Jude the dude (Komachi)
yeehaw chucklefuccs   Portland, Oregon, United States
Time in: around 11-12 or 2 PM PST/Varies

Time out: 4-5 AM PST/Varies

What's up guy's and gals i'm komachi! an easy going lad, the lord of the potato bits and friend! :candyman: but before you add me be sure to say in the comment's why!

random Bff's
Demented (Aka:Sans)<---- One of the Coolest guys I know of!
Bob ♥♥♥♥♥ <---- the definition of faggotory
Galli<----great artist, highly recommend you check her out and her work!
Zouar<----great guy to hang out with
Red winter<----a good long friend of mine
Zombie Girl<---crazy lovable friend
and everyone else! :sonata:

word's of wisdom: If you come across an electric fence don't p i ss on it!:papyruswacky:

My name is Genome soldier, and I like to S P E E N
Completionist Showcase
Hello and welcome to my profile!
Hey dudes i'm Komachi, an easy going guy and a fan of multiple things! Just a heads up I am in no interest in trading whatsoever, thanks!

General rule of thumb: If you added me just for trade, don't attempt it, I rarely do that, if this message somehow zooms past your head and you attempt to do so then you'll be followed with a immediate decline! Further attempts will result in a block, thank you.

Look this is a more than once scenario and I hate to state the obvious, but when i'm in a game I prefer nobody messages me unless i'm in the main menu or online. I'll get to it when I can but it gets very annoying over time the more you need a response and that spells one way to ruin it with me, so just be patient please.

Online:Feel free to hit me up with a chat! :os_niko:

Away:Im either doing something or fell asleep! possibility to message back but will take some time! :scx_friend:

Offline:Which means I logged off or I reset my computer!

Just three rules rule: Don't invite me to random groups and two, if you unfriend me PLEASE tell be before you do because sooner or later i'll know and feel like s h i t and that's no good for anyone, and finally and I can't say this enough, do so leave a message why you added me, otherwise high chances you won't be accepted!

I'm actually a kind and caring guy if you give me some time, yes I can be awkward at times but I'm actually quite friendly!

A little stuff about me:

I was born and raised in Portland, OR.
I've graduated from High School already

may I friend you?

Of course my friend I would be happy to just put a reason in the comments below because im not use to seeing random friend request's so if ya could put a comment why that would be great! Just make sure you put in a good reason!

What's TF2?

Well my friend, Team Fortress 2: AKA TF2 is an online multiplayer shoot em up game that has a ton of things in store for any and all! although it may take some time you could be good at a certain class that you just might not know about!

Do you have any favorite console games/consoles?

In fact I do, I have a ton of consoles from my early childhood like the N64 and gamecube!
Some of my favorite games i'll never forget are conkers bad fur day, super mario 64, metal arms glitch in the system, and most importantly! paper mario the thousand year door!

On a scale of one to ten how random are you?

....8.5! :em_anarchy:

Do you roleplay?

Yes I do in fact! if you ever wanna roleplay just hit me up but before we do so please be so kind and read my Character bio please!

This Thing Here! [pastebin.com]

Lil update on that: I got multiple characters so uhhh, yeah may need to ask about that!

Long time friends of a different variety:

:lucif4r:Emperor demented: One of my longtime and coolest friends I know of :lucif4r:

Bob:kinda a ♥♥♥♥ 24/7 never giving me a break with his bullcrap. And saltier than the dead sea might I say but none the less a long time friend :papyrus:

Dear Friends:
Jasper: A wonderful person with a rock hard personality! :hopeful:

Cupcake: One of my best and sweetest friends that I found I can say nothing can beat their kindness :os_niko:

Panda: One of the most funniest and sweetest people for me to come across, also my Australian twin!

:ccskull:♒ Eridan Ampora ♒: A really and I mean REALLY nice bro to hang out with!:ccskull:

:8bitheart:Ginger:One of the wackiest friends on the list.:8bitheart:

Dave:One of the coolest and chill friends I know of

Red:a cool guy to chill and play tf2 with

LittleMissGore: She's a radical person, don't know anyone else as chill as her! :pentatris:

and many more!
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