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Показані результати 1–10 із 91
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
0.4 год. загалом (0.3 год на момент рецензування)
This game now requires you to be online and proceeds to connect to about 30 servers globally. It's been a few months since I played it, so I don't know when the change came about, but I don't like it.
Додано 6 січня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
129.2 год. загалом (39.2 год на момент рецензування)
They did this game the right way!
This is finally THE Overwatch Killer we've all been waiting for! Marvel themed mayhem. Team tactics and interplay greatly encouraged. Forever battle pass is available and they don't expire once unlocked, so you can take a long break without any fear of missing out.
Each character (and there's already a ton) has their own unique play style and benefits. You'll surely find a few that suit your interests.

This game is a hit. And yes, with just 4 hours in, I've already dropped a bunch on cosmetics to customize my character's looks - but you can enjoy the game without spending a dime if that's your thing.

I highly recommend trying out the game. Big thumbs up and a hat tip to the development team and monetization planners.
Other Developers Should Take Notes!

UPDATE For The First Month Of Play:
After this first mini-season (Season 0) is now wrapping up. The gameplay is still very fun. The costumes are a bit pricey, but it's a free to play game, so they gotta make their money somewhere (other than just battle passes).
@Developers - Please REDUCE the clickable end-of-match highlight areas for each player OR make the upvote boxes much larger! I hate quickly trying to upvote a good player just to end up accidentally launching a gameplay highlight which take me into a 20-30 seconds loading loop with no immediate cancellation option.
Додано 7 грудня 2024 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 1 січня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 8
2.9 год. загалом (1.0 год на момент рецензування)
This little gem surprised me. I hadn't heard anything about it and randomly ran across it, and I'm glad I picked it up!

The game play loop is easy and quick, but that doesn't mean it's not fun. It's easy to pick up and spend some time in, but thankfully the short levels make the growth and development not fee like a chore. There are some unexpected gameplay twists, like how your team members can get captured and you have to go rescue them, but the game is actually enjoyable. The items interacting with your unique team members (for better or worse) really should encourage you to think before you act...for example instead of dropping a gun I hastily threw it against a wall when using a character which throws so hard he can kill someone, and of course died causing the failure of the mission.

If you're on the fence - jump! Buy the game.
Додано 1 грудня 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
15.3 год. загалом (15.1 год на момент рецензування)
Really enjoyable game play. If you have any interest in card games like poker and rogue-like games, this game will scratch whatever itch you have. Very casual and fun to play.
Додано 27 листопада 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 770
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 14
8.2 год. загалом (7.4 год на момент рецензування)
I see the advice online that you can stop Epic's Online Service from running, using these steps:
Go to X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dead Island 2\
Delete the EpicOnlineServices folder
Open the "DeadIsland.ini" file change "NoOperation=0" to "NoOperation=1"
Go to X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dead Island 2\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\
Delete the EOS folder

...BUT while this does get rid of MOST of the Epic connectivity, I want you all to know that the main executable will still spawn an Epic bootstrapper AFTER you close the game! Yes, the developers put in a sneaky little Hail Mary for Epic to continue to get their data.

The executable file X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dead Island 2\deadisland.exe
will spawn the Epic Online Services Bootstrapper automatically shortly after you exit the game...
Even after you delete the EpicOnlineServices folder, it STILL will connect to Epic Games over port 443 (HTTPS encrypted) and send sensitive data about your gameplay session! The specific subdomain(s) under EPICGAMES [.] COM Dead Island 2 sends the data to depends on your geographic location.

The most common way to block that (for now - as this could change after the developers see this) is to use your OS's firewall or HOSTS file to block the EPICGAMES [.] COM domain.

