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Évaluations récentes de supernaut

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7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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96.1 h en tout
One of the more fun Far Cries in many years and dare I say it, the best since Far Cry 3. I haven't played Primal, probably because I'm not into Spears, I consider them Toxic, but at least it has bows, so I'm not ruling it out entirely. Far Cry 6 makes use of Giancarlo Esposito pretty sparingly, but at least he's entertaining compared to the villains in FC4 and FC5. The gameplay is the the formula you know and love but FC6 also takes considerable steps forward to shake things up a bit and I would list those things if I could remember them off the top of my head. It's not really fair to a game to review it in relation to a Steam Awards badge, but here I am wasting your time regardless. I suppose the main thing I want you to leave with is that FC6 gives a bit of hope for the future, that this franchise hasn't quite been milked dry yet and the only thing I can hope is that Vin Diesel will have nothing to do with these games. Vin Diesel is not cool, that's another thing I need you to remember.
Évaluation publiée le 22 novembre 2023.
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23.3 h en tout
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced doesn't want to be played all of a sudden. I installed it, verified the integrity of the game files and yet it simply won't launch. The Play button goes through the usual steps and then it returns to being green. It might be that I'm using a different puter and Win 11 these days, but it doesn't give me any sort of feedback, it just refuses to launch. No error message, no crash, nothing. I wanted to give it another shot, but this time listening to podcasts in the background, since I don't care what happens in this game. The 23 hours I've already spent with it were repetitive as hell, but I want something active to do while I listen to my podcasts.
Évaluation publiée le 7 octobre 2023.
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21.8 h en tout
This is like Alan Wake and INFRA had a baby. I love a good mystery. It's psychological horror with mental health at its center, which has been treated with care and respect. Such a great and smart game, an overlooked gem on a platform with 82,500+ titles and it's better than any Amnesia game I've played. A fun mix of mechanics and often very funny, which I wasn't expecting. Just a heads up, there are jump scares here, sorta, the flashlight runs out of batteries, but guns run out of bullets, so get over it and the game has autosaves only, which only annoyed me with a couple of achievements. It has great original songs, professional voice acting and developers just making magic with the Unity engine. No showboating, it's substance over looks. While it's not going to impress anyone with its graphics, it actually reminds me of Source mods, there's more intelligent design here than in most triple A games and for half the price. Whether you get it for 30 money, 3 money or get it as a gift, just make sure you play it. In Sound Mind isn't for backlog padding, this deserves way more attention than it has gotten so far. I'll be voting for it in the Steam Awards, in whatever category I'm allowed to.
Évaluation publiée le 22 juin 2023.
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33.8 h en tout
This is an emotional reaction to not getting the very last chest in the game, so do with that what you will. Spoilers ahead. I've watched let's plays, walkthroughs and applied various methods to get up that wooden wall that feels higher than the ice one in that popular TV series. Is it my mouse? Is it my misunderstanding of the purple and green gun and their limitations? I don't know, I don't care, not anymore anyway. It's a game I came so close to perfecting and while I am happy for the fans that played the older builds, recorded their let's plays and put them on YT, I'm not having the same experience as them. The nature of early access and kickstarted games, I suppose. I read from forums that it's been made easier, to get to that last chest, but I just keep falling, hearing that beeping sound of the detector for that very last chest, mocking me.

The game is great, it's both an improvement and a step back from the first game. Overall it's a Supraland 1.5 if you will, before we get a chance to play Supraworld, which is looking beautiful. In Six Inches Under there are far too many health upgrades plastered on the screen. Great puzzles, great new mechanics and additions to the game. It's still witty and lovely all around and I look forward getting out of the sandbox in the next game. Since there's no middle thumb on Steam, I'm gonna put this down as a no for people who like perfecting games. This is the type of collectathon I enjoy, it's Ubisoft that goes way overboard with it.

That wooden ledge though, standing between I and the last chest, it's not appreciated. I have all the upgrades, I've tried getting over that ledge from the bucket side, the cliff side, but that wooden ledge persists. So if this is constructive feedback, I hope the devs put a nail in that wooden ledge, cos I know how to get up there, but I can't get over that ledge. If a nail appears in a future update then this thumb will go up immediately. It's your game, your creation, do with it as you will, but I wouldn't be making a case for it if there was only one build available to fans across the development cycle. Since there have been older builds that date back a year or farther, then a simple nail in that wooden ledge wouldn't feel out of place now would it?

