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2 people found this review helpful
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4.1 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Only downloaded the game for the Black Hawk Down campaign, turns out, they failed to mention that it's not a single player campaign but a 4 player coop. Fine, those kind of games can be good but not in how they handled the A.I. They spawn right in front of you, or behind you or some don't do anything at all and just stand there or sit in a corner. The A.I are set to nightmare mode constantly as they will manage to already start shooting you before you turned the corner.

What grinds my gears is how the game does not know what it wants to be, realistic or arcade? Because the enemy acts like arcade enemies coming at you in waves, meanwhile when aiming you can't go faster than in snail speed, You are limited on bandages and ammo unless you take the support class.

The first mission is more than doable, but the second one, where you need to help with a convoy going through the town, is not doable at all. Whoever designed this mission does not know anything about creating a enjoyable mission. There is no difficulty to pick from as well.

For some reason, the microphone quality in the game is abysmal, you can barely understand what people are saying. If i could refund this game, i would.
Posted 22 February. Last edited 22 February.
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65.1 hrs on record (24.4 hrs at review time)
The game is just like KCD1, i get my butt handed to me in melee, archery, dice, potion making, talking. Love it!
Posted 6 February. Last edited 7 February.
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94.1 hrs on record (47.8 hrs at review time)
The game, when it works, it's fun, but most of the time, the game won't work, and this mostly comes down to server issues. Even with the lowest ping, the servers still have issues. Lag, connection issues where the server loses connection with you, and always when you are doing something important like doing supplies. Right now, i can't recommend this game.

edit: Im revisiting my review and stay with that i don't recommend this game especially with how the company complied with Russian hackers and banned the Russia/Ukraine Conflict mod. This is blatantly giving terrorists what they want.
Posted 19 January. Last edited 14 February.
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57.3 hrs on record (19.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I can still remember the controversy of when this game was announced in 2009, people were not happy to see this game, im happy to see it being picked up with another developer after it was cancelled, dropped again, and picked up again now in 2021.

The game still has some issues, as it's bare bones still, so people with bad reviews need to stop complaining about "almost no content!" Stop pretending to think you will get a fully released game on early access! Early access is meant for developers to get further funding for their game in heavy development while you get to play it, bugged and all.

The game is brutal, as it's mil-sim, it's realistic, you try and run and gun like its Battlefield/COD, you don't last long, clearing buildings brings anxiety because you dont know if they are waiting behind the door ready to shoot their weapons in it. You go in and nothing happens, you feel releived, and than when the first room is clear, the anxiety goes up again as they could be in the next one! Enemy A.I is very sneaky, they either hide in their room for you to come, or run out to rush you, or exit the building in the back and flank you from your sides. One thing that is noticed, is that sometimes they take too many shots, they also show no signs of getting injured, i know a human body can take many shots while another can die from a single one, but so far, they react to direct hits like it's nothing.

The game holds a few online coop mission so far, but this all plays out like Left 4 Dead and the Payday series, you play a mission together, and try it again later! The biggest difference to those other game series with SDIF, is that the area you start in, the buildings always change, that big building on your right you used to not get shot by that sniper in the previous mission, will be completely gone in the next attempt and all you get now are some ruins from bombed buildings, so you gotta find a new path!

The flashlights, are very low inside on really bright days, in noon/morning missions, they are somehow really bright inside. If they always were like that, it would be a much better experience. There are still bugs and other issues, but they are very likely to be fixed, we already had 2 patches in one week, so that is nice! Keeping my eye on this game to see what it will grow in to!
Posted 29 June, 2023. Last edited 29 June, 2023.
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50.7 hrs on record (27.2 hrs at review time)
Ever since reading the books as a kid and watching all the movies we HP fans were waiting for a HP game like this, the HP game based on the movies always were rushed and were missing things, and combat always was bad. But not in HL, combat is very satisfying! Graphics seem a bit outdated... So far i am having lots of fun with the game! flying around Hogwarts, seeing where some places are vs how they were in the movies, is very interesting to see. Hogwarts is mostly based on how it looks in the movies but also in the books. Like some of the classrooms are identical to the movie versions, but some rooms are more how they were described in the books.

One downside, and this is what i feared since the game was announced, is that the game uses Unreal Engine 4, a very unreliable engine that never got much love from its developer Epic, and it shows, even though i get near 60 fps, my videocard does not like the game, at all. While my CPU barely is being used. I hope this is fixed in the near future. Mods are also a reason why i bought the pc version, and there already are some around! This is why i love pc gaming!
Posted 12 February, 2023.
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179.2 hrs on record (50.8 hrs at review time)
After playing around with the sim for over a week, i will put my opinion in writing. i, luckily, so far had no issues with the launcher, downloading or crashes (knock on wood). After tweaking some of the graphic settings i managed to get a 40 fps in cities and 50 in open areas. Looking forward on how much they will optimize the game further.

