Goodbye night city.
toyota 3 月 7 日 下午 1:00 
They cant go back to their homes since almost a year now, some of them more, their families are still there getting bombed every day, no electricity for most of the day, and you people are crying because they didnt want to shake hands with a team sponsored by the country causing this misery in the first place? Biggest snowflakes I’ve ever seen. Gamer Legion reacted properly and removed the sponsor. Next time they will get their handshakes. But seems like to them it wasnt as big of a deal as it was for hltv commenters
toyota 2024 年 8 月 28 日 下午 11:27 
I need a fresh start. I'm a single 28 year old man. Prior military service. Ever scince I got out my life has been down hill. Looking for small city. That is affordable to live in.. I currently adverage 40- 50 k in my current job. But I am sick of the town I currently live in because it's turned into a retirement town.. I'm looking for a small elderly population,and the population to be 99% white.. I'm not racist. I just don't like crime.
toyota 2024 年 3 月 27 日 下午 1:38 
Two weeks ago my 5 man team all committed to practicing semen retention for a whole month. If you look it up online some benefits include greater focus, clarity, higher testosterone levels, etc. Our goal was to see whether it would improve our aim in a noticeable way.

Two weeks in and we are absolutely dominating the Premier competition. We are climbing the elo ladder and barely dropping any games. The difference has been insane and some of us are even considering going full celibate. Funnily enough though, our one teammate sadly gave in and busted a nut a few days ago and he is now noticeably bottom fragging nearly every game. If he continues not to be able to contain his urge we will have to remove him and find a 5th who is willing to.

Anyways I will make a comment in two weeks to let you guys know where we end up if we end up not busting before then. We will do a aim trainer test as well to show our progress from the beginning of this process to the end.
toyota 2024 年 2 月 22 日 上午 9:07 
thanks for the warning!
rozolsky 2024 年 2 月 22 日 上午 6:57 
account got hacked, dont open the links i've send you :steamsad:
yasha 2023 年 9 月 1 日 下午 1:51 