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Nedávné recenze uživatele SunDrippedDevil

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20 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
18.2 hodin celkem (7.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Brigador is super fun game where you pilot a mech/tank/hovertank/vehicle–with-mounted-weapons and take on a missions with fully destructible environment in an isometric perspective. There is a lot of lore to read (it's well written and interesting) and a lot of gameplay modifiers (a lot of vehicles, with different weapon loadouts, and various pilots) to unlock and use. The game offers a sense of progression as you unlock stuff. There's a campaign mode with a tutorial and some missions with set parameters. There is also a freelance mode, which is more like a sandbox which can last a number of maps depending on how you set your run.

The vehicle types feel different and control differently (the game is based on tank controls) but there are a lot of control options to tweak them to your liking. I play with a controller, and I do just fine. The vehicles themselves offer a lot of variety, have cool visual designs, and awesome lore associated with them.

The artwork for this game is amazing; I've never enjoyed looking at portraits so much. The UI is also quite pleasing. The music is also amazing (awesome John Carpenter-style 80s synth), so the soundtrack DLC is super worth it.

The devs are also very friendly and approachable. They still support this game, and have had two free content updates so far. I can't believe I didn't know about this game when it first came out. It's shocking how it went unnoticed.

Wholeheartedly recommend.
Odesláno 2. června 2017.
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58 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
26.9 hodin celkem (17.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game is like a lost LucasArts adventure game. It plays like a hybrid between Monkey Island 2 and Day of the Tentacle. The bizarre and delightfully odd writing is exactly like the two as well.

It's not too difficult at the hardest difficulty (the puzzle solutions aren't counter-intuitive) and I would say that it is 10 - 15 hours long on average. I am very happy with my purchase, after having finished it on the hardest difficulty (which is what you should do. The Casual mode removes almost half of the games puzzles, items and environments).

Definitely recommended. Must buy for LucasArts fans.
Odesláno 31. března 2017.
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13 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
56.9 hodin celkem (35.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game is a challenging metroidvania style platformer that is beautifully rendered. The world is vast and there is a lot of content overall. The game will play out in a non-linear manner, depending on the player. The player will have to revisit past locations with new abilities to access new areas. Some light grinding might be required to get upgrades.

The art style is lovely, and the environments draw you in very well. Even the sound design is cool.

Contains a Dark Souls style plot which is presented in a non-linear manner and the player must piece together.

Overall, Hollow Knight is a very good game which is a bargain at twice the asking the price.
Odesláno 26. března 2017.
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4 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
27.2 hodin celkem (7.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
GoNNER is a challenging rogue-like platformer that rewards skill. It has a very aesthetic, and unique, visual design that's complemented with brilliant audio design. Game design is awesome; the control are tight and responsive. It plays like a dream. Even the soundtrack is worth it. It is delightfully odd and obtuse; it does not hold your hand or tell you how anything works. This is not a bad thing, and I have not felt as much as joy as I have accidentally figuring out what some items do while involuntarily murdering scores of beautiful neon pixels. Even the game description is obtuse and totally sold the game to me.

The points system and high-score leaderboard make me feel like a kid at the arcade again. A very addictive and satisfying treat for the senses.

Buy this game. Give Ditto your money, so that he/she may make even MORE games!

Are you there God? Please help me stop playing this game...

Or don't. I really like this game.
Odesláno 12. října 2016. Naposledy upraveno 12. října 2016.
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3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
49.3 hodin celkem (44.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Hyperlight Drifter is an action/adventure game reminiscent of the the Legend of Zelda from the NES. You play as the Drifter, and view the world from a bird's eye view. The game world is open and vast, and you must go undertake a quest to save existence. Along the way, you will find better equipment, and currency which you can then use to upgrade your equipment and skills.

This game is gorgeous. Its art style is very reminiscent of the 8-bit and 16-bit eras of videogames, and it certainly plays like a game from that era. The game is challenging, but not brutally difficult. Combined with the music, it is very easy to get lost inside the world of Hyper Light Drifter. Did I mention that this game is gorgeous?

The story is vague, and told purely through visuals, as there is no spoken language or written english text in the game. There is a coded language than you can decipher (I believe other players have deciphered it) that offer additional clues about the plot for you to interpret.

The gameplay is both fast-paced, with peaceful lulls in-between, to explore and find the game's countless hidden secrets.

This little game is a lot of fun. A must play for anyone that loves action games, pixel-based art, or longs for the old days of NES adventures.

The only negative thing I have to say about this game is that the Steam achievements don't seem to be working properly at the time of this review. However, that's such a minor detail that will probably get fixed, and does not really affect the game itself.

This game truly is a gem. I hope Heart Machine adds more content to this game, or simply makes other games. Treat yourself. Play this game!

