Golden Grandpah
What Can I Accomplish Today?   Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Did you come to my profile to leave a comment and cry because I kicked your butt in a recent game? We know you’re a kid because you’re crying! Maybe I called you a kid and you got upset. Well, you being pissed off about me calling you a kid, tells us all that you are still a kid. Your life should be filled with positive energy, instead of always complaining. Getting nothing done because complaining solves nothing when there is always a solution.

I go by many names, but most know me as Sawkilla =GNS= (Genome Soldiers) from Delta Force.

The original members of Genome Soldiers, AKA, =GNS=, won over 12 major championships during our reign. We were the best players 25+ years ago, and some of us, like myself, went on to become the most feared players in the world.

Each GNS member was a top solo player, but together, we were unstoppable, even going some seasons undefeated!

Some members of =GNS=, including myself, are responsible for what E-Sports and pro gaming are today. We started getting real gamers sponsored by big names like Activision, AMD, NVidia, and Cellular One (not around anymore, that’s how old I am).

We helped create pro leagues, set up, and coordinate LAN tournaments (now known as E-Sports tournaments) for places like MLG (Major League Gaming). I became a recruiter, director, and rule creator, helping to shape the rules and structure of E-Sports as we know it. I am proud to be one of the grandfathers of E-Sports gaming.

I want to thank all the members of Genome Soldiers who helped me become the best player I could be. We kicked a lot of ass together! I miss you all!
Deathmatch and Capture the Flag were fun, but those King of The Hill tourneys were hell and I loved every minute of it!

Check out my new YouTube channel:

Current PC Specs: WAY Better Than Yours!!!

Enjoy your day!
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MLG - Where Gamers Are Made
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Review Showcase
2.6 Hours played
I bought wreckfest 1 in EA. It was a sandbox game at best with 2 cars and 3 tracks I think. But months later and even a year or so later in evolved into this amazing game.

Wreckfest 2 already shows us all the new trick obstacles. demolition derby is so fast and chaotic that you cant stop laughing the whole time.

This game has potential to be legendary in any race category. Guts, Grits, and BOOM, you're in a TREE LMAO.

Im a supporter because I know this team is dedicated and only released it early because of us die hard fans of wreckfest 1.

We remember those rewards we got for EA too, hint hint. Crap load of money and access to the full game.

Recommend this all day long! It's not just a great game. It's legendary!
Awards Showcase
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Awards Given
Sawkilla: Professional Gamer, Merc, & Coach
:boobunnyplague:Be the better person and be you! Be original.:ggeftp:
Be real. Who are they to judge you?
Stop fighting for what you don't have in life. And start enjoying what you do have in your life. You'll never truly be happy chasing what you don't have.

My one and only meaning to this life is - "life itself". You cannot and will not ever take that from me. If you try to take the life away from anyone - the universe will deliver karma of your actions:emofdr:

You only live once; Enjoy it! Go see the world. It's a BEAUTIFUL place! :BL3Thumbsup:
Life is amazing and precious. Don't mess with someone else's life. Worry about your own life. Live your life to the fullest and help others. If you're not giving, you're taking. The more you give will come back to you tenfold.:emofdr:

The real way to change the world for the better; Is to change your world first. And the world around you - is the world that you took years to create around you. It didn't happen overnight. Therefore, you can only blame yourself for your failures or successes in life.

Your success in life is measured by your faith and desire to do what you love. Your Passion should be your driving force in life. Follow that up with "Persistence" and "Will" and you'll be set for life. Successful thinking is the fastway to riches in life. Money will always follow if you're doing what you love and what you're passionate about in life.:RedStar:

The universe wants us all to be rich and successful. Do what you love most for a living. Your motivation and future is much "more definite" if you're doing what you love for work. By doing what you love, you'll be doing your best without floating along.

Live in the moment. The universe will never punish you for your past. But the universe will always give you what you repeatedly ask for in life.

If you repeatedly rip people off - The universe will think that is what you want and your life will revolve around people just like you. Ripping each other off for a living. The universe will give you what your thoughts and energy tells it. That's why positive people are usually on top when the game of life is over. :Fistofdosh:

Clear your mind of phantom fears. Let go of material things and live life to it's fullest potential.:nisha:
Do your very best at everything you do in life.
Blaming others for your downfalls in life solves nothing for you. :BL3Thumbsdown:

There is a reason only positive people succeed in life. Energy is real. It runs the universe. Your thoughts give off negative or positive energy. Your repetitive and persistent energy tells the universe what you want. Good or Bad. And the universe ALWAYS delivers:ggeftp:

You control the level of success you accomplish in life. You are in control of your mind. The most powerful tool in the universe is your mind and thoughts. Successful people use the laws of the universe and their thoughts, coming in to reality, to stay successful.

Good people may come in last; for this moment in time - but they ALWAYS win in the end! ALWAYS!:checkeredflag:

Find your purpose in this life and chase it down until you succeed! Never, ever, give up on your dreams. Don't listen to other people if they bring negative remarks or energy. You are in charge of your own life! It's your choice to do what you want in life. Not theirs!:emofdr:

I've recently reached and had Contact with Infinite Intelligence through Free-Flow Visualization. My creative visual process that I've received from the universe has made my life amazing.
I recommend you finding that positive energy from the infinite intelligence of the universe if you want to succeed in life.

Drive your own mind till you succeed at your passion in life.
Conscious Awareness is the key to your success in life as well. Are you going to take the wheel and steer your own life? It's your turn to love, care, and be passionate. It's your turn to succeed in life!

The universe always gives you what you repeatedly ask for in life. Open your eyes and see the real world. Ask the universe for what you desire in life. Follow the path of positive energy. For it is the positive energy that will make you successful, happy, and rich.

