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Julkaistu: 24.6.2023 klo 23.24
Tuote saatu ilmaiseksi

Early Access -arvostelu
Disclosure: I tested this game before early access opened and am friends with people who work on it.

This game set out to do something ambitious and seems to have pulled it off, despite being early access. One of the coolest technologies in this game is the procedurally generated maps. This means that no two missions are ever the same, even if it’s the same objective. The difficulty is very high, brutal even, but that matches with what was said in the documentary style interviews in the cut-scenes. The events this game is based on were brutal. One of the interviewees said that the first guy when breaching a building always went in thinking they would probably die. The game captures that feeling, without being fully realistic (you can get shot a little, take cover, and recover). Success requires tactics, a cool head, and communication. They made sure their in-game audio works well because communication is so essential. I usually don’t find very difficult games fun and engaging, but I found this addictive and kept playing. Maybe it’s the quick mission style or maybe that it is trying to simulate some of the experience marines went through in one of the bloodiest battles in recent history, either way, this game has drawn me in despite its high difficulty.

This game has its flaws, but it is early access. The UI has it's flaws and there are some other bugs. The developers seem happy and eager to find and fix any bugs players find. Overall, this game is worth it!
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