrimination are not allowed and will result in a ban.
Rule 3 - Do not bring up religion or politics in chat.
Rule 4 - No links to websites.
Rule 5 - Don't bring personal issues into the chat. This can bring the mood down and cause discomfort amongst other members.
Rule 6 - Do not spam the chat for any reason.
Rule 7 - No NSFW / sexually explicit content or language.
Rule 8 - Advertising other groups without permission is not allowed.
Rule 9 - Keep roleplay to a minimum.
Rule 10 - English only. All comments and messages in other languages will be deleted.

Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for breaking them. Attempts to find or utilize 'loopholes' to these rules will result in an immediate ban.

If someone breaks any rules, please contact one of our following lovely moderators or admins. You can do it by mentioning or DM us.

Breaking the rules will result in a warning, if in the comments section it will be a timed ban. Continuous rule breaks or multiple rule breaks at one time will result in a permanent ban.

If you have any questions, please contact a staff member.

If you want to partner with us, please contact Fuchsia.

Furry Pride[]
Ban appeal
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Important note:
We have an improved safety feature with verification on our discord server. This will make new members enter their own channel where they have to follow some steps and do a captcha in order to get access to the server. Then you will need the role of member in order to get access to our giveaway channel. This role is automatically handed out 24 hours after verification or by being active in our community.

Link to our discord can be found here: Furry Pride[]

The staff at Furry Pride

Updates and a giveaway
Ongoing giveaway!
We're currently having a giveaway on our discord server[]. The game you can win is Mafia Definite Edition.

This giveaway ends in 4 days

More changes and updates will happen on our discord server, now and in the future. Haven't you joined our server yet? Don't worry, it's never too late to join us. And we would love to see some new faces. I hope to see you soon @ Furry Pride[]

Important note:
New members enter their own channel where they have to follow some steps in order to get access to the server. Then you will require the role of member in order to get access to our giveaway channel. This role is automatically handed out 24 hours after verification or by being active in our community

Link to our discord can be found here: Furry Pride[]

The staff at Furry Pride

Borbolya 1 hour ago 
Hello everyone! I've been feeling kinda lonely recently, so if you are someone who can actually hold a conversation, please feel free to add me. I am looking forward to hearing from you! :shelterfrog:
sammi031 7 hours ago 
add me free
JeenTheDude 11 Jul @ 4:13am 
I feel like those are rhetorical question.. or is it? Do you really have many questions?
Robot1me 11 Jul @ 4:08am 
I gotta ask out of curiosity: Why is your image and comment ChatGPT generated? Since when is this group a Tinder replacement? Because why only female gamers? I have so many questions :P
Puro 11 Jul @ 3:45am 
I think Jerma985 is what you are looking for
Thoth 11 Jul @ 1:08am 
Hey everyone,

I'm looking to connect with some amazing female gamers who enjoy playing games and having fun conversations. Whether you're into action, adventure, strategy, or any other genre, I'd love to team up and share some great gaming moments.

What I'm hoping for:

Friendly and respectful gaming sessions.
Opportunities to share tips and strategies.
Casual and enjoyable chats about games and life.
If you're interested in joining me for some gaming fun, feel free to comment below or send me a message. Let's make some awesome gaming memories together!

Looking forward to gaming with you! only female pls
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1,352 IN CHAT
Enter chat room
8 August, 2007
United States