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5.6 hrs last two weeks / 505.8 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 27 Jun, 2019 @ 4:22pm
Updated: 27 Jul, 2023 @ 11:22am

Early Access Review
first the most important part and that is optimization the game runs very smooth no problems there even in the most hectic scenarios. if you got a good squad with ppl actually talking its fun. even tho the game represents itself a bit wrong in the way of promoting it as a realistic game since it isnt really realistic appart from that ur 1 shot most of the time everything else is kinda unrealistic starting from the weapons a squad can use to functions that they offer and its ending by the tanks on the field. the dev said there going to work on being more historical accurate so i wont be too harsh on that but to say the least atm it plays like a slow Call of Duty just cuz of the fact that 90% of players are using fully automatic weapons which is NOT realistic at all. im really hoping to see improvement there also i hope they gonna remove the field artillery and instead give the engineer an option to build mortars those lack the large range but can be placed strategically giving it another layer of depht simple easy solution to all the problems the current way of artillery brings. a solution to said fully automatic problem would be to simply change the loadouts to only give it to like 3 maybe 4 classes. squadlead the mg and the 3rd would be automatic rifleman other than those classes shouldnt be using any automatic weaponary to make the game more realistic. also it would be nice to remove the stupid out of place leveling keep the player lvl if you need to but remove the class lvling already if ppl need such a cheap way to keep them entertained that only says the game itself is boring a game should entertain without using such cheap tricks and in a realistic and also competitive setting it shouldnt be a thing take notes from post scriptum in that regard.
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