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Posted: 17 Jul, 2024 @ 9:52am

Can't fill up the water bag so I am always thirsty
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xaviersxmen 24 Feb @ 7:15pm 
Well if it was really a game problem more people would have it. You are just not doing something right I guess.
RyoujiDESU 24 Feb @ 7:07pm 
doesn't work. already deep and it doesn't fill up
xaviersxmen 24 Feb @ 5:51am 
In ark games you go to water and point and look down at water and use the drink button it drinks and fills bag while holding bag.
RyoujiDESU 24 Feb @ 5:48am 
Nah it is not working, Buggy mess of a game
xaviersxmen 25 Jul, 2024 @ 11:35pm 
Sounds like a you problem not a game problem.