Dj El Marriachi 5 apr. 2024 la 8:24 
Ah, glad to hear you're ok. Not too long ago i saw other people on the forum also asking about your whereabouts. Take care and have a great weekend.
powbam 3 apr. 2024 la 21:42 
@Dj El Marriachi - thank you for the words friend. Life has been... hectic.. this past year for me. I think the madness is finally coming to an end and hopefully some stability is setting in so hopefully I'll be back on more.

@Gin - thank you for the well wishes and I hope your xmas was merry as well :)
Man of God 25 dec. 2023 la 13:12 
Saw you on my blocklist, absolutely no idea why. Likely because I criticised Grim Dawn a few years back. Noticed from the comment below mine that you've disappeared. I hope you're alright. Maybe you finally got bored of GD or games in general. I know we don't know each other and I hope you are alright. Merry Christmas.
Dj El Marriachi 16 nov. 2023 la 7:52 
Just wondering if you're ok. Haven't seen you in a long time in the GD forum here and now i see you haven't played since april. I know we don't know each other, but i just hope you're fine. You are a valuable member of the GD community. Take care.
powbam 10 nov. 2022 la 3:30 
Well then, guess I misread your intent. Trust me, I'm pretty used to random asshats dropping asshattery in the comments over it ;)
Authentic Mikutard 10 nov. 2022 la 3:03 
My "goal" ? Lmao, just tipping my gamer fedora good sir :lunar2019laughingpig:

Have a jolly good day! o/
powbam 10 nov. 2022 la 2:53 
Weird. I rarely use GrimTools except as a quick "sketch". And yes, anyone with 15K+ hours in a game is going to have plenty of AFK time.. dunno what your goal is but I don't deny how I play son. If I were to estimate how much is legit I would say probably somewhere between 9K and 12K hours is actual playtime.

Thanks for driving thru. Buh-bye now.
Authentic Mikutard 10 nov. 2022 la 2:34 
My friend, hours "afk" but having an open browser tab on grimtools is technically "legit" playtime :tq_sword::tq_hero:

Let's say 1k hours is bathroom/short breaks rest is legit :lunar2019coolpig:
Nagatoro-San 5 ian. 2022 la 5:37 
(I'm from the Grim Dawn game) I'm sorry I was wrong. My graphics card supports DX9 but not DX11, graphics card: Intel HD Graphics.
Markus 22 dec. 2021 la 23:13 
★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*.˛/\˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★Merry*★* 。*˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛°.°
˛°_██_*..。*./.♥.\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Christmas*★ 。*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛
˛. (´• ̮•´)*.。*/.♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛*and˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.°
.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/ ~\*. ˛* Happy New Year!*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛
*(...'•'...) *˛╬╬╬╬╬╬° | 田 田|門|╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬
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:omg_sheeps: :Godhand::steamthumbsup:
Colonel 27 nov. 2021 la 13:01 
illuminaty confirmed :numberone:
powbam 27 nov. 2021 la 10:53 
The game was released into early access November 5th 2013. I've been playing since that time. Also, noone gets this many hours with straight legit playtime. There is plenty of AFK hours there bub. Use your brain a little. Thanks for stopping by to inform me how much I've played. As if I'm not aware of what I do or do not do.
Se7ntus 27 nov. 2021 la 10:41 
You have played 662 days worth of Grim Dawn. The game was released in 2016. That means the game has been out for 5 years [Almost 6]. This means you have consistently played the game for 8.7 hours every single day for 1825 days. If we take the 6th year into have played the game CONSISTENTLY for 7.2 hours every single day for 2190 days.
powbam 3 nov. 2021 la 1:42 
Who are you and why should I care? Whelp, that's one way to get yer azz blocked.
Colonel 2 nov. 2021 la 12:12 
Markus 26 iun. 2021 la 2:51 
Katavi 17 iun. 2021 la 4:32 
Thanks for adding , happy Pinball :gearthumbsup:
Celendrin 25 febr. 2021 la 23:20 
Mythgard any good? Just took a look at it (from getting an update about comments in your profile) and I think it looks cool, what do you think of it?
Sasha 24 febr. 2021 la 19:03 
Here my Friend.... Salt for u ---> :steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty: hihihi :steamhappy:
powbam 24 febr. 2021 la 14:42 
"but only 87 out of 185 achievements? What are you doing all this time?"

^Mostly not worrying about achievements. And take my playtime with a grain of salt - there is plenty of AFK. If I were to try to guess how much is active playtime, I dunno, maybe around 8-10K?
Sasha 24 febr. 2021 la 11:19 
But you have my full respect! 15k playing time, that's awesome. :steamthumbsup:
Sasha 24 febr. 2021 la 11:17 
15k game time in Grim Dawn, but only 87 out of 185 achievements? What are you doing all this time? :winter2019surprisedyul::winter2019surprisedyul::winter2019surprisedyul:
Celendrin 21 ian. 2021 la 1:36 
97% on -

(lol was waiting on the installation of that game, check it out if you haven't heard of it yet, also Arena is a side game to 'Age of Barbarian', it has that cool motif barbarian paintings and comics had in the past, it's a lower budget janky game but great art style I love it, lol)
Celendrin 21 ian. 2021 la 1:34 
by the way I appreciate the invite it's just I have almost 150 people on my list and I tried to get someone to play some games with me recently and it's disheartening to not be able to even though I have so many people on my list lol,

(I feel like I need to clean house, or at least prevent getting more when I can barely keep track of anybody lol)
Celendrin 21 ian. 2021 la 1:32 
I don't know, when people feel 'offended' (and carry lots of hurt from low self-esteem around) they can get pretty vicious trying to make things 'right' (in their own mind),

funny this is where having a personal record of all your 'chat' actually helps, lol.

