lobotomite in spirit
you're scary

prove my brain is smooth mush

functional human being



human trash pickle

autistic vampire

cant spell

autism for breakfast
and microwaved egg

1000 hour trial has expired
please progress to nearest bin

having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.

yes yes

makes programming fun!
*disturbed looking snake*

512mb of ram is perfectly fine
pentium m? no promblem

windows 10 smells

i cannot physically express enough hatred

i fell in the lava and lost my diamond things :(

not gay

⎓⚍リリ|| ᒲ𝙹リꖌᒷ||

rimworld purchased 28/05/2020@11:00 at 1027hours

buy me vbucks

it's my turn to use the brain cell

electric stool

scrambling eggs in the microwave

giant white bipedal bin-rummaging ant-eater

war crime
cat crime

le reddit

slidewams gramph tamblwe

frightened by toasters

ᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹!¡

sticky fiver

kick me down the stairs

imagine eggs

i hope you microwave your eggs

!¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ᓵᒷᔑᓭᒷ

i hope your egg sticks to the tub

gamer tyler ninja fortnite blevins

human error

But, wait a minute. Isn't he a gamer?
**Why would he do this?**

device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals

ᔑ↸↸ᒲᒷ𝙹リ∷𝙹ʖꖎ𝙹 ̇/


do you still don't understand

baked egg ♥♥♥♥♥

rat milk

frog men


i do not speak enchantment table

you look like a binweevil

speedy seed

eggs with feet

no relationship information to show

more faster

you have committed a foul

∴⍑|| ↸𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ⊣ᔑ|| ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ᒲᔑリ
∷⚍ᓭᓭ╎ᔑ ╎ ᓵᔑꖎꖎ 𝙹リ ℸ ̣ ᒷꖎᒷ!¡⍑𝙹リᒷ
⍑ᒷ ᓭᔑ|| ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣

mr rombomt

no band!!!!!!!!

femboy minecraft

sleep beat

smeg legs

man in reddit tshirt terrorizes neighbourhood

ye jester

' technically savvy '

autism is my super power



you're not going here

they have a fence?

you've heard of bags of milk

multivitamin squirrel

time is scary


milky pits

remeber, thou went to Fronce on thy own accord. And no matter what happeneth: everything thou did, thou did arbitrarily. understood?

gradient gang

why is it rubbing brain cells so hard that it ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and dies

im going to eat your crayonsss


pig machine brrrrr

g r i m a c e

i want jeses go nya

he brain

high functioning negative view point

living dysfunction

funny xd random

he's too powerful for this world

my son!

though forbidden behaviours

peter griffin vore

crab ethnostate

crab supremacy

crab forever

sugary brown water

just drink sewage

piss goblin

loud is not funny

random xd funny

just looka like herobrine

fwoosh fwoosh, I've been practicing swimming since I'm a fish.

Hello I am holy fish.

whya re they called catfish if then dont even go meow pelase explain this to me

im going to break your wee wee

long coathanger

what is your size value

Sure. rotate it almost broken. Not get more! petty sad.

It is true. Your amplifier may less bass. But before buying new amplifier. Try this, it probably better

meat monster

sir what is the size value of your meat monster

1 like funny cuz bigchungus 2 prayers

angry water juice






big intelligence man

yeah feet

how do people willingly drink angry water juice i do not understand

dismiss meat

i am an angry frog

mad autism

smoke tea leaves

radiation hazard

moms macbook overheating

brain haves rot

please give unplug
information box‏‏‎ ‎
Error: There is a maximum length of 4000 characters for summaries. Please shorten it and try again.

(this information box is actually too many lines and the bottom of it is being auto-deleted lol)

random is fu

lobotomy please

• autism 1 year (Required)


i am insane without the 'a'

i wanna drink the CRT fuzz off the floor

every deck is a poop deck if i poop on it

we love casting spells

shenzhen-io room cleaning superpower

worm for life

drive the wasp wasp taxi

i think it's too late



Green Rust

wish I'd forget

yin and yang are the phlegms

lets say, hypothetically, you were a funny little fish

i don't do it as much as i maybe should


don't tell anyone?

i think it would be better if we went back

the one ladder that leads to

runs on my machine

alpha ghoul

Sleep Problems

i don't hear the birds anymore did i forget?

ceo of minions

with humba wumba as the gutsy girl gamer

I remember those dreams

i love eating lead

i failed the IQ test

im going to bed

will it be like that again

failed the sex minigame

the days i go in are the better days

cyberpunk somali pirate

when did sharks happen

and i go to bed wondering when sharks happened

im a silly little addict and i need my fix


i have more cheesebucks than you

Early Riser
Night Owl

stasis moving forward

gods strongest soldier drooling in front of his pc


the finest lean alchemist

i know i'll want them for when i want to do things again but i don't know when i will want to do things again

5g eiffel tower

i hope im going

i never finished it even though i really wanted to

why is it called a toilet it has nothing to do with either of those things

hopelessly addicted so early

youre a monkey youll get a

distraction from existing

why is he ourple

i messed up today, maybe i'll try again tomorrow

physical friends

stop that, garfield

scared of outside

im not good at things

now i can't remember

youd never know it

recurring themes

i can't unlearn this that will hinder

bear juice on sale here

especially when avoidance is all too easy

i cant remember what it was like

that's bad cable management

i'm cooling my eggs?

