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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Soviet Shrek's swamp of mods
Collection by "McLovin" Waffles
Pretty much a collection of ported models that I have made. Some requested models are in here.
My Portal Mods
Collection by "McLovin" Waffles
This is all my portal mods that I have ported over. I added fixed versions of some characters, mainly Atlas,P-Body,and Chell.They all (except for Chell Francis) work online.Now go out there and start kill-I mean testing!
Five Nights's at Freddy's mods
Collection by "McLovin" Waffles
These are some FNAF model that I have ported over. All credit goes to Splinks and I6NIS as well as MLGPizzaRoll.
Undertale mods (SOME self created...)
Collection by "McLovin" Waffles
This is a collection of UNDERTALE Survivors and an unused song from UNDERTALE to commodate the great soundtrack UNDERTALE has.
Left 4 Mario
Collection by "McLovin" Waffles
Mario survivors and the map itself.I did not make these mods.All credit goes to the original creators.
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