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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 197.8 hrs on record (92.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 Jan, 2019 @ 3:05pm
Updated: 21 Apr, 2020 @ 2:42pm

tl,dr: if you liked / loved dragon quest 8 or 9, this is a must buy. if you're new to the series, pick this one up.

its an even greater experience that does more than justice to all its predecessors. really, the only thing it kinda lacks is replayability, since you can't customize your party much. everybody has their class and the only thing you can change up is choosing different routes up the skill trees. but this is basically the way it was in 8, so most DQ fans shouldn't mind.

but still, what a beautiful game. mastercrafted experience (well, almost) from start to finish. really good pacing throughout the game, well written charming characters, satisfying time-tested gameplay and most importantly, a great story with a great ending. youre gonna get around 80hrs or more on a playthrough. there's a lot to do and experience even (though its only semi-open world). graphics look gorgeous too. it does have its flaws, but those are all pretty minor - and if you're looking for one of the best JRPG experiences of all time, this is it.
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