Hawaii, United States
Screenshot Showcase
New Gundam Breaker
2 2
Workshop Showcase
This was something I was working on in my spare time whenever i got the chance to add-on to it. Required DLC and Mods are aesthetic usage only. Its not really required to have them Behold the FGO Waifu Museum Its a tribute build dedicated to the mobile gam
44 ratings
Created by - PacificAsgard
Review Showcase
To be honest, its current pricing is kinda high. So if wanting to get it, i would recommend getting it when on sale either here or on a legit key dealer site (HumbleBundle, Fanatical, etc.)

As for the gameplay itself, I enjoyed it. Solving who did what by collecting clues, making deductions based on evidence and character appearance, and eventually coming to a concrete conclusion I would say is what makes a great detective. Also having to make quick snap decisions in certain situations can add to some level of realism in-game.

I did also like how it used genuine British English especially when Holmes used the word "aluminium".

Update (03/04/2021): Price seem to have dropped from its original value since i have made this review. Pricing given the age of this game and its level of graphics now is reasonable to buy. I do still find it exciting to play.
Shallows 31 Aug, 2019 @ 8:59am 
NO ASGARD, NO.... not until you eat the rest of your greens on your plate :P
PacificAsgard 31 Aug, 2019 @ 1:27am 
yes... the world shall know my plans...
they will know my plans soon enough....
Kaihlar 31 Aug, 2019 @ 12:25am 
u wot m8?
PacificAsgard 8 Feb, 2019 @ 1:06am 
i shall rule the world from my volcano lair. none shall stop me, not even.... 007
Shallows 8 Feb, 2019 @ 1:01am 
he's a bond villain --- Hawaii style.
PacificAsgard 8 Feb, 2019 @ 12:34am 
or am I? lol