Lance Taylor   Alberta, Canada
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Ranger_Bob 12 Jul, 2013 @ 7:57pm 
I waited a long time for Fez to go on sale. Today it did and I bought. ♥♥♥ is it STILL full of bugs. #Burnt
Ranger_Bob 28 Apr, 2013 @ 12:55pm 
Finally, SIM CITY 4 DELUXE for $4.99. Wooot!
Ranger_Bob 23 Feb, 2013 @ 11:09am 
Counter Strike has come a long way since the last time I played it when it first came out as a mod. Woot! Great fun.
Ranger_Bob 18 Feb, 2013 @ 1:43pm 
Got the game "And Yet It Moves" to run on Windows 7 by changing the compatibility mode to XP SP 3. Love this game and happy I can run it on Linux and Windows now. Will likely also pick it up for the Wii. Check this one out.
Ranger_Bob 17 Feb, 2013 @ 2:14pm 
Tried to get Team Fortress 2 to run in Ubuntu 12.04 with ATI HD 2600 card and it was fail. Runs fine on Windows 7 (same laptop and video card). I tried everything to make it work.. but fail. So simply deleted the Linux Install of it and freed up 13 GB. What a pig that game is!! Oh well, Killing Floor and Half Life run fine in Linux.
Ranger_Bob 2 Feb, 2013 @ 5:03pm 
Shut Up & Take My Money! "State of Decay" - http://undeadlabs.com/about-state-of-decay/