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17 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 31.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 24.4 saat)
Loop Hero is a dungeon crawl/slugfest that has 4 progressively harder chapters each with a different end boss. There are 3 different classes, the fighter, rogue, and necromancer. The fighter is always available, the other two classes are unlocked as you grow your base (add more buildings to your initial campfire.)

In loop hero, you make expeditions to a random circuitous road. Each time around is one loop. You can stay as long as you like, but with each "loop" everything gets more difficult. Before each expedition, you can choose your class and the cards that will be active from your deck. However, with each expedition your gear is reset to the bare minimum. Initially, the road will be completely clear except for some slime monsters.

Combat is completely automated. You sit back and watch your character fight the various creatures. With every creature that you kill, it has a random chance to drop a deck card and/or some gear. Your only real choice during combat is to change equipment. You can actually equip an item that is dropped by monsters you kill as you fight the remaining monsters. (The battle is paused when you hover over gear to decide if you want to change it.)

The cards that drop allow you to build the environment around the road. You can add forests, meadows, mountains, and more. Each of which will spawn resources (like pebbles and twigs) for you to bring back as loot to your base/campfire. These resources in turn will build out your base and unlock new cards and character options. You can also add cemeteries, groves, and spider cocoons; These will increase the creatures on your road. Why? the more powerful creatures will drop better equipment than the slimes, and you will need better gear to beat the boss.

Everything has a consequence... Placing mountains and rocks will increase the max hp of your hero. However, for every 10 that you place, a goblin camp will appear next to your road. You can also place 9 of them together in a 3x3 area. This will transform into a mountain peak which will greatly increase you hp; however, every other day, a mountain peak will spawn a harpy which will fly to the road and attack you. Ultimately, every card you place will bring the chapter boss one step closer to appearing, so choose what to place wisely.

Cards interact with each other... Place a vampire mansion next to a village and the vampire will ransack it causing ghouls to spawn and attack you. However, after 3 loops this becomes beneficial as the villagers learn to like the vampire and will heal your hero (a lot) every time he passes through. rock and mountain tiles placed next to each other grant bigger hp bonuses then when they are isolated. River tiles double the benefits of other tiles. And these are just a few of the many interactions.

All this means is that Loop Hero is actually quite a complex strategy game with all the various options and interactions available to the player. I can go on and write an even larger book, but some things may be better enjoyed to learn on your own.

The only real progression made in the game is by bringing the resources back to your base between expeditions to use in making your base larger so that you can start each expedition with more perks and a great deck selection. Growing your base is the only way to survive later chapters; you will need to go on a few farming runs to gather resources. This leads to some repetitive grinding. It is not s horrific grind, but it does exist.

The game has a native linux build and it runs quite well. So far, the developer has been keeping on top of balancing and bug fixes (for all platforms.) The game is single player only so network play is not an option.

The game does use pixel graphics which may be a positive or negative depending on your POV. However, IMHO, the best aspect of this is that the developer not only allows you to change pixel fonts for smooth fonts, but even allows you to use a dyslexic-friendly font which makes the text even easier to read for people who have any type of eye problem.

Right now, I have roughly 25 hours in the game; I have defeated 2 of the 4 bosses and can survive multiple loops into chapter 3... not sure about that boss yet. And I know there are still things that I have yet to discover. In spite of the grindy aspect of the game, I do recommend it.
Yayınlanma 21 Mart 2021. Son düzenlenme 1 Aralık 2021.
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82 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 18.1 saat
Core Defense at its own core is a simple Tower Defense game. It alters the genre by adding a deck building aspect; you grow your base by picking the base pieces, guns, and upgrades from the semi-random cards you draw from the deck.

It is enjoyable and fairly easy to learn and play well especially it you are familiar with strategies of other Tower Defense games.

It also has a native linux port that is stable and runs fine too.

Normally, the above would get a positive reaction from me. However, they just released a paid DLC pack. This paid DLC has a bunch of features that many other Tower Defense games include as part of their base game. To me, this makes the game a big money grab and I can no longer recommend it.