Don't wait for happiness to happen. Don't wait for something to happen in your life - to make you be happy. Happiness is a state of mind. It's your choice and only YOU are in control of that. Nothing will ever happen in your life to suddenly make you happy.

Make the best of everything in your life. Even when things go bad. Change is good. Always be grateful in life for the things and people that are in your life currently. For the loser is always the one chasing things and people they don't have in their life.
That life and way of thinking is the fastest way into unhappiness for the rest of your life. Because you will never be happy or grateful for what you have in your life.

Don't follow or give off negative energy.

Look around you. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Do you surround yourself with good people or losers? That's who you are to the universe. You created the lifestyle that imprisons yourself by keeping those people in your life. Enjoy your Karma Mean People.

A man like me, could do his very best to show you the real world. A peaceful, loving, beautiful, caring, world.
But you are too blinded by your own needs - To ever care about another person like a real human being.
You are only thinking about yourself in every situation. Always taking, never giving. Showing the universe over and over that you are meaningless and not needed around anymore.

If you unfortunately put yourself in this path of destruction, expect to never succeed. Not until you admit to everyone in your life and the universe that you did those terrible things. So you can finally move on and be successful like your peers. Instead of hiding lie after lie - Dragging you farther and farther down a path of failure.

Negative energy created someone like you.
And it's not your fault. Your parents taught you how to abuse negative energy and emotions. "But it's your fault you are not re-teaching yourself positive energy and emotions."

Remember, it's up to YOU and ONLY YOU to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Nobody else can make you change. Nothing else will come around to make you change. Nothing in your life needs change or arrive to make you change. You are in control of your mind. WAKE UP!

So, in the most positive way possible, I want to say - To all the liars and cheaters in this world. Good always prevails!!! Evil people die young, while good people live to free the day. I've seen it my whole life. Good people are the ones changing the world for the better. If you are against that, you're only making a world a crappier place to live for yourself. You're just letting all the negative energy turn you into an evil person. Good luck with that. It's not normal.

But, what is normal is - you are original, you are someone's number 1. You are worth saving, you can love, you can care for someone else, that's what this universe needs. Nobody can take that from you, or anyone! But you can't lie to yourself, - So, Are you really living up to that expectation? I bet not! You can always do better. But will you?

Only people as good as me are capable of that. Do you think a dying rose who screwed over everyone in their path is capable of that? The only way to know; is by telling everyone the truth to everyone you told lies to - Even the daughter or grandmother. They both already know in their hearts. Everyone knows the truth except the dying rose. SAD.

Live everyday to be grateful for everyone in your life, even to be grateful for waking up today.

Life is amazing! You are amazing!
LOL, kids are always cheating. Kids use their low level account because - their main account is always VAC Banned. I prob got your main banned because you cheated on it. Get banned kid!

And on that note: I have to say - I love playing Vs. cheaters online - It's the best practice. It literally makes you the best player you can be for LAN tournaments. Like Major League baseball players who use weights on the bat for practice - I use cheaters who are always playing here on steam. It's one way I've handled Valve not fixing VAC; And turned it to my favor.

That's why I'm unstoppable at all the E-Sports tourneys. Because I'm used to beating all you cheating kids here on steam. Come to the next E-Sports tourney here in Boston - so I can show you a real top 10 ranked player. Not some kid that only plays CSGO.
I'm talking, real professionals, that can play the hell out of any game thrown our way for a tournament.

I'm a god at all the E-Sports tourneys because of cheating kids like you. You made me popular and rich at the same time. Thank you kids!

If you only learned how to play the game, instead of cheating all the time - you could be just like me. But instead, you want to keep on cheating and getting nothing but game bans out of it.

Currently, I'm always ranked top 10th in the world listings here in Boston. I attribute my skills from playing Vs. all you cheating kids online. Thank you:)

LOL cheating kids online make me laugh. Thank you for making me a better player and ruling E-Sports tourneys here in Boston. I'm famous here because of you cheating kids. I can't thank you enough. :BL3Thumbsup:
Review Showcase
43 Hours played
Pretty cool 3rd person shooter. Id recommend it if you buy it for under 10 bucks. Prob the best 3rd person multiplayer shooter ever. Total classic from the start. Recommend to all!
Favorite Game
Hours played
Screenshot Showcase
Back to back 50+ Point half games in a row to start the day off. PART 2
Video Showcase
Sawkilla Over 100 Points. Professional CSGO Negev Player
Screenshot Showcase
84,000 kills on the New Negev. All competitive or ESEA kills:)
Recent Activity
29 hrs on record
last played on 28 Mar
7,140 hrs on record
last played on 28 Mar
2.4 hrs on record
last played on 27 Mar
Trippy 24 Mar @ 12:53pm 
typ3o | TWITCH💙 22 Mar @ 12:15pm 
Golden Grandpah 20 Mar @ 3:26pm 
Wreckfest 2 is setting itself up to be an amazing game kids. Support the game and buy in now for 4 cars and 4 tracks in sandbox mode. Or pay a little more later and get an amazing game. Either way. Don't miss out:BL3Thumbsup:
Golden Grandpah 20 Mar @ 4:08am 
Wreckfest 2 comes out today kids!!! It's here finally!! :BL3Thumbsup:
Golden Grandpah 13 Mar @ 10:21pm 
Holy poop! It's that time of the year to reign down on to the enemy with the 200 bullets tourney! Only, this year it will rightfully be called the 150 bullets tourney for CS2. The date will be April 12th. To get more information on how to compete, contact the tournament through your management or your sponsor. I'm sorry, but this year is for sponsored teams only. We will have public events in our dates soon. Have an amazing day!:BL3Thumbsup:
pobb 13 Mar @ 9:53pm 