The whole game is about reaching higher and higher, to get out of that sandbox, to see what's beyond, to be rewarded by the next chest or gold coins, but also having the satisfaction of going higher than before. Let me grab a nail, please, so I can put a bow on this experience.
Évaluation publiée le 3 juin 2023. Dernière modification le 3 juin 2023.
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67.5 h en tout (13.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Stop doing the DING sound and automatically self-cleaning the last 5% of an area when I'd like to do it myself. I don't deserve the full payment and the accomplishment when I haven't cleaned everything myself. GOSH!
Évaluation publiée le 19 mars 2023.
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190.0 h en tout (155.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I don't remember this being a thing 2 years ago, but when your Steam account is linked with your Epic Games account you will most likely be prompted to share data between these accounts when you launch the game, presumably for cross-play purposes. That's fine and everything, but I'm not interested in cross-play with anyone on Epic Games, I'm not even interested in co-op on Steam, so I can only assume I signed away my rights in blood by agreeing to the most recent Terms of Service, which I never read and that's on me. This prompt pops up every time you launch the game, unless you allow the sharing of data between these accounts.

I've tried to block the Epic Games URL with two different browser extensions and while one of them blocked the contents of the URL, Firefox (yes, I'm an old man) still launches when I launch DL2. There is simply no reason for this to happen, but King Sweeney has me in an armIock. I could try these extensions with different browsers but I've wasted enough time on this bs already. All of this would be solved if I simply clicked Allow when it pops up, if I submitted to King Sweeney's will as a good subservient little boy and allow the sharing of this data, but since the game allows Private and Single Player options under its in-game Online options, I'm not sure why in the flying ♥♥♥♥ I'm even asked to share this data. I will never play this game with another living soul for as long as I breathe, that's how interested I'm in cross-play. The conditions for removing Steam from your Epic Games account are as follows...

To proceed, select all statements to confirm you understand:

*Shared profile data will be reset on this account
*Shared game progression and history will be reset on this account
*Purchases and earned game content will be reset on this account
*I will not be able to connect my Epic Games Account to another Steam account"

I don't have Dying Light 2 on Epic Games and I can't see if any of my EG friends has a copy, cos everyone's library is either set to private (assuming that's even an option) or EG as a launcher simply has no library displayed for friends, so again, why am I asked to share data? I'm only guilty of buying Dying Light 2 on Steam. This is annoying me to a point where I want to delete my Epic Games account entirely, despite purchasing Alan Wake 2 on it, the rest of my library is absolutely worthless to me. Psyonix got acquired by Epic, so removing Steam from Epic Games would likely result in not being able to access Rocket League on Steam ever again. I haven't played it in years, but I'm trying to make a point about intrusive billionaire nerds getting all up in my ♥♥♥♥. I realize I must come across as beyond anally retentive at this point, but I just wanted to play a single player game. When you launch a single player game these days you're inundated with online events, stores, dlc, free items, paid items, launchers and anything in between. My cup runneth over. Do you get me, Sweeney Toad? And Techland, you facilitated this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Évaluation publiée le 22 novembre 2022. Dernière modification le 1 mars.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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10.3 h en tout (10.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
A good looking indie game starring a cat that's resting somewhere between unremarkable and wholesome. I liked the concept but it's executed safely and neatly, which can be a preference I suppose. I'm not sure why I'm recommending it exactly but I wouldn't want to discourage you either. I realize I'm painting a vague picture here. Meow stop reading this and go make up your own mind.
Évaluation publiée le 15 novembre 2022. Dernière modification le 15 novembre 2022.
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10 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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45.6 h en tout
I just wanted to write something, you don't have to read this. Alan Wake is Alan Wake. He wakes as Alan and goes to sleep as Alan. This is the way. When it's dark he turns on his flashlight. This flashlight is not just any old flashlight, its lumen output burns demons, you see. Wake is also a writer of books, fiction to be exact, but his writing comes alive and wants to kill him. I think it does, it's been a while since I've played this. You know when you get so old you don't even trust what you know or don't know? I'm not that old yet, but feels like I'm getting there.