Id rather be asleep


lie still

you will never find where i buried the meow chow

i can't bring myself to help me

the amen break

We'd better beat these bugs before we're all turned to soup


they tell me im good at things and i dont understand it

meowchow pilled and felinemaxxed

maybe it will be ok tomorrow

i know what i mean but i don't know what i'm saying


and nobody's got

crushed up strawberries in my lead paint

quadriphonic speakers are not structural

the reflections of people in my head that always listened

someone else

bionic super mushroom

wasning mashing !!!!

the factory must grow

wasted potential

You also consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your biometric data as described in the Roblox Biometric Privacy Notice.




i am in doubt i will assume i am stupid

they'd have to make people eating roombas


can't hear if my joints have exploded

no i think you have implanted memories of omori feet hangout

hedgehogs are not aliens

quickdraw holster tactical crack

let me in i live here now

i am going to put cough syrup in your smart stout

please do not water my bed

deep starve piss galactic

be turned to soup

tiny fluff bug worm gives me the disease

schlap schlap oops i dropped my superglue paper mache

commit shift q

smurf my nerts

you are the turbo tube to my rocket squid


who is going to get the spaghetti suit

1000 degree cheese grater

frog boxing

how many jarls does it take to change a ceiling candle


weird ass dream where i went around punting bunny rabbits

they just know what is what but they don't know what is what they just strut what the ♥♥♥♥



florescent uranium depression glass

are you in the human like egg group

zip worm bomb

zip bomb worm

worm zip worm

i have train damage

which fish would win

he mouse no response

anon is

ikea shark smells sleep and denies for

sleep is a lie perpetuated by ikea shark

sleep is a lie perpetuated by ikea shark

lick your eyes


i am not a fish

i am not a fish

humans do not react well when they see rats being sucked on

fictional human being

this is clearly an individual with brain dblamage

God i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love the Chinese man in my phone

Captured photo

Captured photo

Captured photo

Captured photo

'mouse just told me
he breeded homosexual into his sheep'

'i wish to microwave one of 2bs eggs'

A Reddit Romance!

scp sigmaballs home

corn up

mob cob

you will nbever push me down the stairs

im going to commit mass lego ashpsxiasiotn

collywobbles and husk rejection

liver enthusiast

nyan (nyan mix)

mr.taxes buys bikini bottom

as a fish of colour-

make paper frogs, not chloroform




how about you (unintelligible) some (redacted)

Please insert a disc into USB Drive (I:).

freddy ear-♥♥♥♥♥♥ me using hispanic tobuscus as his humanoid vessel

damn, atomic bombs are expensive

is that monkey doing nitrous out of a balloon

great leader dairy milk cheese monument


cryo jar


bean pop

laser lobotomy roomba eye beans

going to go faster than light with a bag of steam hold up

meat banana

dinosaur punch car

just how intelegent are they?

dolphins are fissh

dolphins have wings

remove me from meatspace

chernobyl penguin

third half

age pizza in the keg to produce pizza juice

piss; world championship

requires 5 beans

brain worms

toaster bath

sue thje 8 legged agrossor!!11

i refuse to consume that pencil sharpener sir

2am burger eopsidoe onee

chronicles of the floor egg consumption

just picked a fried egg off the floor and ran it under the tap to clean it and put it back on my sausage borga

just put the sandwich in your pocket dude



cake etiquette

i do

[creature continues speaking alien language]

wank - destroyer of world

select ambient works from 85 - 92

Because you need to be purify

Me keep create


You are an exquisite death tickler


7 Causes of Aggressive Goldfish Behavior & How to Stop It

hey bro you look like a goldfish

Cat Orgy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Shadow Person, above ground? This is outrageous!


cure me of my gamer-itis

when do i unlock third person mode irl
i want to unlock third person mode irl

terminally online autist


please scan your item

please scan your item

please scan your item

thank you for using sainsburys self checkout

Brothers, there is homosexuality in cartoons.

he is a man of logic and should not be taken seriously

At this point, the reader is in no doubt that the man is an imposter and is following the narrator.

'the writer uses humour-' YET HE FAILS TO HUMOUR ME

humour me

(I'm British sorry for the mistakes)

This user's profile has been given the 'Jester' award

minion milk connoisseur

effect_tapeworm( "tapeworm" )

what a nice weather


you cannot prove to me that dinosaurs do not breathe fire

i will selotape a minecraft hat to your cold dead fish mask bearing head

oh, no - she k
information box Wait i can buy more information box thats so cool


indians have ganesha, i have minecraft wife

embodiment of going over the character creation profession points limit and not actually being able to start the game

Gold Saucer Cucumber

its ok if u fold them up just right and lay them on the floor they look real

damn i bet this guy rotates his crops woah

wait is inbox short for information box

50 cran juice idk
wok weigh 780ish

CEO of chimney sweeping
Screenshot Showcase
fumo 4
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4,591 hrs on record
last played on 19 Mar
177 hrs on record
last played on 19 Mar
7.2 hrs on record
last played on 18 Mar
qquackquack 22 hours ago 
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Robotic 15 Mar @ 8:44am 
qquackquack 7 May, 2024 @ 10:19am 
awayoutto 8 Apr, 2024 @ 9:46am 
qquackquack 13 Sep, 2023 @ 9:26am 
qquackquack 15 Aug, 2023 @ 1:58am 