William | biowill   Madrid, Spain
:teleport: Captain of Aus/NZ team voidwatch
:tapewithmusic: very bad content creator
:CapitalDome: Queenstown 🇳🇿
:Diplomat: Previously: Singapore 🇸🇬 | Christchurch 🇳🇿 | Wellington 🇳🇿 | Copenhagen 🇩🇰 | London 🇬🇧 | Brussels 🇧🇪 | Vienna 🇦🇹
:sacrificed: raid report []
🦑 Switch FC: 1854-8343-5605
:Mayuri: too much anime []
:sentry: Former UGC Admin (Seasons 18-19)
🍂 Autumn camo enthusiast

Much internet love to: Dante, Macman, VanClash, Fozzlm, C-Rex, Retobin, Blitzen, Greenlamba, CakeJuice, wuki and deerlord!
My brothers in Day 1 raids: Nex, Dio, Kent, R1L3Z and Icicle
Undying thanks and admiration to :teleport: voidwatch : Seal, Bready, Neophyte, Eggy, Zoid, zowiie, MrMcDobster, Oscar, Hyper, Donkey, Pluto, Obla, Nobunaga, Syn, Ether, Don, hipster, adam, ratlands, olaf, 420, Tank Drop and Decyne!
Some other cool people who helped me out in various competitive formats: Hansel, Fogel, minty, Chrome, Attila, Greenish, Veni

PC Specs
Macbook Pro 15" 2018
Intel i7 2.6GHz
32GB 2400MHz DDR4
2x 1TB SSD
eGPU Nvidia GTX2080
Razer Core X
Satechi Slim W3 Keyboard
Steelseries Rival 5 Destiny Edition
Razer Ripsaw Capture Card

LANs Attended
🇸🇬 Nanyang Championships 2015
🇨🇦 The International 2018
🇩🇰 The International 2024

Destiny 2 Milestones
Major Seals Conqueror (Gilded x12) | Blacksmith | Enlightened | Descendant | Fatebreaker | Disciple-Slayer | Kingslayer | Wanted | Dream Warrior | Ghoul | Swordbearer | Wrathbearer | Godslayer
Flawless Scourge of the Past | Garden of Salvation | Deep Stone Crypt | Vault of Glass | Vow of the Disciple | King's Fall
Day 1 Deep Stone Crypt | Vault of Glass | Vow of the Disciple | King's Fall | Root of Nightmares | Crota's End | Sundered Doctrine
Misc Achievements First to unlock Salvation's Downfall emblem | One of the first Node:Avalon clears

Comp History
Captain of AUS/NZ team Voidwatch (ex Night's Watch)
Team Fortress 2
UGC HL Season 10 - 21st with Night's Watch
UGC HL Season 11 - 15th with voidwatch
UGC HL Season 12 - 12th with voidwatch
UGC HL Platinum Season 13 - Mon-stars (disbanded)
UGC Sixes Season 15 - 10th with Familar Knights
OWL Div 5 Season 12 - 6th with Familiar Knights
UGC HL Season 16 - 8th with voidwatch
UGC HL Season 17 - 7th with Familiar Void (Chosen for the Steel Allstars)
UGC HL Platinum Season 18 - 5th with Should be Studying
ozf 15 Open - Dead last. Literally the worst team in Ozfortress. with Familiar Knights
UGC HL Season 19 - 4th with voidwatch
ozf 16 Open - 14th with Familiar Knights
UGC HL Platinum Season 20 - 3rd with Squid Kids
UGC HL Platinum Season 21 - 3rd with Squid Kids
ozf 18 Intermediate - 9th with back 2 the bones
UGC HL Season 22 - 2nd with voidwatch-ktr
ozf 19 Intermediate - dead last again with back 2 the bones (what am i like a bad luck charm)

Jungle Swing challenge - peaked at global #12 1:35.122
Sky Swing challenge - peaked at global #13 4:08.711
Currently Offline
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Screenshot Showcase
nex's toilet time - Day One Contest Mode Sundered Doctrine
2 1
Video Showcase
Destiny 2: Servitor's Episode
Quote Wall
nw | Dr Funtimes & Pan: please join
nw | Dr Funtimes & Pan: biowill needs to be put in his place
FV"Zoid: how many players do you need