EDIT: The game has now been updated to 60 FPS with new playmodes.
Odesláno 18. května 2016. Naposledy upraveno 26. listopadu 2016.
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5 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
575.5 hodin celkem (73.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game is fantastic. It is a very challenging turn based tactical game presented from an isometric point of view on the battlefield combine with a global resource management and territory gaining element against a global doom ticker. You have to try and take the world back from an occupying force one territory at a time, and amass resources to improve your base, research better technologies for your soldiers. One a tactical mission scale, you command a squad of 4 - 6 soldiers (you can mod this to be more) who consist of different classes, earn exp and rank up. There are multiple skills for each class to choose from, and a lot of items to equip them with.

If you're familiar Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within, then this game keeps all the good stuff about that game, and adds stuff to make it even better.

A lot of people are complaining about performance issues. The game is indeed not fully optimized, but will probably be patched soon enough. In general, I meet the system requirements, and even play on mac OS X. I have no issues so far.

A lot of the negative reviews seem to be due to people whinging about the turn timers. Please allow me to give you some context; The developers intentionally put this in to discourage a cowardly and tedious meta that was adopted by many players in the first game. In XCOM, you get to perform 2 actions per turn; you can move a certain distance twice, move and shoot, or move and use a skill. However, if you use your action to shoot, your turn ends (there are ways to change this by ranking soldiers of a certain class). There is a universal skill that all classes have called overwatch; it ends your turn and prepares your squad to shoot at any enemy that paths in sight during their turn.

Due to XCOM being somewhat challenging, many people decided to move half a turn, and overwatch every single turn across every map (maps in XCOM are rather large) because they didn't want their soldiers to die. The devs decided to upend this, and added turn timers to the second game.

HOWEVER, the turn timers are very lenient, you get plenty of turns to reach your objective safely (through your squad being concealed) and to complete it, kill enemies and evac the map with 2 or 3 turns to spare. There are also mods that allow you to tweak these (as XCOM 2 has complete mod support). The people whining about the turn timers are probably the people that I described above. Instead of actually altering the turn timers to be longer, or using the steam workshop mods that disable them completely, they just give a great game a negative review.

What do you feel is more tactical? Option A: Moving with stealth, setting up ambushes for enemy patrols, taking them out efficiently from a roof, blowing up the side of a building to reach your objective quick then evacing after a successful mission, or Option B: tediously moving half a turn and overwatching every turn against an enemy that isn't even actively looking for you in the first place? Yeah, I thought so. Anyone saying the timers remove the tactical layer of this game was never very good to begin with. Also, it doesnt make snipers useless. Fully upgraded snipers can take out multiple squads in a single turn if used correctly. Furthermore, on many missions, the turn timers deactivate after you complete the objective, leaving you with plenty of time to mop up remaining aliens for loot and exp. Many missions dont even have timers (campaign critical story mission, and alien retaliation missions.)

If your pc meets the minimum requirements for this game, and you are interested in this type of game then please try it out. If you dont like the timers, you can easily mod them. This game is incredibly challenging, and has many mechanics to learn, but once you master them, the game becomes very enjoyable and manageable. It also has infinite replay value (and is moddable to be even more infintely replayable)

Just don't listen to the whiners who are moaning because the devs decided that they didnt want people who wanted to cheese the game to be able to do so. Also, the people leaving bad reviews because they found the game too hard are a vocal minority who don't like learning too many things, or having open ended choice based game play that doesnt involve move to the arrow, now shoot that one guy, now move to the next arrow. Head over the XCOM subreddit to see how many people are having so much fun playing this. Other people don't seem to understand how probability works and that 90% is not the same as 100%. There is still a 10% chance to miss, but the majority of the time you will roll the 90%.

Yes the game is challenging and hard, but gives you every tool and opportunity to win.

Make up your own mind and don't listen to impatient self-entitled man children with the attention span of a gold fish.
Odesláno 10. února 2016. Naposledy upraveno 10. února 2016.
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10 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
183.2 hodin celkem (155.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game is really fun to play, even when you are learning and absorbing the mechanics. It's challenging, but fair, as once you figure out the classes and their associated mechanics, you can learn how to deal with the challenge better. The art style is beautful, and the narrator's voice is fantastic. The game creates a gloomy yet awesome atmosphere, and never stops being fun. I always find myself thinking, "...just one more dungeon and then I'm done..."

Due to the randomness, the depth and variety of classes, and the depth and variety of the RPG mechanics this game has massive replay value. This is worth your money. The developers of this game should get your money so they keep improving this game and making more.

If you don't like challenging games, or play AAA titles on the easiest difficulty setting just for the story, or feel this compulsive need to click on everything then I do not recommend this game for you. However, it is not as hard and tedious as some people like to say.

However, you should try it and make up your own mind.

EDIT: Both DLCs are worth it too. The Crimson Court adds new layers of complexity and resource management to the game, while the Shield Breaker is a cool character with a cool set of encounters.
Odesláno 28. ledna 2016. Naposledy upraveno 23. listopadu 2017.
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