A Large Sack Of Meat
John Riordan   New Jersey, United States
"We are here because all of our ancestors got hella laid."

- Me
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I should be in jail for vehicular manslaughter.

Favorite Game
Purplax 4 Jul, 2021 @ 5:49pm 
Hello meat son ;)
A Large Sack Of Meat 22 May, 2018 @ 11:02am 
@Xx-~<({[4_L0N31Y_B4N4N4]})>~-xX HeCk OfF mAnG, i SwEaR oN mE mUm
Xx-~<({[4_L0N31Y_B4N4N4]})>~-xX 9 Jan, 2017 @ 6:05pm 
what did you just friggen say to me? your lucky im not next to you, cuz i would beat you the FRICK UP! poopface, my big brother lifts 30lbs weigts, and hes going to the armie soon, so if u wanna come to my house, go ahead. kid... u really taught u could kill me in minecraft? ill kill u in pvp anyday. u vs me, u can use diamond armour and i can use iron armour, and i will STILL win u! oh and by the way, you fridging butthead, i have 3 minecraft gfs, and we have hot cybar sex everyday, while u have smex with a pig! did i say pig, i meant your friggen mommy, hahaha bye loser, nothing personnel :slimehappy: