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im just a baby :CryingGhost:
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The Hatman 5 Jul, 2023 @ 10:19pm 
-rep i thought they were cool because they asked me to duo with them, but they are INCREDIBLY TOXIC SURVIVOR. they kept looping, doing gens, flashlight saving, pallet saving, pallet stunning the killer and LITERALLY DIDNT LET THEM PLAY (i like to play fair, so i did not know they play like this...) when i asked them why they were doing this they laughed and said "im just playing the game"

uhm.....SURVIVOR MAIN ALERT!!! anyone who has played killer knows what its like to have this done to them......... the fact that they do this, being incredibly toxic and just having ZERO CARE IS DISGUSTING.... leave the lobby if you see them... meta slave too, they use parental guidance, we'll make it, and sometimes other disgusting op perks like iron will, for the people, etc....
The Hatman 14 Mar, 2023 @ 9:49am 
Okay, wet me teww uwu why i hate dead by daywight suwvivows. Iwt's wike they have a sowution fow evewything i duwu. Twying tuwu catch thewm off guawd? nope, they've got spine chiww. Attempting tuwu down thewm? nope, they've got dead hawd. Iwt's wike they have an answew fow evewy move i make, awnd iwt's juwst nowt faiw.

but uwu know who's coow? weskew. He's the man. He's nowt ovewpowewed at aww, he's juwst weawwy good. He's got aww these coow moves, awnd he's awways owne step ahead of the suwvivows.

honestwy, i down't know why anyone wouwd wawnt tuwu pway as a suwvivow whewn uwu couwd pway as a kiwwew wike weskew.
mouth breather 13 Mar, 2023 @ 10:46am 
Okay, let me tell you why I hate Dead by Daylight survivors. It's like they have a solution for everything I do. Trying to catch them off guard? Nope, they've got Spine Chill. Attempting to down them? Nope, they've got Dead Hard. It's like they have an answer for every move I make, and it's just not fair.

But you know who's cool? Wesker. He's the man. He's not overpowered at all, he's just really good. He's got all these cool moves, and he's always one step ahead of the survivors.

Honestly, I don't know why anyone would want to play as a survivor when you could play as a killer like Wesker.
The Hatman 10 Jul, 2021 @ 7:20pm 
+ rep nice survivor! best omori surivor ive ever seen!