HoplessClash: But Hop has two p's right?

the deerect hit: how does reflecting flares work? don't they just go out

biowill: so it's by the squishy spider thingy?
Empire+: what squishy spider thingy?
biowill: that intersection
Empire+: i can see how it's a spider, but squishy?
biowill: it's squishy if you hit the pedestrians

Bready: beep beep put another shrimp on the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ barbie

Fozzlm: longyet
Fozzlm: *lnogyer
Fozzlm: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Fozzlm: *longyer
biowill: WORDS FOZZ
Fozzlm: I can't
biowill: YOU CAN DO IT
Fozzlm: stype today
Fozzlm: :_______:
Fozzlm: lo;;me
Fozzlm: OH
Fozzlm: GOD

Dante: Are you implying that I like females?

Perikles #drunk: Liqquid alcholo
Perikles #drunk: =confidence

Fozzlm: They're a cute couple.
biowill: shipped
Fozzlm: Definitely
biowill: *stamps faces*
Fozzlm: Hopefully to somewhere liek Africa though
Fozzlm: Far far away

biowill: apparently tomb raider is quite good
biowill: doesn't have the triangle tits anymore
Empire+: i liked the triangle tits
Empire+: they were straight to the point

VanClash: well, knit her a scarf
biowill: pffffp
VanClash: with a duck on it
biowll: don't make me do the duck speech again van
VanClash: that was the point
VanClash: it's an inudendo in a garment

aE. Marox Bday> 2moro : are pyro is being bad

biowill: no idea where dec is
Fozzlm: where's dec
Bready: where's dec

biowill: But imo coming to nz at uni couldn't hurt
biowill: It would be a new chapter :3
VanClash: in my cheque book

VanClash: I can stay a total of no more minutes
VanClash: okay bye

the deerect hit: bro, i might be laggy so dante can take over if i am too laggy
biowill: no you will be laggy
biowill: but who cares
biowill: xD
the deerect hit: XD YOLO

obla: aren't thongs just like g-strings for your feet?

Fozzlm: sorry, tonnes of stuy
Fozzlm: *stydy
Fozzlm: sudy
Fozzlm: ♥♥♥♥
Fozzlm: study.

biowill: ♥♥♥♥ MY INTERNET UGH
biowill: nothing is working
Fozzlm: D:
Fozzlm: DD:
Fozzlm: Also for some reason I read that as "♥♥♥♥ my intern"

VanClash: Did anyone else hear that?
VanClash: It was like a demonic burp

Vanclash: But you should learn to play piano so you can be like dendi and then maybe you can activate your double damage rune properly

Vanclash: Alas
Vanclash: When life gives you lemons
Vanclash: Give them to someone else

C-REX: mi en mac is pliy dot naow
biowill: mi is play doto in 3 hurs
Dante: wait
Dante: th
Dante: forth
Dante: dnate
biowill: is this even english anymore

biowill: You can take to your famous navy bar
Fozzlm: Did you say baby bar?


The Alchemist: It's like driving a car but i don't know how to drive a car

the deerect hit: Oh you can loot bodies, that's nice

C-REX: My nipples thirst for victory

Flemo: what's that thing that starts with A?
biowll: Tourettes?
Flemo: yeah that

Blitϟen: cheers biology william

superbcake killed Blitϟen with force_of_nature
Blitϟen: Oh no, super b cake!
biowill: you mean superb cake?

biowill: starter is a salad with microgreens
the deerect hit: microgreens are this big
<makes small size with fingers>
biowill: do you know how big a micro is?
biowill: 10^-6
biowill: but how big is a green
the deerect hit: a green is 6.
the deerect hit: wait no 5.

biowill: are you a moist memer
the deerect hit: are you a memed moisture

Zoid: hey speednut
Zoid: speednut
Zoid: just between you and me
Zoid: i have a massive crush on bio because he's really handsome

biowill: just go clubbing hamish!
Vanclash: Wait Will what kind of clubbing do you mean?
C-REX : seals
macman179: seals

xXx-fastshooter-xXx : How t o blow the concheror horn?