Alan Wake is a piece of entertainment software for operating systems and home-based hardware. It was developed by Remedy Entertainment. They're based in Espoo, Finland. I like the thought of great games being developed quite close to me, it helps me sleep at night. Alan Wake will be getting a sequel next year, 11 years later for some, 13 years later for others. I liked Alan Wake and I hope you like it too. I admit, this probably didn't help you one way or the other.
Évaluation publiée le 23 aout 2022.
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6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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40.2 h en tout (39.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
To hell with this game. I rage-quit just to vent here. Playing it on Very Hard is a complete waste of time. Not enough waypoints, selling loot gets you pennies, resurrection penalties are sadistic due to the lack of waypoints. It's a cartoony take on Diablo II from the makers of Diablo II. Having a pet is great for managing loot and to have an ally in combat, but once you get to level 17-18 there isn't that much loot to go around for the both of you. I've tried to get a competitive edge over enemies, but I'm always short on coin. Is it the game's fault that I suck at it? Maybe, but the resurrection penalties are really crushing the last remaining nuggets of enthusiasm I have for it.
Évaluation publiée le 7 aout 2022. Dernière modification le 7 aout 2022.
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23 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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143.7 h en tout (132.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Dying Light is easy to underestimate, something about its art style seems off or maybe it's the Chrome Engine, I dunno. Sure, it came out in 2015 and it's by no means an ugly game, but it has the usual blemishes of an open world game like stretched textures in more hidden areas, you might fall through the map here and there or notice some floating plants occasionally. You know, Skyrim. I guess it comes with the genre, so you take it in stride. I recommend getting the Enhanced Edition, cos you'll be wanting to play The Following right after you finish the main game. A combined 70+ hours of quality zombie killing later, I gotta say, this thing is pretty special. It's an open world game with breakable melee weapons, an endless supply of zombies and guns that never jam. In a way, this is the best Far Cry game I've ever played. Techland has taken Ubisoft to school with a few key elements and it doubles down where it matters. It's all pretty simple stuff and yet it has enough personality to stand above similar games. The combination of parkour, melee fighting, FPS and driving a dune buggy in the expansion is a brilliant mix of fun. You upgrade your survival, agility and power skills, while the buggy has its own skill tree, though it is not sentient, so upgrade that as well. DL and The Following are separate games though, launched from the same menu, so you can't fast travel between the maps (like between the Slums and Old Town), but skill progression and stash are shared between them, which is neat. The slums of Harran and Old Town provide a nice contrast and variety, while The Following might as well be a full-fledged sequel. I made the mistake of playing them on story difficulty, so I bit through The Following a lot faster than I was expecting, roughly 17 hours. Why the rush? Well, I liked the characters, I liked the quests and I really liked helping people and I hate people. I got entirely fed up of looting and lock picking in the main game, so I focused on the stuff that motivates me the most, the story.

This might not make much sense, but Kyle Crane sounds like a fun work colleague who hates his job but is always professional. The voice work doesn't get enough praise, it's so crucial in making the protagonist feel personable. I honestly don't have much to criticise about the dialogue and the supporting cast doesn't fall far behind. His tone of voice just does it for me, I don't know what to tell you. It is so easy to tack on meaningless side quests in games like these and here when they do annoy you, Crane becomes the vessel that takes the brunt of your frustration and voices it, so the game introducing you to some pretty strange people with ridiculous requests felt like another day in Harran. Dying Light in 2022 just makes sense to me. Headlines in The Onion seem entirely plausible these days, there's a pandemic, hysteria, protests, war. Dying Light fits into my current state of mind perfectly, an actual zombie apocalypse wouldn't even surprise me at this point. The concerns of isolated community members felt entirely valid, people depending on runners for their basic needs. Problems that required immediate attention like lack of water, despite quests usually having no time constraints, compelled me to act. Dying Light keeps you on your toes, day or night. You have to get some drugs for people, coffee and cigarettes, people can't leave their homes, a lockdown on life and some with complete disregard for their own or the safety of others risk the safety of their entire communities. Feels somewhat familiar. The day and night are two very different experiences as well, you get twice as much XP during night runs, for one thing. Since I rarely went out at night, I never used a UV flashlight or a flare against a Volatile, cos when one saw me I just legged it and hoped for the best. Volatiles are the fiercest enemy in the game, who can pounce on you and rip you to shreds without much effort. Whoever has finished it on Nightmare, I tip my imaginary hat to you, sir.

I never played Dead Island and I don't have much experience with games where weapons break permanently, but it's a great mechanic. Life's fleeting, nothing lasts forever and while many devs yap about the realism in their games, Dying Light still keeps a wider audience in mind and that's why it's sitting comfortably at 95% by 226,000 people. That and the insane level of post-launch support that continues to this day. I'm glad I finally finished it on my third attempt, hence the total play time. Dying Light has got heart is what I'm trying to say in a very long-winded way, it might not be apparent from the get-go, but it's there.
Évaluation publiée le 6 mars 2022.
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