arti   Kuwait
"You hear about the Chinese godfather? He made them an offer they couldn't understand." -Junior
"I wanna f u c k Angie Dickinson, see who gets lucky first" -Junior
"I gave my life to my children on a silver platter" -Livia
"Oh, I wish the lord would take me" -Livia
"Kid was always a dumb f u c k though wasn't he? Didn't he almost drown in 3 inches of water?" -Junior
"What are you gonna do? He's part of a whole generation. Remember the crazy hair? And the dope? Now it's f a g s I'm the military" -Junior
"What I tell you? Hold on to your c o c k when negotiating with those desert people" -Junior
"Whatever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type." -T
"Just when I thought I was out... They pull me back in" -Sil
"Louis Brasi sleeps with the fishes" -Chrissy
"You're always with the babies out the windows" -T
"To the victor, belongs the spoils" -Bobby
"Veal parmesan sandwich..? F u c k you" -Richie
"C h i n k s did this?" -Chrissy
"How long did it take for the guy to c u m? heh heh" -Paulie
"You got a problem besides those f u c k i n pants?" -T
"Want to be a better gang leader? Read the art of war by Sun Tzu" -Melfi
"Mother of Christ, is this a woman thing? You ask me how I'm feeling, I tell you how I'm feeling, and now you're going to torture me with it?" -T
"It's the jackeeeet!" -Richie
"Swingers? He can suck my d i c k that swings too" -Chrissy
"The heat would've been the first thing you noticed. Hell is hot, that's never been disputed by anybody" -Paulie
"You add up all your mortal sins and multiply that number by 50, then you add up all your venial sins and multiply that by 25. You add em all together, and that's your sentence. I figure I have to do 6000 years before I get accepted into heaven. And 6000 years is nothing in eternity terms, I can do that standing on my head. It's like a couple a' days here" - Paulie
"This is the FBI Ton. Local cops, you buy them a Christmas tree they'll give you their grandmother. But you know how tight these fed c o c k s u c k e r s can keep it" -Paulie
"Did she say she was knocked up? Ah f u c k, I turn my head one second and they slip one in on ya. She's a puttan,a this one. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ an arson investigator last week" -Junior
"ON THE FRIDGE, ON THE FRIDGE. OH I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT. BUT YOUU HAD TO BE THE BIG MAAN" -wife of a flag salutin' m o t h e r f u c k e r
"The feds are a business Anthony. Millions of tax dollars invested in watching your a s s. Sooner or later, just like you, they're gonna wanna return on that investment" -T's lawyer
"I'm not a cat, I don't s h i t in a box" -Junior
"2 weeks ago, I though RICO was a relative of his" -Dr. Melfi
"Great a s s. Jesus... Talked too much but what a piece she was. Game as they come" -Junior
"Of course I heard, I don't live in Oshkosh" -Junior
"He's got tremendous moxie for his size" -Junior
"I'm in awe of you" -Bobby
"I generally don't think, there's anything to gain by keepin' him around" -Sil
"We buried him, on a hill, overlooking a river, with pine cones all around" -T
"Well, I got p u s s y on the brain. Always do" -T
"They say, there's no two people on earth exactly the same. No two faces, no two sets of fingerprints. But do they know that for sure? Because they would have to get everybody to gather in one huge space, heh, and obviously that's not possible, even with computers. But not only that, they'd have to get all the people who ever lived, not just the ones now. So they got no proof, they got nothin'" -Chrissy
"If you're gonna lie to me, tell me there's a broad
in the car that wants to tongue my balls" -Junior
"Let's whack this c o c k s u c k e r and be done with it" -Paulie
"Don't waste anoda second on that rat f u c k, Ton. I'd kill him again if I could" -Paulie
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"The BOSS of this family TOLD YOU you're gonna be Santa Claus, you're Santa Claus. So shut the f u c k up about it" -Paulie
"Stop with the pots and pans" -T
"I loved that c o c k s u c k e r like a brother. And he f u c k e d me in the ass" -Paulie
"In the end, f u c k Santa Claus" -Paulie
"You're not gonna believe this, he killed 16 Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator" -Paulie
"His house looked like s h i t" -Chrissy
"Tomorrow I can be on time, but you'll be stupid forever" -Ralphie
"Hooo, it's the girls from Icelandic Air!" -Chrissy
"A don doesn't wear shorts" -Carmine
"Is that him?! With the sombrero on??" -Chrissy
"It's got more carats than Bugs Bunny" -Chrissy
"You're on ziti patrol too? Ro's got Thursdays" -Ralphie
"He was gay, Gary Cooper?" -Chrissy
"Oh, speaking of 98 pounds. I hear Ginny Sac's getting a 95-pound mole taken off her ass!" -Ralphie