the deerect hit: the enemy has taken our intellect

Seal Lord changed name to FGB"Seal Lord
FGB"Seal Lord changed name to FV"Sea; Lord
FV"Sea; Lord changed name to FV"SEal Lord
FV"SEal Lord changed name to FV"SealLord
FV"SealLord changed name to 8:05 PM - FV"Fozzlm: FV"Seal Lo
*everyone in mumble proceeds to lose their ♥♥♥♥*
*fozzlm chokes and dies*

(TEAM) Fozzlm : Dog you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dickboy

biowill: :yolo:
biowill: 8)
Fozzlm: dis
Fozzlm: gus
Fozzlm: ting

Vanclash: If you were going I would get a girlfriend so I could stand her up to go meet you at the beach

usmile: did ur mum died early so none toughrt the polite?

VanClash: you have free pritning
VanClash: :
VanClash: pritning*
VanClash: fark
VanClash: I can't typoe
VanClash: I'm out

VanClash: yea my skype is about as functional as Hitler's advance into Russia at the moment

macman179: george bae
macman179: you are hot
macman179: we miss you
macman179: here in the land of the living
macman179: commandeer a navy ship and come to queenstown
macman179: you too wheel
macman179: commandeer a building

C-REX: we're pretty much in a relationship
macman179: send me a donger pic

Fozzlm: I can see why that's a ridiculously neat nice

macman179: Slime ranchet
macman179: Ranchet
macman179: Rancher
biowill: yes.\
macman179: Lmqo

greenish: veni: by the way he handles himself he seems like he'd be a handsome man
greenish: in case u wanted to kno

the deerect hit: Follow us chickens, we're going to treat you well, then take all your eggs and kill your children

blitzen: bio may attackat ani tyem

UGC biowill #believvve: hey so because it's our last season can you let us win next week c;;;;;;;;
greenish: bro
greenish: totes
greenish: ccc;;c;c;c
UGC biowill #believvve: *registers forfeit*
greenish: o ♥♥♥♥ ur an admin too 8'))
UGC biowill #believvve: GOTTEM

the deerect hit: it was pretty sugoi

Irisu: the level is kind of just a show of how much you've played
Irisu: im a turbo virgin, but ive seen bigger turbo virgins

​biowill: How are you watching it?
deerlord: Found an unblocked sight
biowill: i guess you could say you can
biowill: see clearly

C-REX: bramble cjickl suisncsk
Rubber Ducky: spakdog
C-REX: spek

C-REX: You need Genghis Khan on your team
C-REX: He conquered all of Asia

biowill: I can see it going both ways
Retobin: I can see you going both ways
biowill: Was that a proposition?
Retobin: No, it was more like an audible dab

deerlord: im currently crawling out of a hospital sorry

deerlord invited you to play a game.
biowill: can't sorry, dying
deerlord: what of?
biowill: architecture
deerlord: oh, that'd do it

C-REX: Haha
C-REX: This project is killing me
C-REX: Send hell
C-REX: He'll
C-REX: Help **

Tors: I don't think you have friends I think you have a problem

biowill: did you watch?
deerlord: awathgasx;l'fvfj now
biowill: thanks
deerlord: sorwy cajng be bolthnr twoipyng

deerlo: Her inks is just such a chokeable character
deerlo: *grenjinja
deerlo: *Gemini's
deerlo: *Grebjina
deerlo: *Greninja

gaydar: this is so gay
Recent Activity
13.2 hrs on record
last played on 29 Mar
4,119 hrs on record
last played on 29 Mar
1,781 hrs on record
last played on 23 Jan
BigDaddyKoala 26 Aug, 2024 @ 6:58am 
hardcore lagging teleporting and throws only abilites cant use a primary imagine having 5 kills only with greanades
Ultra Instinct Christakimou 4 Aug, 2023 @ 4:54am 
Got any Juicy Fruit?
Ultra Instinct Christakimou 31 Mar, 2020 @ 8:41pm 
ya gay x
BR!CKDUP 20 May, 2019 @ 1:49am 
New phone who dis¿
BR!CKDUP 19 May, 2019 @ 9:51pm 
1v1 me G_G END
Sentry 10 Jan, 2019 @ 8:44pm