Origin : Icephyre Uplay : Icephyre Elite Dangerous : Icephyre
5900 // Ram: 32GB 3200Mhz // RTX 3080 // G-Sync Asus 144Hz vg248qe // Oculus Rift CV1, DK2
TM HOTAS Warthog :: Saitek Rudder Pedals
dYe - <3 Team vEx of DoD 1.3 CAL-M Champs [] Season 11
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Got my Diamond Pup!
Every Thing Dies...
Goddess. Oh, Goddess.

Save Me From What This World Demands.

Save Me From Righteous Men. Save Me From Thinkers. Save Me From Summoners.
Save Me From Midnight Kings... And The Devil Himself.

Oh Goddess, Save Me...

Save Me From What We Are About To Do.
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✟Arthur ✟ RoundTable✟ 22 Mar, 2016 @ 7:38pm 
Hey old friend, I see you're into the fighting games right now. You always have to be doing damage to something don't ya?
Icephyre 26 Jul, 2014 @ 2:47pm 
The TLCP (too long, can't post) is that G-sync prevents screen tearing with out all the negatives that V-sync has, such as: capping your FPS to your monitors refresh rate; input lag, not only to what's actually being displayed on your screen, but also to keyboard and mouse; and can cause stuttering and severe FPS drops.
Icephyre 25 Jul, 2014 @ 7:56pm 
Sorry, some kind of error has occurred: Comments must be less than 1000 characters in length. I'll explain it to you in Mumble. It's a wall of text and Steam won't let me post it.
Jack9579 25 Jul, 2014 @ 3:50pm 
What is the G-Sync? I can't wait for it man, let me know what you think, I may end up ordering one before RC1 comes out. I don't care about a three screen setup. To me having multiple screens with the borders and the way the experience doesn't exactly line up and all that would just annoy me. I use a 27" monitor that I think is great, the only improvement I see would be using a Rift.
Icephyre 25 Jul, 2014 @ 10:47am 
After looking at other peoples flight setups, I settled on a DK2 for several reasons. First, DK2 is vastly cheaper than doing a 3 display setup + Track IR ( IF if your PC is up to it). Second, is that G-Sync does not support a three display setup, yet. I've been spoiled by g-sync and playing games without it is such an inferior experience. Finally, for developer reasons I want to experience the Rift myself.
Jack9579 25 Jul, 2014 @ 9:01am 
Which head tracking are you going with? Did you order DK2? I'm doing great by the way. I'm looking forward to the new releases, but I'm not sure if I will buy them right away or wait for a sale.