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Évaluations récentes de Otibow

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7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
55.1 h en tout (16.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I'm not the only one who always screams along with the Spin Rhythm XD Jingle at the beginning, right?
Évaluation publiée le 4 mai 2023.
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1,405.9 h en tout (693.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Ok, now that I'm done with Endwalker, I think it's time to give my opinion.
For those who don't want to read much:
Would I recommend it?
Yes, definitely. Excellent MMORPG, fantastic story with awesome characters, an incredibly nice community and also very easy for beginners/returners to the MMORPG genre.

Now for those that want a little more depth:
I've often heard about FFXIV here and there, mostly just the well known copypasta but also apart from that I've seen it on Youtube etc.
A friend of mine played it and showed it to me once, but I was unsure and had lost interest in the genre itself. I think WoW scarred me there or something.
I reluctantly played the Free Trail after some convincing and surprise, I was hooked almost immediately.
An MMORPG with a good story, changeable classes, a community that is so wholesome that I almost experienced a culture shock? What's the catch? What did I miss?
After all the hours I've invested, I have pretty much nothing but good things to say about FFXIV.

But let's go through it one by one and I'll just start with the story because it's an important part of FFXIV and no I won't spoil anything, don't worry.
The story spans multiple expansions, and as a general rule, the further you get in the story, the better it gets. I can only agree with that. However, it is also said that A Realm Reborn (the base game) is ok at best and terrible at worst. I don't really agree. Story wise, ARR is used for world building and actually has a good storyline, albeit the weakest when compared to all other expansions. The problem here is more of the actual content. Especially towards the end the story sends you from one NPC to the next without really much happening. Neither in story nor gameplay. You could probably have let everything happen in one cutscene but hey, it's an MMORPG, they can't expect people to all watch a 30 minute cutscene. It's really not optimal and you can definitely improve it, but in my opinion it's ok.
But then you reach Heavensward, the first expansion, and oh boy... You're in for a treat. It truly is a roller coaster of emotions from here on out. Also from here the mentioned problems are reduced but still present. Only better hidden and generally just less pacing issues. Of course it can be exhausting to read through sometimes completely silent cutscenes to get along with the story, but I'm glad I did. Though I had to look at recaps several times because quite a lot happens at once.
That is probably a me issue because the people I played with didn't had that issue so it is probably just due to my bad memory and me switching the games language constantly.

Ok story is nice but what about the community?
If I had to describe the community in one word, it would be Wholesome. It may sound cheesy, but I've rarely felt so comfortable in a community. I initially had trouble with the simplest mechanics in dungeons and trails, but no one gets mad because you screwed up, even if it meant a wipe. They take the time to give you tips or to explain entire mechanics, wich if you come from any other MMORPG is not really what you would expect.
I mean sure they are always exceptions, every Community has some toxic people but I genuinely had only encountered one such case after close to 700 hours.

Now what about the classes?
It was actually something that made a big difference for me personally. When you create a character, you then choose your starting class. Your starting class will later become a "Job", which basically just means your class can do more now. However, you are not tied to your class, you can unlock other classes after just a short time and switch back and forth outside of content as you wish. You can play every class without creating a new character.

Conclusion, if you already have experience with the genre, I can definitely recommend at least trying it out.
If this is your first MMORPG, all the better. There really isn't a better game to start out with.
Évaluation publiée le 2 janvier 2023. Dernière modification le 1 aout 2023.
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132.3 h en tout (101.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Pretty much one of the easiest ways to get into sim racing.
If you like GT3 cars then you won't be disappointed here.
And I don't know why it took so long for a racing game to have a feature to save mid-race so you can continue the race from the same point later. So I was finally able to finish a 24-hour race.

Once everything is going well and you have a decent pace, you can get involved in multiplayer. From what I have experienced, there is sometimes a big gap between the different skill levels in the races, but you can still race wonderfully together. Ramming, poor driving behavior etc. is actually rather rare here. It doesn't matter if you're fighting for a podium at the front or battling for midfield further back, you will have fun regardless.

If you're coming from Assetto Corsa and expect the same level of sandbox and modability then you will get dissappointed. The only thing you can mod are paintjobs/liveries. Assetto Corsa Competizione is a more streamlined and focused experience compared to Assetto Corsa. Of course you can still adjust weather, track, classes etc. to your liking but you won't be able to race trough a city with an F1 car for example. But if you are looking for the GT3 experience though, go for Competizione.
Évaluation publiée le 14 mai 2022.
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55.4 h en tout (22.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is just so satisfying to play and the songs are absolute bangers.
If you even got remotely interested by watching gameplay then you should get it. If you really like it, get the expansion.
Évaluation publiée le 14 mai 2022.
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1,330.2 h en tout (372.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Don't grind.
Play for fun, you'll get there eventually.
Évaluation publiée le 8 avril 2022. Dernière modification le 13 février 2024.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
142.8 h en tout (28.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Wanna drive with all kinds of different race cars on famous tracks around the world?
- You can do that here.