"She's so fat, she goes camping, the bears have to hide their food" -Paulie
"Two guys can f u c k her at the same time, and still never meet" -Gigi
"F u c k e d up thing is I don't even like Ralph. If he were drowning, I'd throw him a cinder block" -T
"That one's a slippery f u c k, huh? Him and those big fish lips of his?" -Junior
"Look at this, the 5th question and the poor prick used all his lifelines" -Junior
"I don't understand, when I was a kid, you two were old ladies. Now I'm old, and you two are still old" -Paulie
"Holy cow! So there's an origin for everything" -Patsy
"This is Xanadu compared to that court room" -Junior
"You want me to f u c k off? How about I f u c k off all over your stupid f u c k i n g face?!" -Feech
"Here Ma, rest those dogs" -Paulie
"How about this humidity?" -Shah of Iran
"He never had the makings of a varsity athlete" -Junior
"Make sure you form a seal when you shut that freezer door" -Junior
"It's all over anyhow..." -Junior
"The point I'm trying to illustrate is that, of course no one wants all-out conflict. But historically, historical changes have come out of war" -Little Carmine
"The fundamental question is: Will I be as effective as a boss like my dad was? And I will be. Even more so. But until I am... It's gonna be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective" -Little Carmine
"The only thing you have anything is because of my f u c k i n gsweat. And you knew every step of the way exactly how it works. But you walk around in that f u c k i n g mansion, in your $500 shoes and diamond rings. And you act like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth. And you don't want it to get ugly? Too late." -T
"That's the guy, Adriana. My uncle Tony. The guy I'm going to hell for" -Chrissy
"All due respect, you got no f u c k i n g idea what it's like to be number 1. Every decision you make, affects every facet of every other f u c k i n g thing. It's too much to deal with almost. And in the end, you're completely alone with it all" -T
"I had a bananer in there!" -Uncle Jun
"Spring time. Pollen's outta control" -Sil
"Only to have that mother f u c k i n g animal, Blundetto..." - Shah of Iran
"OOFF MADDON'! He looks terrible!" -Paulie
"I'll tell ya one thing, and I'm not ashamed to say it. My estimation of John Sacramoni as a man, just f u c k i n plummeted" -Shah of Iran
"I'll tell you one thing, if it was me this kid was spreading rumors about, he'd have something in his own a s s. And it wouldn't be no ♥♥♥♥, either" -Paulie
"So what do we gotta do, Ton? Actually see him take it up the ass?" -Chrissy
"Oh yeah? Maybe YOU'RE a flambé!" -Paulie
"Vito a f a g. Big construction tycoon. Ton, when he was always talking about greasing the union, who knew that's what he meant?" -Chrissy
"In light of recent humiliations, it's an honor to be joined by men. And not f a g g o t a s s cornholin c o c k suckers like married my cousin. He should f u c k i n g die" -Shah of Iran
"Little Carmine? It's common knowledge the guy's retarded" -T
"This isn't omerta, it's something else" -Melfi
"F u c k the hat" -Paulie
"Just water for me, my son will be my strength" -Chrissy
"If it has an inside, we're buying it" -Chrissy
"Easy on the sugar honey, they tell me I'm sweet enough" -Shah of Iran
"I've been having headaches, I'm afraid maybe the thing mestastesized" -Paulie
"I'd rather face 10 guys with shivs than something I can't see" -Paulie
"I did 20 f u c k i n years!" -Shah of Iran
"You sandbag me? I cut your f u c k i n throat open" -T
"I'm sure it gets complicated. When you're taking it up your f a g a s s" -T
"I'm not a f a g, I never was. It was the medication I was on, for my blood pressure. It f u c k e d with my head, but I'm over that now. I can probably get a letter from my doctor" -Vito
"What? A note from your doctor saying you don't like to suck c o c k?" -T
"I got something for you, for your trip. Now this is the real Louis Vitoon" -T
"Remember the penguin movie, how you cried? You sit on an egg for months, one little thing goes wrong, you're left with nothing" -Chrissy
"It's over for the little guy" -Patsy
"F u c k ' s this waiter on, sabbatical?" -Jerry Torchiano
"Isaac Newton invented gravity cause some a s s h o l e hit him with an apple" -Chrissy
"Remember when is the lowest form of conversation" -T
"What are you chasing, money or a high from winning?" -Melfi
"What's wrong with you? You look like a Puerto Rican ♥♥♥♥♥, you make me sick" -Shah of Iran
"It's the same principle as the solar system" -T
"Let me tell you a couple of three things" -Shah of Iran
"There's no scraps in my scrap book" -Shah of Iran
"F u c k you want, a boutonniere?" -Junior
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3MR 24 Feb @ 6:04am 
✨Opinadar🟠 14 Feb @ 10:24am 
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