Graphically, this game looks amazing compared on what we had before in simulators, at one moment i just sat there in the cockpit at the parking, listening and watching the rain storm outside. Even though the game holds the entire world, with thanks to Bing Maps, some area's in the world sadly don't have photogrammetry, so they look less appealing and have A.I auto generated buildings, but flying high in the sky, that doesn't bother me that much, it's a fly simulator after all, not a race game.

The sound is incredible, the cockpit creaks when rolling over the taxiway, engines roar in full throttle and a highway can be heard in the distance if you are in the external view.

Whats there to say about gameplay, its a flight simulator, you do what you want, want to do a long distance flight between Amsterdam and New York in a airliner? You do that! Wanna grab a small prop plane and just fly and soak in the view during sundown, you do that! If you are new to a flight simulator, there are simple tutorials for you to know the basics, if you want to do some missions, there are some nice Bush flights ready for you to play. Don't expect a career mode, maybe one day this will be added, we never know.

Various amount of planes can be found in the sim, from the legendary Cessna 172, to the Airbus A320neo, as expected, not all switches and buttons can be used in the cockpits, but still a good enough amount so you still can start your plane up by hand. Some things are still missing, like a de-ice windshield option, but for fully working cockpits, we have to wait for study level planes from third part developers who are already busy with creating them!

Yes, the sim so far is great, but there are some negatives, the ATC is sadly still not a improvement from FSX, the same old bug that ATC does not work on smaller airports is still there and kills the immersion when taking off from those airports, sometimes you dont hear them talking and just hear a static noise, some say this is due to the Microsoft servers just receiving too much traffic.

There also seems to be a sensitivity issue when it comes to joysticks. Terrain issues are also present, like a giant tower of houses, or lakes having height issues so they go 200 meters into the air, but this is nothing that cant be fixed in the future. Not all airports are there (yet) sadly, i did a trip around the world a few years ago and stopped at a small airstrip north in Canada, i wanted to continue from this airport, but i only found a empty field shaped in the way of a runway. Also some airports have trees right in front of them, making landing difficult.

Performance wise you need a heavy pc, while my videocard is utilized for 80%, my CPU is barely over 20%, so lets hope this changes in the future.

So far the future of MSFS2020 looks bright, the game still has its rough edges, but if they can fix most of the issues, the king of flight sims, will be back on top!
Posted 9 September, 2020. Last edited 9 September, 2020.
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90.5 hrs on record (48.8 hrs at review time)
Game has potentional, the community has not. The community is the most toxic community i have seen in a long long time. This is Microsoft COD days bad. Expect racism, grievers, tkers, and more kind of people who just wanna ruin the fun for you in this game. Maybe i will recommend this game if these people get bored with this game in a few months and move to the next game to troll around in.

Oh yeah, did it mention it has no anti cheat program? Yeah, also no admins in the official servers. Good luck as the developers don't care at all about what happens in the community, people complain about the blatant racism in the servers on the main forum, people there actually defend it cause according to their small brains, racism falls under "free speech".
Posted 19 May, 2019. Last edited 14 June, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
15.4 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have been trying to play the game for four days, but there are just too many bugs and crashes to call this a playable version of the game, i know they are working on it, but after trying to finish the same mission for 4 days in a row, i give up. Don't spend you money yet, wait until they fix the biggest issues first.
Posted 4 May, 2019.
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A developer has responded on 5 May, 2019 @ 2:10am (view response)
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2,168.1 hrs on record (160.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game has come a long way since early access release, it's still in it's small niche corner of the videogame community, so people can't expect thousands of players, but the player base has seen some growth, now 400 player size servers are being tested!
Posted 7 December, 2018. Last edited 15 March, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 14 Dec, 2020 @ 4:27am (view response)
1 person found this review helpful
455.8 hrs on record (179.1 hrs at review time)
After coming back to the game for Chapter 3 that looked promising, i was met with disappointment, the same glaring issue are present, still poor performance on some maps, and the game just doesn't look good, everything looks too clean. But it's still the same as a year ago, expect almost no teamwork and one side dominating the other side. Utah Beach is so one sided i never see a more one sided map before. You will get killed before you even left the Higgins boat. I lost complete faith in these developers as i see nothing changed, it's still the same buggy mess as a year ago.
Posted 9 August, 2018. Last edited 27 April, 2020.
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