Here are some of the things in the paid DLC. Decide for yourself and with your wallet if you think they should be part of the base game or not:
  • Wave preview: shows which mobs will spawn the next wave
  • Corner core: move the central core to the bottom left corner
  • Fragile: Don't let a single mob escape
  • Duality: two spawners, two cores
  • Chaos: random spawner locations
Finally, my favorite:
  • After beating overload 25, you can freely choose your primary color
Seriously, they allow me to change the game color, but only if I buy their DLC?!? If this isn't a money grab, I do not know what is.
Yayınlanma 20 Mart 2021. Son düzenlenme 20 Mart 2021.
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Bir geliştirici 21 Mar 2021 @ 4:37 tarihinde cevap verdi (cevabı görüntüle)
9 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 28.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 27.2 saat)
Kingdom Rush is a nifty tower defense game with some nice strategic elements. Kingdom Rush has been around for a few years and was recently upgraded for modern compatibility. There are 3 Kingdom Rush titles currently on PC and this is the first of the 3. (I own all 3.) Overall, this game (and the whole series) is quite enjoyable and well worth getting. The graphics are well done with a cartoon like quality.

As with all TD games, your goal is to prevent all the enemies from reaching the end of the path. In KR, you build towers in a limited amount of areas to the side of the path. Depending on the wave, you have 4 towers which can be upgraded 3 times each and a 4th upgrade (with 2 choices) can be performed which would create 8 specialist towers. (e.g. your 4 tower types are guard, magic, archery, and artillery. After you upgrade your archery tower to level 3, you have a choice to upgrade it to either a ranger tower or a marksmen tower which allows it to have special abilities.)

You also have 2 powers throughout the game, reinforcements and meteor swarm. Reinforcements spawns 2 conscripts (weak guard units) under the mouse pointer which aid in the defense of the path. The Meteor Swarm drops burning meteors on the enemy and when upgraded can leave a burning trail of lava for them to walk over.

After you complete 3 maps (and roughly 2 or 3 additional maps thereafter), a hero unit is unlocked. You can use the hero unit on any map from level 4 onward. (You can use later heroes on earlier maps than the one they are unlocked on, but you can not use any hero on the first 3 maps.) The first Kingdom Rush is different than the later titles in the series because any level progression on the hero is lost between games.

On each map, you gain 1 to 3 stars for completing it successfully. (with 3 stars being award if you do not lose any lives at all.) You can get 2 more stars on each map for completing two special challenges (usually without a certain tower type, or without heroes.) The stars allow you to unlock tower upgrades (as well as your reinforcement and meteor swarm powers.) You can reset and change your chosen upgrades at any time between games if you would like to maximize certain upgrades while changing strategies for any particular map.

There are also many hidden features on each map. For example, you can click on a sheep until it explodes, catch a fish, or even find bigfoot. Many of these hidden map items unlock various game achievements.

Despite Kingdom Rush being a mobile port it does not feel like one and there is no cash shop. All the heroes can be unlocked based on your progression across the maps, not any paywall. While I have been playing KR for a while now, it has always run flawlessly. (Currently using Linux Mint 20 but I have used older distros as well.) I have run it using both AMD and nVidia graphics cards.

This game is a must have for any fan of TD games.
Yayınlanma 8 Ağustos 2020.
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15 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 2.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.6 saat)
This game is a remake of the original arcade classic Missile Command from 1980. (The original is available in the Atari Vault collection on steam.)

This remake stays true to the classic in that you have 6 cities that you try to protect from obliteration by shooting defensive missiles from 3 bases at your enemies incoming missiles. The enemy also has smart bombs and bombers in addition to the normal missiles that are fired against your cities.

It is different from the original in that there are no longer any attack waves, once you start your cities are under a constant attack. There is also a new power up that can be shot in the game that can temporarily change the speed of gameplay, activate a shield above your cities, detonate a bomb destroying all incoming missiles across a majority of the screen, or create a chain event that destroys a certain amount of missiles one at a time.

This remake also has player upgrades. At the end of the game, you get upgrade points based on your score. You can use these points to increase the speed and power of your missiles, your missile reload speed, and the recharge rate.

As of the time of this writing, the game is single player only, and I highly doubt that multiplayer will ever be an option. The game, like many arcade classics, can become quite repetitive, but it is a nice game to play every now and then; maybe get a quick session in while waiting for something else. For the low price, I find the game is more than worth it and I reccomend it.

The game supports native linux and technically, I had no problems with it at all running on 2 different machines. Both PCs had Linux Mint 20; one with nvidia graphics (proprietary graphics driver) and the other computer with AMD graphics (using the noveau open source drivers.)
Yayınlanma 20 Temmuz 2020. Son düzenlenme 20 Temmuz 2020.
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10 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 11.7 saat
Psyonix has been bought by Epic

UE game engine is horrible

Because of how horrid it is, they just pulled support for Mac and Linux.

Due to EPICfail, expect steam support to be pulled next. And if you get left behind, all your DLC/Microtransaction are gone.
Yayınlanma 24 Ocak 2020.
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88 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 1,959.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 846.6 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
I received 7 days to die as part of a Humble Monthly subscription about a year ago. Initially I thought, big deal, another zombie game. I own many games due to buying bundles online over the last 10+ years and was about to let it fall into the huge pile of games not even played when a friend of mine convinced me to play a multiplayer co-op game with him and his wife.

I'm sure glad that I joined them for multiplayer... Now, I even play it solo when they are not online and 7 days to die has quickly grown to one of my favorite games of all time.

To me, playing 7 days to die is like playing a videogame version of "The Walking Dead." Not a simple adventure game (like the licensed version of the tv show) but a immersive first person shooter that is enjoyable for both solo and multiplayer games. (You can play multiplayer cooperatively or PVP)

In 7 days to die, you start naked on the side of the road. You must craft tools and weapons in order to survive. You need to scavenge items like food and ammo until you learn how to make them yourself. And every 7 days, you need to fight off the zombie horde bent on your destruction.

Initially, you will take over a nearby house and start barricading it for your own defense. You will look through all the cabinets and closets in order to find any material to help you out, from food and water, tools and raw materials, to guns and ammo. As time progresses, you will need to expand your scavenging efforts to other houses and nearby businesses in order to get the items you need to survive another day. As you progress, there will be more zombies and they will get more difficult.

You will need to build a base. While a wood or stone building may suffice for a few days, eventually it will have to be upgraded to concrete and steel. The zombie horde will grow so much that you will also need to add traps in order to supplant your personal firepower.

As your scavenging efforts loot the nearby area, you will have to build vehicles (bikes, motorcycles, 4x4's, and even a gyrocopter,) in order to gather the limited supply of resources from even further out.

There are also a few traders in the area. They can send you on quests to earn some money, and if you are lucky enough to survive, they can sell you items that you will need. However, if you have no money, they will have no mercy. (and they never help when the horde comes around... kicking you out of their compounds every night.)

Everything in the world can be destroyed. From a block of terrain to an entire building. Even if you do not destroy something, the zombies will in their quest to kill you... they will even knock down the largest skyscrapers (literally) just so that you die.

How long can you last?

7 days to die works well on linux and can be played cross platform(Linux, Mac, Windows.) However, the console version is older and can not be played with PC users. It is in early access now and is still being developed. There are occasional bugs and the dev teams does a good job with its stable public builds. On linux, there is a Vulkan build available even though it is not fully supported yet. I have had problems with the Vulkan random world generation, but otherwise it works on my computer quite well. (I had to use the openGL graphic drivers to create a new world, but then I was able to play it with the Vulkan drivers.)
Yayınlanma 27 Kasım 2019. Son düzenlenme 27 Kasım 2019.
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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 7.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.7 saat)
Sadly, this appears to be abandonware. The last developer comment I see in the discussions is from January 2018... nearly 2 years ago... and the game was released roughly 2.5 years ago. Not a good sign that they will ever be back.

One problem that I have is that the game refuses to even save my progress. The second time I played, I had to start from the beginning. After playing one wave, I exited out to the main menu and was not even able to continue from there. (so even it failed to let me continue even without exiting the game.) There are multiple discussions about this problem in the forum.

While I do enjoy some quality mobile games and ports, this is not one of them. The gameplay is quite basic and easy and I was able to get through the first area in less than 45 minutes of initial play time. (I think that was roughly 20% of the game, but not sure due to progress not being saved.)

Overall, despite being inexpensive, this game will likely disappoint anyone that buys it.
Yayınlanma 1 Kasım 2019. Son düzenlenme 1 Kasım 2019.
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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 12.6 saat
I remember when this title was announced and I first saw the trailer for this game. I thought it was great. It immediately went on my wishlist.

Then right before it was released, the details came out. Paradox was releasing multiple editions including a deluxe edition, founders edition, and also season passes. My reaction was that it was going to get the normal Paradox treatment of a bare bones game with tons of additional (and overpriced) DLC and I removed it from my list immediately.

Well, a little over a year later, and we have the steam summer sale. I notice that they are offering the game with all the existing DLC for roughly $20(US) I remembered how good the trailer looked and I take the plunge and buy it. Now, I know why the game was so inexpensive 1 year after release...

To put it bluntly, the game is BORING. Even with all the DLC... BORING... I honestly fell asleep on my computer during one of the tutorials. (no joke.)

I desperately wanted the game to get better and launched a sandbox map. I was able to build a dome, move in some colonists, have them research and mine rare minerals, the colonists even gave birth to a martian child. I launched ships back to earth and even deployed a space probe. It still bored me to the point that I could not even finish the game.

Even with fast forward on, your units move slower than molasses in a very cold January.

Technically the game runs well (even on linux) the graphics are nice, but the game play just is not compelling at all. It does seem to have a decent core game, but it is just slow paced and nothing really seems all that interesting.

Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to watch a couple of snails compete in a cross country race. (Much more fast paced and exciting.)
Yayınlanma 8 Ağustos 2019.
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9 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 61.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 49.0 saat)
I have been playing Mini Metro on and off now for over 3 years. It is a simple yet addicting puzzle game. Easy to learn and a great way to break up the day I even play it on my phone.

A game only takes a few minutes so it is easy to fit in a quick session during some down time. Overall, I find the game relaxing despite the occasional frustration when you get 5 circle stations in a row or your station overcrowds.

I highly recommend the game, it works well on both Linux and Android.
Yayınlanma 15 Temmuz 2019.
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12 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 55.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 54.8 saat)
Unlike other games from Winged Cloud, this one is not a visual novel; it is actually a decent RPG/Dungeon Crawl. The actual dungeon crawl can be slightly grindy at times, but it is fairly good in this respect and the grind is not bad at all. Yes, it does help that all the monsters in the dungeon are scantily clad anime females, but the game actually has a decent story. (The story will never win any notable literary awards, but it is interesting.)

For those that want it, there is an "Adult" patch that can be downloaded directly from Winged Cloud. As expected, it adds nude pictures and scenes to the content. However, if that is not your interest, the base game is an enjoyable RPG regardless of whether you apply the patch or not.

Obviously, if you can not overlook the inclusion of sexual content or even the perceived impression of it, this game is not for you. However, if you would like a light, entertaining RPG this is a good game and I recommend it for that reason. If you are only interested in applying the adult patch and "playing one-handed," I would suggest instead that you fire up the web browser and just surf to various websites, but, whatever floats your boat...

For the record, I have played the game exclusively under Linux Mint 19.x and it runs flawlessly in that environment.
Yayınlanma 14 Temmuz 2019. Son düzenlenme 15 Temmuz 2019.
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