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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.9 hrs on record
Posted: 16 May, 2023 @ 8:08pm

lots of bugs and un-fair gameplay.

Feels Like i am playing with a broken scripted game, half the time I just watching AI break... floating guns, flying sheep, cars blow up once you get in them. guns run out of ammo right away, I shot guy #1 with a pistol emptying my hole magazine and run out on guy #2, forced to Sheath and take-downs. on deaths the game place you in the air dropping you to ur death. you have to "ESC" to open crafting and skill only to be spammed with Farcry 3 server being offline when everytime they ask me to log in when lunching the game mat with bad menu controls in-game. what made me mad must of all was after 3 hours my save slots was just GONE.
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