Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
Feel like your life is in a downward slump?

Is being in your mind like walking a mental tightrope?

Let me push you off...

a minute in your head is an hour of agony but a year of your life is worth one second

no one would remember u even if u killed a hundred people they would just rmember you as that crazy guy who shot all those peopel they would struggle to remember yr name after 3 weeks
not even the families of yr victims would remember yr full name right away and when they did they would prob proinounce it wrong or remember u as having red hair or blonde hair when yr hair is light brown tjhe victims familiies would have a easier time forgiving and moveing on just bc u are so ultimately forgettable even chinese facial recognition software has a hard time picking u out of a crowd/. u are the color grey. actually, i wouldnt even go that far. what were we talkimng about again ? :steamsalty:
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Completionist Showcase
Dr Rayleigh 16 Jan, 2024 @ 9:24pm 
The Scrap Master
Nemmers 20 Sep, 2021 @ 6:38am 
We live in clown world :winter2019happydog: