Fil   Florida, United States
Been a gamer pretty much my whole life. Started with the SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, XBox, the 360, and now I'm with the PC. Since getting the 360, I became somewhat of a competitive player. However, as the games keep coming out, I find myself becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the release of each new multiplayer game. It's gotten to the point where I no longer enjoy playing competitive multiplayer games. Instead, I now prefer to play Skyrim on my laptop. I'm a big fan of Skyrim. That's who I am as a gamer. I've also got a 3DS XL. I'll occasionally play Super Smash Bros.

I've since graduated from college with a degree in English - Writing Option, creative writing to be exact. I'm a big scifi fan, so I write a hella lot of scifi. On top of that, I'm currently working on three separate fan fictions; a continuation of the scifi show Stargate Universe, a continuation of the fantasy/adventure book series Inheritance Cycle(I'm putting a the scifi in adventure with this IC fan fiction), and a romance story based in the Elder Scrolls universe(set in Elsweyr during the Second Era, year 188). I've also written a Mass Effect romance one-shot, taking place on Earth two years after the events of ME3. So, as you can see, I love to write. Been writing since I was a little kid, thanks to my over active imagination.
But writing isn't all I do. I also love to go fishing(fly fishing for salmon preferably, but I love any type of fishing); I love to snowboard; I'm starting to like rock climbing; and I love photography(next to writing, photography is another big hobby of mine). Basically, I'm just your avergae Joe.

Unfortunately, I've since deleted my photo gallery on deviantart. Why? Because I am not a fan of how the site staff treat the overall artist community they've built up. Thus, I've moved off of dA. Will I ever post my photo's online? Maybe...maybe, we'll see.
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Alkoshs' Oasis
The Last Dragonguard meets Werecat
"Darkness. It shrouds those born into it, it gives meaning to their existence. I was born into this darkness that envelops my soul and my long dead heart. What else is there to say upon the matter, other than that the rest of the world sees me as an ancient threat, a slumbering bloodthirsty monster that only knows hunger?

Yet, instead of simply asking me of who I am, mortals simply attack me because of what I am. I mean them no harm, unless they are the scum of Nirn; bandits, lowlifes and those with corruption and greed within their hearts.

I am Werecat. Once one of the Beast Blood, I now walk this earth with no heart beating within my chest, with cold hands that can no longer feel the warmth of a lovers bossom and a despicable gnawing hunger that can never be sated. I am one who has endured through time, perhaps waiting for my own reckoning or for the end of the world."

The large hulking white Khajiit hopped down from the bookshelf with a heavy thud, his rugged heavy armor and large ebony waraxe clanking gently from the impact of his feet and the ground. Standing upright, he tossed his snow white long dreadlocks over his shoulders before setting his glowing yellow gaze upon her. He waved a hand dismissively, as if to swat at a fly, and the three male Khajiit thralls each sheathed their weapons to return to their duties around the Smuggler's Den.

"Now child, who are you and why have you come here to this...Den of mine?" the burly armored Khajiit vampire asked, folding his arms over his chest. "You have quite the confident air about you, lass...and the familiar scent of the sands of Elsweyr."

"That is because I have traveled here from the khaj of Senchal, wise one," Vriinja said as she bowed her head respectfully. She smirked softly as she turned her silver gaze back up to meet the vampire's glowing and rather hungry looking stare. "I believe you already know me, Werecat."

The ancient Khajiit's ears pricked forward and he gazed at her a little more intently this time, scrutinizing her carefully, "Do I?" His tail gently swayed behind him as he looked her up and down; her armor was...pristine, yet it was unlike any armor he had seen in over a millennia...then his gaze fell upon the sheathed sword hanging at her left hip, and his glowing eyes widened in surprise, "Magrus' Champion!" His arms unfolded and he clapped his hands together once as he peered at Vriinja with utmost interest, "Color me surprised, child! I had never expected to again see a face I had met centuries before! this truly fate at work?"

The three burly male Khajiit thralls all peered curiously at her, with one of them having taken quite the fancy in her as he gave her a sultry smirk when she glanced towards him.

