4 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 212.8 hrs on record (207.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 16 Jun, 2015 @ 9:21pm
Updated: 10 Sep, 2015 @ 3:44pm

Enormous amounts of very minor but beneficial DLC- buy a DLC to get the ability to unlock a few guns, no ability to try them before hand. You can play DLC missions but only if someone else makes the game- a nice feature, but there are over 25 DLC's for this game. I was keeping up with them, but they release them so often and they are so minor and stupid it's not worth it.

Most importantly of all, being a multiplayer game:

The networking tech is awful. More often than not I spend more time looking for games that respond "Waiting for server to respond" than actually playing the game.

In addition, the mission searching system is stupid- it randomly decides which difficulty and maps are available to you. Did you want to play a quick game on a particular difficulty? You can't. You have to wait for it or use some of your in-game currency to buy the ability to play a map you bought the DLC for.

Once you get into a game you have to hope that the mission you've selected will be played the way you'd want to.

There are numerous bugs with guards walking through walls and even when you've "failed" a mission it's not always clear as to why you failed.

The guards themselves have a simple AI, they walk around randomly and look at random things. They aren't really that interesting in that you just wait for guards to move away from where they are.

The game has an overall feel of a free to play game that isn't free to play.

On the up side, the music is amazing.
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