The game is fun, but Epic Games sucks and their bloatware/spyware is unwelcome by most of the Steam community.
Epic Games services should ONLY be installed/launched once the player OPTS IN to cross play with Epic Games players!
The full year hold away from Steam was bad enough, and the developers want the dirty Epic money to still keep rolling in from coding a little backdoor loophole to allow Epic to still collect data about you? No. Fix your game. Stop spawning Epic spyware processes even after the game has closed. The Steam community waited a full year to get this on Steam to avoid having Epic's trash on our computers. Stop all these the anti-consumer practices!

Please note that this will restrict you to only being able to play single player, but you'll be able to play the game that you paid for. While someone might say "but I could just unplug my internet and play" - yeah, sure. But not everyone wants to lose internet, and who is to say that the process spawned even once you edit the game won't sit and wait for a connection to send data?

EDIT: I "removed the link" to the Epic Games domain that was being got administratively removed days after the review was posted..
Додано 27 квітня 2024 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 4 травня 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
2.0 год. загалом
Literally one of the very best apps on Steam. This is a must buy app. Watch the video, and if you're even slightly interested, you should 100% buy it. This ten dollar app now supports USB cameras too!
Is your VR headset quality too low or not clear enough in a dark room? Use a USB camera.
The developer has been working on this app for a while, and it's wonderful.
Додано 9 березня 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
0.2 год. загалом
Less than 7 minute VR video which forces you to change your size. Suddenly your the size of an ant looking up at the robots, and a moment later you're full sized. I get the pre-render forced location, but I think the "interesting" you were going for could have been far better done with interesting angles rather then what was done here. I'm not going to keep complaining, but there were other drawbacks I just couldn't overlook.
Sorry. I can't recommend this, and wouldn't even use this as a "tech demo" for guests who are interested in VR.
Додано 29 лютого 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
13.6 год. загалом (12.8 год на момент рецензування)
Killing dinos is fun. This game makes actually makes it hard to have fun killing the dinos!
At its core it's fun, but very repetitive. Prepare for a grind.
Prepare yourself for annoying, unskippable, and super repetitive rogue AI game introductions before every match.
The game feels like a chore to play most of the time.
The "warchests" are AWFUL. (And yes, they just updated them to make them "better", but they still suck.) You do so much work to get so little payoff...like a stupid decal to put on your exosuit...and there are lots of really, really dumb decals.

Cut scene voice lines are over-stereotyped and will grind your nerves until your ears bleed. I hate these characters so much. It would actually be an improvement to cut the story out and just have mindless dino waves as opposed to a jerk AI spawning dinos against exosuits and talking trash to you the whole time while your (literally useless) shipmates drone on and on with complaints until you want to crowbar them to death just to ease your own suffering.
They want you to get to level 40 before using your coin to unlock the newer suits. I've already played 12 hours and have not quite hit level 20.

EDIT: At over 13 hours now, I have hit level 20 and now have the option to purchase a single new character for Bikcoin (and in game currency earned through completing games). These characters should automatically unlock instead of having to bank another 5K credits (which are critically used to upgrade your characters) which will take multiple games more with games lasting on average 30 minutes or so. Dedicating another 3-4 hours to get enough currency to unlock a single character you don't even know if you'll like, while not using that time to upgrade your other character is the type of grind you have in a Free To Play game to keep the player base active, not in a paid game. This is worse than a joke.

The game feels like a Free To Play game. It's not a bad game at the core...it's just not what it should be.
Додано 4 грудня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 19 січня 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
15.6 год. загалом
A really good free to play game. If you like the battle royal style of game, you really should give it a try.
Додано 21 листопада 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
0.3 год. загалом
Requesting a refund as it maximizes my volume by default, and it's going to blow my speakers if it keeps doing this. Also, I couldn't get the Windows Audio shortcut keys on the keyboard to do anything since the software overwrites all the settings.
I've tried a couple different settings, but in under 30 minutes of usage, this software just doesn't work the way I would like.
The point of this software is to avoid my ears getting blasted, and one of the first things I get (and kept getting) was nearly bleeding eardrums.
Maybe you'll have better luck...be as for me: Nope
Додано 12 листопада 2023 р..
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