She turned her silver eyes back at the ancient vampire, tail swishing behind her while smiling up respectfully at Werecat, "Vaba...perhaps. But, I am no undead like you. I was...flung here through the centuries unwillingly by that renrij of my crazed youngest Ji of mine." She folded her arms over her chestplate, leaning to one side to rest her weight on her left leg as she regarded the ancient Khajiit once more, "Somehow, he got his hands on an Elder Scroll...and now I am here."

He scratched his chin as he listened intenly, his tail swishing back and forth behind him in his notable interest, "Ahh, I see! The one I overheard the snake talking about when I wandered into his palace." He paused for a few moments, still rubbing his chin as he gazed upon the Dragonguard. He smirked softly and chuckled, "And here you are, still yet the last remaining Dragonguard in all of Tamriel. But! I know you have not come to me for idle chatter." He glanced to his left at the Khajiit sat upon one of the benches near the mouth of the cave, "Do'jandru...go and scout the area, make sure those guards to the north are not planning anything against us. Wouldn't want them to interrupt this meeting and disrupt our operation here."

The burly male Khajiit stood to his feet, shifting the stalhrim greatsword in its sheath upon his back and straightened his armor, "Aye, master. It will be done."

Vriinja eyed the male Khajiit as he strode passed her from behind and made his way up over the small hill beyond the horse and carriage. Her ears swiveled back slightly; even though the thrall still had that sultry personality of his...Werecat had him and the other two male Khajiit completely under control. And these three males were all very strong warriors...perhaps even far stronger than her. She knew from the moment she came across the encampment and laid eyes upon the three thralls that she was no match for even one of them.

She glanced sideways at the vampire, "He has quite the personality on him."

Werecat chuckled softly as he stepped forward and sat himself down at the table just at the edge of the shadow cast by the mouth of the cliff cave above. He weaved his fingers together and gazed up at Vriinja once more, eyes now regarding her not as prey...but as welcomed company. "He was no match for my spell, however. Neither were these two. But, I've whipped them all into shape; not even an army of those blasted elves who call themselves Thalmor can stand against these three."
He drew a deep breath and indicated for her to seat herself down at the table as well, "Now. What is this matter that you wish to discuss with me?"

Vriinja adjusted the skirt of her armor so that she could seat herself comfortably in the heavy armor. She rest her arms on the table and weaved her fingers together as she locked gazes with the ancient Khajiit vampire, "I am on a mission. The Dragonborn himself has asked that I track down any vampire I can to interrogate them about a...certain vampire."

His brow ridge raised in curiosity, "Hooo? The Dragonborn, you say? I've heard stories about that lizard...Ahkari has spoken highly of him. But...why do you need to know about a certain vampire?"
Vriinja's brows furrowed forward as her expression grew stern, "I'm sure you've already heard...the Emperor has been assassinated." The vampire's ears twitched slightly at that, but he seemed utterly unfazed, "And I know for a fact that the one that killed him was a vampire...a Khajiit vampire, of the Dark Brotherhood."

Werecat's ears pricked forward again and he gave her a curious look, "Oh? Another Khajiit vampire you say? Well then, now I know why you expect me to know who it is."

She nodded her head and leaned forward slightly, "And I want you to help me find her. The last I saw of her was when she jumped into the harbor at the Solitude docks. As one of the oldest vampire's in this land, you are likely to know many of the more prominent vampire's that have settled in these lands."

The ancient Khajiit chuckled softly as he gave her an amused and smug look, "What do I get out of it? And what makes you think I know where this assassin is?"

"For the very reason that a Jo redguard named Falion pointed me to you."

His ears pressed flat against his skull and he grimaced in displeasure, "That bloody wizard can never keep his mouth shut, can he?" Werecat closed his eyes and grumbled softly, "Very well. I don't know where this assassin is...but tracking a kindred spirit shouldn't be so difficult."

He opened his eyes, and Vriinja saw an intensity in that glowing stare that sent a shiver down her spine; may have welcomed her as company, but she could clearly tell that he saw her as nothing more than prey, as cattle. "But...what am I to get out of this, child? I doubt you are in favor with the whelp Balgruuf, as I would love for his guards to cease their meaningless plots against me."

(Steam cuts out the very last part to this little story snippet...if you're interested in reading the last bit, just message me.)
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EDIT: Just under 7 years...and I’m still playing this game. Still counting those hours baby! No matter how many hours you put into this game, there is ALWAYS something new to see and experience. Which is why even after just about 7 years, this is still my favorite game of all time. My love for this unconditional, unceasing, relentless and will never be extinguished. Steam doesn't show it, but I've no doubt got a total of 1000 hours put into this game, 300 of which were spent during my time playing on the 360.

It's funny how so many years of fun playing this game passed by way too fast.

I started playing Skyrim on the 360 back in the beginning of 2012, and it was by far the best game I'd ever played. The combination of the whole RPG element and the dynamics of the game, as well as the stunning and gorgeous scenery made me absolutely adore this game. I honestly can not get enough of Skyrim. There's ALWAYS something to do in Skyrim. Always. Well over 500 hrs and counting(that's including the hours I spent playing across thirty or more characters on the 360 version, and counting the hours I'm still playing on the PC version now)
Now that I've moved on to playing on the PC, Skyrim is much more fun than it was on the 360. Modding aside, I now have the ability to share my love of Skyrim's spectacular scenery through screenshots. Yes, I started with screenshots during my Halo 3 days 7 years ago, and I am still at it to this day. Just, now I've moved on to a much more fun game. Granted, there are bugs and glitches that I encountered during my two and a half years on the 360, but that's besides the point! On top of that, there's patches that fixes a majority of those bugs and glitches. Bugs and glitches aside, it's still a terrifically fun play.
What I loved about Skyrim the most is that you're always experiencing something new every time you play. No one encounter is the same as another encounter. It's ALWAYS different. On top of that, the makes for great role play with my characters, especially considering that I'm writing a lore-friendly fan-fiction(though, it's not another Skyrim story; it's based during the 2nd Era 188, in Elsweyr during the peak of Versidue-Shaie's reign). There's always a story to be had with each and every encounter in the game. Oh, and don't even get me started on the simple fun of hoarding valuable items. Buying out every merchant in Skyrim is just a bit of a novelty if you ask me. And then there's the whole collecting unique items aspect that you can do. It'd played on a single save on the 360 version for close to two and a half years. I'd found a majority of unique and named items, but I still hadn't found ALL of them.
Now that I'm on the PC, I get to enjoy Skyrim all over again. Skyrim is one of those games that...I feel you can never get tired of, simply because of how Skyrim's spawning system works. It's always a different experience, like I said before. That alone keeps the game entertaining because youll never know what you'll encounter every time you play the game. It can be a dragon attack one time, then a vampire or bandit raid the next. It's always something NEW and FRESH to keep the game unique. And that's just one of the aspects about this game that I truly love, next to the breathtaking scenery nearly everywhere you venture in the game.
Even after 3 years of playing...Skyrim is still my most favorite game of all time. This is definitely a game I would still recommend to anyone looking for an RPG packed with action and adventure.
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In this guide I will present you some useful commands to take advanced screenshots.
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Chaz 23 Dec, 2021 @ 11:09pm 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my dear friend. 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴𝒆𝓷𝓭.

(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸          
        ‵⁀) ✫ ✫ ✫.
          ☻/ღ˚ •。
          / \ ˚ 
Gengar 25 Dec, 2017 @ 11:26am 
В бокалах пенится вино,
Снежок искрится у порога.
Здоровье, радость пусть несет
Дорога будущего года!

С наступающим =)
Chaz 21 Dec, 2016 @ 8:00pm 
▅ ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ.★(░)★
╱▂▂▂▂▂▂╱╱▂◤◥▂╲╲    . ✰/███✰
▔▏▂┗┓▂▂▕░░░░░░░▕▔ㅤㅤㅤ .✰/████✰
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░▌┝┿┥┝┿┥▌░▌░░░░▍ ▌ .( • • ) ✰{██████}✰
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I ᴡɪsʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴇʀʀʏ Cʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs & A ℋappy 2017﹗๑۩
ρоѕιтяои_ 30 Mar, 2016 @ 4:29pm 
Thanks for the addition.:friendship: