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5 people found this review helpful
38.9 hrs on record (38.8 hrs at review time)
One of the most approachable within fromsoftware games but the most innovative one. I just can't describe how amazing this game is because it just really fresh and different. These are some of aspect that makes it so memorable
+ Excellent level design that makes me stunned every time I went to every area
+Really dynamic combat system , even though it doesn't have "stance system" like in Nioh, it just feels more fluid, solid and practical due to the grappling hook and ninja tools
+ Numerous amount and tremendous enemies and bosses design , that makes it exciting
+For a newcomer it's not as confusing as other previous fromsoftware games, the level route and design is not confusing at all, easy but still challenging to find a certain item, the learning curve of the bosses and enemies is not too step and the placement Sculptor's Idol is not garbage

But still, I have some minor complaints as well. Due there are no customization it feels the game really short and too straight forward, though the level design is awesome is still not as complex/deep compared with dark souls game so it lack exploration area as well and the mini bosses kinda meh and not memorable. Despite all that I can say that it's really worth it even if you want to buy it with full price. Good job fromsoftware!, Really hyped for the elden ring!!
Posted 7 July, 2020. Last edited 24 November, 2021.
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6 people found this review helpful
49.1 hrs on record
I've loved Dark Souls Game, and when I've heard they "Dark Souls" Type of game in setting of Japan? I'm 100% Sold and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ was fun. The combat mechanic is great, many different skill can be learned (even sometimes it bit hard to remember), there are an abundant amount of weapon, armor, onmyo and ninjutsu, heck even the grinding system is fun. Not to mention the awesome enemy design and bosses, I think Nioh able innovate many things that make them set apart from other "Dark Souls" Type of game. But I think there are still some major problem that I've encountered:

Repetitiveness of the Side Mission
I don't have complaints about the main mission, but in the side mission? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ was boring and repetitive. The majority of it just have the same level design as the main mission with the same route every time. I've really regret finishing the majority of the side mission because sometimes it's not that rewarding and make the game boring.

I don't know why but I don't really like the story. The way they tell the story is not interesting and make me couldn't care less about it. In my first impression in the first hour in the game I thought "this story will be horsesh*t" and after I finished the game yup it's true. Well it's not that bad but it just cliche, the side mission serve no purpose to the story and it just have bad story telling.

Level Design and Enemies
I don't know it's just me or not, but It lack the variety of level design and enemies. Yes I know it set on Japan only but every map and level feels the same and though the bosses is great but the enemies design is just plain, and lack of variety. These result the games sometimes feels bored and not fun to play.

I know I've said a word "boring" too much, but because it's true. There were many times when I finishing the game, I just felt like when this going to end. But yeah even if you can't stand with those problems it will be still fun experience. But just don't pay too much attention with the side mission
Posted 5 July, 2020. Last edited 5 July, 2020.
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14 people found this review helpful
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17.5 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
What I love about Metro series is because they able to tell a story in a very unique way. It just feels like the flow of the story is really connected between each chapter, that results a more fluid and intense experience. Even though I love Metro Exodus, I love the graphic, the interaction, the combat, the crafting mechanic, atmosphere and environment, but I still prefer the previous Metro games. These are some of my complaints:

Semi Open World
I thought first it will be a great idea, but I was wrong. When I arrived on the semi open world area, the story feels disjointed. The mission places took too long to reach and many unrelated side mission. This break the pace and the atmosphere of the main mission that currently happening, it just feels like a more stricted far cry game. Thankfully in the last chapter it goes to more linear story telling again.

Unrewarded and unrelated Side Mission
I finished the majority of the side mission and I thought I will be rewarded some crafting materials, weapon or at least interaction within the story. But no..., sometimes I don't even know is the side story already finished or not (I need to checked on the Youtube guide) and I still don't get the purpose for the most of it.

Story (Minor Spoiler Ahead)
I kinda disappointed with the story, I thought the journey will be much more than this, but no... when I finished every mission, I didn't feel any intense atmosphere or survival feelings like in the previous games.., there were to much drama rather than survival aspect.., when in the last chapter I thought it going to be great because finally I got the "survive" vibes but it just suddenly finished. what the ?, what worse we can't interact and didn't get any "feeling of accomplishment" when we arrived on the final destination.

It still great but kinda disappointed.
Posted 3 July, 2020. Last edited 5 July, 2020.
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92 people found this review helpful
268 people found this review funny
45.3 hrs on record (43.2 hrs at review time)
So this is why our parents told us to not go outside after maghrib
Posted 30 January, 2015. Last edited 22 November, 2017.
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