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61.1 h en tout
You're either into this sort of thing or not and since I am into this sort of thing it worked out well for me. One of the best games on PlayStation and PersonalComputer, ever, but that sort of hyperbole can get one into trouble. Old fans should give this a shot if they already haven't 4 years later and new fans should take a look at the old games for something quite different. This is the story of a father and son, coming to grips with their past, who they are and getting ready for what lies ahead. Thankfully this journey will come to a close with Ragnarök, to avoid a seemingly mandatory fat-filled trilogy plaguing many a franchise. Stay true to the path and your journey will be well worth it.

I forgot to add that even if you meet the recommended GPU and memory requirements, it's probably wise to take a second look at your CPU as well. People are saying what a great port it is, but an i7 from 2016 might not be the best option for this.
Évaluation publiée le 6 février 2022. Dernière modification le 6 février 2022.
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23.9 h en tout
If there's a hell then I might be going there for perfecting this. At its core it's a great Match 3 game, different opponents require slightly different skills and each combat stage of the total four per opponent gets progressively harder. Even when it's censored it's a game for adults, so if you're looking for a 'safe for work' game of this nature then I suggest Bejeweled 3 instead (consult PCGamingWiki for a patch to play that in more modern resolutions). Unless you intend to perfect it there's no need to play any sex scenes (it's cheaper than Bejeweled 3, mind you), which get progressively weirder and uncomfortable, especially in the DLC. I'm not fond of visual novel storytelling, so I can't say why certain characters look the way they look, cos I skipped all dialogue before each battle. Choosing one of two responses either adds or subtracts 10% combat bonus for the opponent, so be mindful of that. Two or three opponents are surprisingly tough, even though it's a game of luck up to a certain point. Anyhoo, if you're old enough and you don't mind the nudity and anime style, I recommend it, otherwise steer clear of this.
Évaluation publiée le 6 janvier 2022.
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22 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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12.9 h en tout (12.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Cloudpunk and Cyberpunk 2077 share similarities, but there are two things that set Cloudpunk apart. Firstly, I can fly a vehicle in Cloudpunk and secondly, I actually finished Cloudpunk. Do not underestimate its looks, there is some really solid writing here, great atmosphere and a great soundtrack.
Évaluation publiée le 24 novembre 2021.
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34.5 h en tout
It's nice to see games taking a bigger interest in exploring mental health. It's not new to Psychonauts of course, but it's definitely matured in the last 16 years. It's also a big plus that it's more family friendly than Hellblade, for example. Being able to fight a physical manifestation of a panic attack, albeit in a game, that's a first for me. I see a lot of potential in exploring this space further and the medical community should be jumping at the chance tbh. It might seem silly at first, punching an enemy in a game named Panic Attack, but there's more value in that than, I don't know, shooting your average demon in Doom, if you like.

As soon as you jump into Psychonauts 2 it feels like no time has passed, everything that made the first game a cult classic is present here, although it's been 6 years since I played Psychonauts. Combat has been improved, it's still a pleasure to explore and backtrack, to find new areas once you've upgraded. I remember the first game being funnier than this one, maybe that's just nostalgia, but there's no shortage of humour, double entendres for the more mature folks and there are so many characters you can talk to, if you want to. It's also great to see same-sex relationships being explored here on the backdrop of mental health, it's more than appreciated. Mad respect for Tim Schafer for writing this lovely game. Peter McConnell, the composer on both games, has really outdone himself here. The psychedelic music in PSI King Sensorium, the music playing in the Questionable Area, to name a few, all extremely pleasant to listen to.

A quick warning for those who suffer from odontophobia or motion sickness, some of the content could put you off. Now, is Psychonauts 2 worth €60? Well, let me ask you, are any number of Call of Duty titles worth that much? Low-hanging fruit, I know, but you get my point. I failed to make a Game Pass account in order to play it, but I still would've paid to keep this very appreciated sequel. It's a miracle it even exists, so I think there's value in supporting it to whatever level you feel comfortable with, to send a clear message that we like and want more games like this. The first game was a commercial failure after all, until it got a new lease on life on digital storefronts years later. Who knows, maybe we'll even see No One Lives Forever 3 and The Neverhood 2 some day. Please support weird-looking games with a weird sense of humour and art style that are brave enough to go where one rarely ventures.
Évaluation publiée le 19 septembre 2021.
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11.3 h en tout
I loved this. The black gooey monsters were dumb as hell though and what is it about little girls in Asian horror? What is the origin of that obsession? I got properly freaked out here and there, mostly thanks for jump scares, but overall I'm very happy with the series' current first-person direction. I will continue playing them if they continue making them. I played Village before RE7, which is fine, cos it's more about the experience for me and less so about the connected story of these two games. Both stand pretty well on their own. That said, the writing is sometimes, how do I put this, unnatural? I don't know if stuff gets lost in translation, but people don't really talk like this. Maybe that's part of the charm.

