2 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 836.7 hrs on record (774.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Nov, 2018 @ 11:23am
Updated: 4 Jan, 2019 @ 8:38pm

Early Access Review
There has literally been 0 progress on the game for months, if you don't include the small bug fixes. There has been endless promise of humans, mercenaries, tribals, new mechanics, and new dinosaurs for MONTHS, and they're still not here.

The gameplay is the same as it has been for two years. Survival and progression is the same crap. Both survival and progression force you to play for 8+ hours to reach adult (survival) or to unlock the dino you want (progression). This would be fine if the game wasn't so incredibly BORING. All you do is track down food/water in an empty and ridiculously large map. You'll be lucky NOT to die by another dinosaur or, more likely, by starvation or dehydration. It's endless walking until you finally find food/water.

When you do find food/water, you can just sit AFK in a bush nearby for 2 hours at a time between eating/drinking because exploring is too risky. By exploring, you risk dying by other dinosaurs, risk getting lost and losing ALL of your food, or you risk falling off a cliff since the maps are incredibly mountainous and a pain in the rear to navigate. There's no map, no nothing.

This game is SO BORING. I regret having spent over 700 hours on this game WAITING FOR MEANINGFUL PROGRESS and getting nothing. The Isle is the WORST game I've ever had the chance to spend my precious 20 bucks on. With the state of the game right now, spend your 20 bucks on something else. This game has gotten progressively worse since I've bought it around 2 years ago.
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rolo 28 Oct, 2024 @ 11:49pm 
I still hate this game more than 5 years later.
Dinoboy12218 6 Jan, 2019 @ 9:37am 
Agreed this game has been the same bland,boring game for such a long time.
Jack Mills 27 Nov, 2018 @ 6:34am 
Understandable. The gameplay needs major updates.