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104 av 110 (95%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Mega Resistance

Absorb some elemental damage.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 18:38

New Skill Found

Find a new special skill. You can find them in chests or get them from quests.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:20

Permanent Stat Boost

Eat a stat-boosting snack and boost your stats permanently. Protip: Don't give them all to one character.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:59

New Skill Learnt

Learn the first of many new skills.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:11

Power On

Power up a set of factory doors, and open the next area.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 16:20

The Gang's All Here

Find all of your missing party members.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 9:20


Save up 1,000,000 chocolate coins.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 18:03

Zoology Student

Scan a foe and begin filling in the bestiary.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:31

Zoology Expert

Scan all foes and complete the bestiary.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 16:10

Treasure Hunter

Collect 333 treasure chests. There's more, but getting all of them could be frustrating.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 12:05


Unlock all summon creatures.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 8:15

The World is Saved

Beat the game and save the world.
Upplåst 26 jun, 2014 @ 20:40

Second Quest

Beat the game a second time, continuing from a completed file.
Upplåst 6 jul, 2014 @ 13:04

Final Chapter

Beat the game a third and final time.
Upplåst 15 jul, 2014 @ 9:26

NPC Helper

Complete 10 quests for NPCs. They can't do anything by themselves.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 6:46

NPC Servant

Complete 20 quests for NPCs. Saving the world can wait.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 8:54

NPC Slave

Complete 30 quests for NPCs. They own you now.
Upplåst 2 jul, 2014 @ 21:29

Art Appreciator

Check out some of the art galleries.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 7:45

Slimy Situation

Get turned into a slime. Some people have a fetish for that sort of thing.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 17:15

Chicken Molester

Seriously stress out a chicken. Just don't stab it.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 5:47

Death Penalty

Kill a foe with an instant-death attack.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 17:37

Extra Lives

Survive death: Be killed, but do not die.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 7:07

Power of Courage

Survive a powerful attack with 1HP.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2014 @ 17:45

Monster Hunter

Defeat 100 foes in total, and develop a taste for their flesh.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 9:18

Extinction Event

Defeat 1,000 foes in total, and become a serious threat to the ecosystem.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 12:35

Start the Game Already

Smash 100 Idols on the loading screen, because clicking randomly makes the game load faster.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 14:13

Overpriced Snacks

Destroy the economy by buying rare food.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 15:36

Best Customer

Completely buy-out an equipment shop.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 6:15

Keen Eye

Discover 30 secrets. There's actually way more than that though.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 16:32


Fully upgrade any item of equipment.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 18:30

Equipment Collector

Collect 145 pieces of equipment.
Upplåst 25 jun, 2014 @ 8:53

First Casualty

Watch a player die, as you do nothing to help.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 7:05

Step Over the Dead

Clear away a player's rotting corpse.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 20:31


Kill yourself with a spell or summon.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 7:20

Invaders from Space

Summon the most powerful creature to obliterate your enemies.
Upplåst 2 jul, 2014 @ 21:06

Unknown Power Level

Find an unscannable secret foe.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 15:19

300 Damage

Deal 300 damage with a single hit.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:04

3K Damage

Deal 3,000 damage with a single hit.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 15:30

30K Damage

Deal 30,000 damage with a single hit.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 20:26

300K Damage

Deal 300,000 damage with a single hit.
Upplåst 5 jul, 2014 @ 8:31

3M Damage

Deal 3,000,000 damage with a single hit. That's a lot!
Upplåst 8 jul, 2014 @ 5:52

Level 10

Reach level 10. That's a good start, but there's still a long way to go.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 9:50

Level 20

Reach level 20. Getting well into the game now.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 17:25

Level 30

Reach level 30. Should be strong enough to take on the final boss. Almost.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 17:26

Level 40

Reach level 40. Well, if you don't have anything better to do, you might as well go even further.
Upplåst 5 jul, 2014 @ 11:49

Limits Were Broken

Use an awesome limit break for the first time.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:09

Winter is Coming

Freeze a foe, and then hit them again for massive damage.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 14:52

Burn Baby Burn

Set a foe on fire, and watch them burn.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:09

Water Conducts

Shock a wet foe with a thunder attack (or ice, if you prefer).
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:36


Completely obliterate a feeble enemy. The cute ones deserve it.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 19:00

First Blood

Defeat your first foe, and become a hardened killer.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 5:58

Lost Ruins

Find the hidden ruins in the jungle.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 8:55


Take a break and have something to eat outside of battle.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 17:21

Taste Pain

Drink a whole bottle of Chilli Sauce, and eat the actual bottle too.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 11:01

Marathon Runner

Take 10,000 steps. Fun.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 18:55

Keys Unlock Stuff

Use a key to access new treasures, but you should have figured that out on your own.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 9:42

Lava Burns

Walk on lava and get hurt, because that's not smart.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 17:54

Slime Cat King

Find all the Slime Cats, and rule the world map.
Upplåst 25 jun, 2014 @ 15:28

Slime Cat

Find a Slime Cat and discover the Warp Zone.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 5:45

Used Strength

Push an unwanted block out of the way. It will not be missed.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 5:47

Used Flash

Light a torch with your candle. Fire magic doesn't work for some reason.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 10:23

Used Cut

Cut down a dangerous path-blocking bush. Don't worry, they don't have feelings.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 9:19

Used Rock Smash

Smash a nice boulder. You could even find some diamond inside.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 18:44

Used... Ladder?