Hopefully Steam has some sense in separating the truth from the chaff,


Good stuff lol
powbam 21 ian. 2021 la 1:27 
Yeah, don't worry about them ;) I'm pretty certain the entire thing is charade. It's some kid and his friends sitting around laughing it up I'm sure.
Celendrin 21 ian. 2021 la 1:21 
Geezus - this was posted on my profile just now -

Cohen 8 minutes ago
reported for hatespeech, homophobia, transphobia and sexism

Scary what's on the internet nowadays lol.. I feel threatened by posts like that.. )

(anyways I actually feel sorry for that person if they actually look like their pic (they changed it) it's no wonder they have something to prove,

It's not a good feeling to feel like you don't belong in your own body, I can relate to people like that but she/he's obviously got a big axe to grind but shouldn't take it out on people on steam..
Celendrin 21 ian. 2021 la 1:12 
Conan is awesome,

Ssshh don't tell anyone but the whole Conan thing is a play off the battle everyone has to face against the 'Serpent' Priests that actually exist all over the place lol..

(There's no difference between Conan and 'real life', other than the Magician Priests use technology instead of 'magic', at least what people usually mean by 'magic'.. ).

Society is one big 'game' set up through smoke and mirrors, that one scene in the movie says it all.. (where he goes around smashing the mirrors etc).

Yeah that whole story is priceless. lol too much to talk about in a comment section
powbam 21 ian. 2021 la 1:04 
@Celendrin - just realized that your profile pic is Conan I believe? Pretty sure it is anyway. Been a Robert E. Howard fan for a very, very long time btw.
Celendrin 21 ian. 2021 la 0:28 
Oh yeah I see that thing there, but I always thought it was only for the thread the person posted their message in, not their whole 'history' on steam lol.

I don't mind people seeing what I leave 'up', but if a person decides to delete something (not everyone is trying to 'hide' something, sometimes you just want to do a spring cleaning you know?), it bugs me stuff stays there permanently.

(As for Cohen a person like that is best avoided when you see that 'level 0' thing you know something's up lol, as I'm sure you know lol),

cool thanks again
powbam 21 ian. 2021 la 0:06 
Yup dead serious. The reason why they probably do that is because both your reviews and your posts are something you already put out there publically - technically anyone that comes across them can see them already. Plus it has the benefit that we can out people like that much easier.
powbam 21 ian. 2021 la 0:03 
You can view post history on any person that posts on the forum.. simply click the arrows on their name in any forum post.. see for yourself.
powbam 21 ian. 2021 la 0:01 
No it isn't a hack. Your post history and your review history is easily viewable by all. Privacy controls do not protect or prevent it.
Markus 23 dec. 2020 la 10:33 

:csgoanarchist: Merry Christmas and a happy new Year:cleancake:
Whakahoatanga 19 mai 2020 la 9:53 
Have a nice week!

powbam 26 febr. 2020 la 5:48 
lol well, I've played alot and still do. There's a lot of AFK there tho. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out ;)
1MantisPhoenix 26 febr. 2020 la 5:42 
I estimate you play 3 hours of grim dawn every single day for the past 5 years ;D
1MantisPhoenix 25 febr. 2020 la 0:24 
And threads like the reveal interesting RL characters on earth :)
Fake News Fredo 31 dec. 2019 la 1:18 
powbam 4 dec. 2019 la 1:42 
Sorry, not sure where you got that idea but no I have no such thing. You can make your own with either GD Stash or GD Defiler tho:
IFIYGD 5 aug. 2019 la 1:58 
daUnitedpotato 7 iul. 2019 la 17:05 
Appreciate your help on solving my Grim Dawn issue! :)
Zangato 3 iul. 2019 la 7:58 
Bloody Hell 12k on Grim Dawn :lunar2019shockedpig: HOW ?
powbam 31 mai 2019 la 14:09 
It happens. Random steam moderator. Ban will be gone tomorrow morning.
Slava Ukraini 31 mai 2019 la 14:05 
you banned :steammocking:
powbam 31 mai 2019 la 14:03 
Slava Ukraini 31 mai 2019 la 13:59 
Diggergig 11 mai 2019 la 6:20 
No I haven't, kinda lost interest after DC's 'New 52' some years back. The 'Metal' series from last year (and a sequal this year) is my first time back with comics, as I heard it was good. It's ok, but nothing amazing, turns out. Trouble with mainstream DC is that it is STILL being influenced by the majesty of Kingdom Come, but in a bad way. :/
powbam 10 mai 2019 la 11:05 
Ah interesting to know lol I might have to look that up someday. I haven't done much comic reading in a long time now.