Wanna drive with classic open-wheelers on historic tracks?
- You can do that here.

Wanna learn to drift with old school drift missles around a parking lot or famous drift spots?
- You can do that here.

Wanna cruise on an open world map with your favorite dream car until you run out of fuel?
- You can do that here.

Wanna have some fun with your friends online, be it serious racing or just cruising around?
- You can do that here.

Wanna do some wierd stuff like rallying an Formula 1 car or blast trough a city with an LMP car?
- You can do that here.

Wanna make some sick pictures of your cars on various locations?
- You can do that here.

Basically, as long as it's even remotely related to cars, you'll have fun here.
Évaluation publiée le 18 septembre 2021.
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226.8 h en tout (75.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Ich mein, ich hab zwar Spaß an dem Spiel aber die Online-Funktionalität ist absolute Katastrophe und für 60€ unzumutbar.
Évaluation publiée le 8 aout 2021.
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38.8 h en tout (37.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Also ich habe Mitleid mit den Spielern, die das Game nie durchgespielt haben. Oder auch mit den Typen, die das Spiel jemanden empfohlen haben und derjenige das nie durchgespielt hat.

Kann es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Gameplay macht Spaß, gibt ne Menge zum freischalten, Soundtrack ist meiner Meinung nach der beste, den ein Videospiel je hatte und die Story ist auch fesselnd.

Einzige negative Kritik meinerseits, welche ich noch erwähnen würde:
Der PC-Port hat ein paar Problemchen, welche aber von der Community behoben wurden. Trotzdem schade, das man es selber fixen musste. Außerdem ist die Grafik sehr...variabel? Die Effekte und Charakter- und Waffenmodels sehen wirklich schön aus, aber manche Texturen sind für das Jahr 2016 echt matschig. Kann man allerdings auch mit Mods fixen.
Évaluation publiée le 28 décembre 2020. Dernière modification le 28 décembre 2020.
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73.2 h en tout (49.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Das Spiel an sich klingt eigentlich erst einmal ganz simpel: Bau dein galaktisches Imperium auf, erobere die Galaxie, bilde Bündnisse und Föderationen, führe Krieg, sei ein Pazifist, was auch immer. Stellaris gibt dir eine menge Möglichkeiten, wie genau dein Imperium aufgebaut ist. Von der Regierungsart bis hin zur Ethic, Bürgerrechte, Spezien und alles, was so dazu gehört.
Und du bist dann derjenige, der das alles kontrollieren und managen darf. Sei es deine Flotten, Planeten, Gebäude auf Planeten, Distrikte, Sektoren, Kontakte zu anderen Imperien, Kriege, Erkundung, welche Rechte die verschiedenen Bürger deines Imperiums haben, Handel & Wirtschaft und noch vieles Weitere. Diese totale Kontrolle über alles ist zwar gut für denjenigen, der schon weiß, wie das Spiel genau funktioniert aber für Neulinge kann das dazu führen, dass man zu viel Information auf einmal hat und den Überblick verliert. Das Tutorial hilft zwar ein kleines bisschen aus aber ist im Endeffekt ist es ziemlich bescheiden und man muss den Rest selber rausfinden. Man kann sich durch das einfache spielen aber auch selber alles beibringen, da alles recht intuitiv abläuft. Keine Nahrung mehr? Bau Farmen oder schau, warum der Verbrauch zu hoch ist und passe es dementsprechend an, und so weiter.
Die Partien in Stellaris können recht lang werden, von ein paar Stunden bis hin zu mehreren Tagen, je nach Matcheinstellung. Also sollte man vorbereitet sein, ein wenig Zeit in das Spiel reinzubuttern.

Stellaris brauch so seine gewisse Einführungszeit aber sobald man 1-3 Matches gespielt hat, weiß man eigentlich wie alles funktionuckelt und dann macht es richtig Spaß. Falls man allerdings Micromanagement in Spielen absolut nicht ausstehen kann, dann könnte es mit Stellaris zu Problemen kommen, ansonsten klare Kaufempfehlung.
Évaluation publiée le 22 novembre 2020. Dernière modification le 22 novembre 2020.
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15.6 h en tout (11.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Da muss ich nicht viel zu sagen. Legendäres Spiel.
Évaluation publiée le 15 février 2020.
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