It's just good to play something normal-length after Village, that one went on a bit too long for me, but both are equally engrossing games with a connected story for those who want it, so I imagine a lot of new fans to the series will be replaying these for years to come. I wish I had another one ready to go, cos the DLC of both games don't really interest me. RE7 and RE8 are not milestones in gaming, but they're solid FPS games with a good focus on story and exploration. Approachable, linear, especially this one, just a good time. There's a mystery and atmosphere about them that is unmatched by its indie counterparts, but they gotta let go of the archaic inventory management horse poo, because running back and forth between items boxes just to be able to pick up stuff is not survival horror for me, it's logistics and poor design. I don't know anything about balancing a game like this, but RE8 certainly improved it by making inventory upgrades part of the merchant's stock. I missed the merchant here, even though there's very little room for him here.
Évaluation publiée le 5 juillet 2021.
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25 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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95.4 h en tout (91.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Bend Studio's answer to all those bloated open world games that are full of repetitive missions, too much loot and collectables. It starts off slow, but rewards those who stick around. The map is clean, missions form a cohesive whole in service of the story or a more believable game world. Build up trust with camps to access new weapons, supplies and bike upgrades. Trade zombie ears, meat and herbs for credit in each camp with different stock. Make Oregon safer by clearing zombie-infested areas, camps of murderous people and mowing down massive hordes of zombies. Deacon St. John (Sam Witwer) is as equally murderous as his formerly human and still human victims, but you'll warm up to him in no time as he mourns the loss of his wife and tries to find meaning in his bounty-hunting, drifter ways.

No game is perfect of course, so you'll meet merchants who sound annoying with repetitive greetings and goodbyes. The people you save on the road thank you profusely but those interactions, while being relatively short, still somehow overstay their welcome. Using the weapon wheel with mouse can have some unintended moments of switched weapons at the worst possible time, but the slow motion focus skill gives you time to correct any false moves. Quite a few missions included desperately slow walks while talking with characters and the game likes to remind you that it's a video game by giving you red warning signs with LEAVING MISSION ZONE!

Sam Witwer and supporting cast are all great. You can see some twists coming a mile away, but the great performances soften the predictability of the story. The post-apocalyptic Oregon is like a fine mix of Sons of Anarchy meets I Am Legend or World War Z. It's a beautiful part of the US and not that many AAA games are set in places like these, so it has its own charm for sure. I'm very glad that Sony is moving closer to a PC audience, especially when it gives a second chance to underrated and overlooked PlayStation exclusives. I hope it does well, cos I wouldn't mind playing a sequel. While there's very little in terms of filler here, completionists will have to set some time aside for this one. Finished it in 88 hours on Normal and couldn't step away, so now I'm enjoying New Game+ on Hard II difficulty.
Évaluation publiée le 15 juin 2021.
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37.6 h en tout (31.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I'm not a big survival or horror guy. I liked this one though, it's a survival horror game for people who don't play them. It's a nice feeling when someone extends a helping hand and invites you to a well established franchise. You risk the anger of all the old fans, but they probably already covered that ground several games ago. For what it's worth, Resident Evil Village is that game for me and I'm not sorry that I enjoyed it. I played it on standard difficulty and was challenged enough, so apart from a few bumps in the road, I thought it was a well balanced experience for someone not well-versed in this genre or the series. There are also several wells in the village, I'm sure you're well aware by now.

The marketing for RE8 was pretty genius, the internet fell in love with a 9-foot-tall vampire lady like she was Keanu Reeves or something and I thought, good on ya for the people for exploring something new in them. Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters are not the only ones to contend with in this spooky village, there's a wide range of enemies and that includes a varied roster of bosses. It's a shame that some of them were handled in pretty outdated video game fashion, which I don't want to spoil here.

I love the look and feel of Village and if it hadn't been for the demo, I might not be writing this for another 6-12 months. Even though I skipped RE7 for now, the story and characters being connected to Village, RE8 stands...well on its own. Like the previous game it's played in first-person and for a big FPS fan like myself, it's right up my dark alley. It's reminiscent of Wolfenstein meets a walking simulator that's directed by Guillermo del Toro. That's what it feels like to me. I love it, it's unique in feel and looks and I'm glad I got out of my comforts zone to give something new a try. You should try it, you might surprise yourself.
Évaluation publiée le 15 mai 2021.
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1.4 h en tout
I'm writing this to amuse myself. I doubt a developer will read this, but this is my feedback to you. First, thank you for even making a demo, it's an incredibly undervalued marketing tool, benchmark tool and all in all they make it easier to decide if the game is something I would enjoy. I enjoyed the hour you let me have with this demo, but I couldn't understand even your best attempt at reasoning as to why it's limited to a certain number of days and most importantly, to a single hour. I knew all this going in, but I'm still scratching my head. "Leave your audience wanting," they say. Well, you certainly accomplished that, it definitely whetted my appetite for the full game, but I'm still bummed that I didn't get to the end of the Castle demo.

The Village part of the demo was lovely. Very immersive and I love the first-person direction this franchise has taken, so I was already sold on the game at that point. I finished it in 30 minutes and 18 seconds, but the timer in the menu said I had some 25 minutes and a few seconds left for the Castle demo. Maybe the trailer at the end took a few minutes off, I don't know how it works. I tried the Castle demo, was equally impressed by how detailed and carefully lit the place was. I got through the cellar, but was caught by a woman who could transform into a swarm of insects. I had 10 minutes left on the clock for a second go. I ran past the enemies but was caught at the exact same place out of panic of being pursued by something I didn't know how to kill and presumably couldn't kill at that point. So I reached the same dead end. Had I played the end of the Castle demo, I might've been so pumped for what comes next that I could've bought the game right then and there, but I guess we'll
Évaluation publiée le 2 mai 2021.
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75.9 h en tout (3.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Destroying the British countryside with a 1969 Dodge Charger, while listening to classical music, has been a lifelong dream and it's finally coming true. Thanks, FH4. :D
Évaluation publiée le 11 avril 2021.
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5.0 h en tout
It's a load of wank innit?
Évaluation publiée le 9 février 2021. Dernière modification le 9 février 2021.
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