Bridge a gap, with the power of ladders.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 7:12

Panty Thief

Steal some underwear. Perverts pay good money for stuff like this.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 6:59


Please don't leave 100,000 comments about this. Seriously.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 7:30


Defeat Mighty Oak on Epic difficulty.
Upplåst 27 jun, 2014 @ 9:40

Rock Miner

Defeat Crystal Golem on Epic difficulty.
Upplåst 27 jun, 2014 @ 13:16

Electrical Engineer

Defeat Praetorian on Epic difficulty.
Upplåst 28 jun, 2014 @ 14:11

Extreme Gardener

Defeat Rafflesia on Epic difficulty.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2014 @ 11:09

Leet Hacker

Defeat the glitch on any difficulty.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2014 @ 17:47

Cat Person

Defeat Godcat on Epic difficulty.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 16:24

Deforestation Problem

Enter Ashwood Forest for the first time.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 5:57

Digging Too Deep

Enter the Crystal Caverns for the first time.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 9:20

I See Dead People

Enter Graybone Graveyard for the first time.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 15:39

Realm of Robots

Enter the Waste Disposal Plant for the first time.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 16:22

Plants Eat You

Enter Lankyroot Jungle for the first time.
Upplåst 23 jun, 2014 @ 11:11

Ancient Civilization

Enter the Temple of Godcat for the first time.
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 8:47

Treasure Thief

Collect 111 treasure chests. Those chests aren't left out there for you, but you seem to take them anyway.
Upplåst 22 jun, 2014 @ 18:29

Treasure Collector

Collect 222 treasure chests. That's more chests than original Pok*mon!
Upplåst 24 jun, 2014 @ 8:01

Eagle Eye

Discover 60 secrets. There may be a few more, but we won't force you to find them all.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2014 @ 12:19

30M Damage

Deal 30,000,000 damage with a single hit. Is that even possible?!
Upplåst 15 jul, 2014 @ 21:23

Dress Up Game

Fully upgrade 30 hats or armors. You'll need plenty of different armor for the hardest battles!
Upplåst 25 jun, 2014 @ 8:53

Master Blacksmith

Fully upgrade 30 weapons. Don't just use the same weapons all the time, that's boring!
Upplåst 2 jul, 2014 @ 6:43

Trees Go To War

Defeat the stronger version of Mighty Oak, on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 3 jul, 2014 @ 11:54

Die For Diamonds

Defeat the stronger version of Crystal Golem, on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 3 jul, 2014 @ 17:56

Hardware Upgrade

Defeat the stronger version of Praetorian, on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 7:28

End Of The Rainbow

Defeat the stronger version of Rafflesia, on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 10:07

Miniboss Rush

Beat the first boss marathon, on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 16 jul, 2014 @ 8:23

Boss Rush

Beat the second boss marathon, on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 16 jul, 2014 @ 9:18

Mega Boss Rush

Beat the third boss marathon, on Epic Difficulty
Upplåst 16 jul, 2014 @ 9:57

Dark Boss Rush

Beat the fourth boss marathon, on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 16 jul, 2014 @ 11:04

Foe Rush

Beat the monster marathon, on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 16 jul, 2014 @ 7:27

Mighty Fighters

Defeat 10 waves of enemies in Endless Battles. That's a good start.
Upplåst 16 jul, 2014 @ 11:26

Epic Crusaders

Defeat 20 waves of enemies in Endless Battles. Time to start getting serious.
Upplåst 16 jul, 2014 @ 18:46

Legendary Heroes

Defeat 30 waves of enemies in Endless Battles. This should be quite the challenge!
Upplåst 16 jul, 2014 @ 19:10

Worm Control

Defeat Sand Worm on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2014 @ 15:45

Lo And Behold

Defeat Beholder on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 1 jul, 2014 @ 10:48

Dragon Slayer

Defeat Zombie Hydra on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 3 jul, 2014 @ 7:50


Defeat Protector on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 3 jul, 2014 @ 7:01

Shadow Huntress

Defeat a ranger of the night on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 11:36

Captain Of Death

Defeat an undead pirate on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 11:19

Dark Seductress

Defeat a busty succubus on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 10:48

Fallen Comrade

Defeat a zombie soldier on Epic Difficulty.
Upplåst 4 jul, 2014 @ 12:03

Ace Challenger

Defeat any boss on Epic difficulty with all challenges enabled.

Stomach Pains

Reset the stat boosting items on any player. (There's no penalty!)

Cheeky Cheater

Win a battle with any battle-related cheat enabled.

10 More Years

Look through 10 years of fan-made art in the fan art gallery.

Smashing Pumpkins

Defeat Jack on Epic difficulty.

Mammoth Feast

Defeat Wooly Mammoth on Epic difficulty.