Rhode Island, United States
Drunk on Panda Mystery... :pandafu:
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About Me
I've been playing games since the Atari 2600, and was also a big Nintendo fan for a long time, though my favorite platform has always been the PC. Nowadays I mostly just play a lot of Minecraft, but I do still pop back into Steam every so often to clear a bit of my backlog.

I used to like collecting stuff, such as items in TF2 and badges in Steam, though I got tired of that grind and quit doing it a few years ago (plus, I really like the "blue circle" level badge, so I just want to keep it that way). I was one of the few Steam users to have full-XP badges for every special event before the new profile system was implemented in 2013: completed all 28 achievements in the Great Steam Treasure Hunt, collected all 36 potatoes in the Portal 2 ARG (and friends with "Dinosaur"), collected all 76 tickets in the Steam Summer Camp, completed all 78 achievements in the 2011 Steam Holiday Sale, and completed all the tasks in the 2012 Summer and Holiday Sales. I was also one of the 2014 Golden Holiday Profile owners.

REMINDER: I am not trading or selling any of my items.
Capturas de tela favoritas
18 4
Itens disponíveis para troca
Itens no inventário
Trocas realizadas
Transações no Mercado
Notes: I'm not actually trading any of these items (it's just as a use of the showcase). The "Secret Cat" card is a one-of-a-kind rarity (as far as I know).
Análise favorita
The Witcher 3 is one of the most impressive games I've ever played, in terms of scope, story, visuals and content. The size of the open world in this game is simply mind blowing, and it's not just a bunch of emptiness and filler. Pretty much every square inch of the world is drenched in absurd detail, and it's so ridiculously good looking you almost can't believe it. So yeah, I was impressed. Beyond that, the story is a great conclusion to the previous two games (though the plot connections are more in the history of the world and the characters, rather than specific story lines, so it's probably OK for newcomers). The characters are written and voiced really well, as always. As for the gameplay, it's pretty good overall. Although the combat can get somewhat repetitive after a while, there are enough different types of scenarios to keep you on your toes, as far as changing up battle tactics and selecting different items and potions to use, etc. As for the story, the main quest is great, but there are also tons and tons of side quests, which make up the main meat of the game. Some of the side quests are very simple and short, but many are just as in-depth as the main story quests. There is very little pointless filler, aside from some collectible-oriented quests. The variety of quests is also excellent - there's a great balance of combat, exploration, and detective work. Oh, and on top of all this, there's also a full-fledged collectible card game you can play, which is really fun. The game does have a few downsides and annoyances that come up every once in a while, so it's not exactly perfect, but the negative points were inconsequential to me, when taken as part of the whole package.

I've put over 150 hours into this game (though that's playing with a 100% completion/exploration type of mindset, so your playtime may vary, depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you go), but either way, have no fear that there isn't enough content for the price. In summary, I can say with no reservations that this is one of the few $60 games I've ever played that is actually worth every single penny of the asking price, plus more. So if you enjoy action style RPGs, don't hesitate to pick this up. The only reason I would say not to buy it would be if your PC isn't able to run it well. This is a game that deserves to be seen in its full glory at maximum settings to truly appreciate what a work of art it is.
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Criado por — noibn
192 avaliações
This guide details all the ways to get back to the moon, including maps, how to unlock achievements, and more.
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Moviebuff83 há 9 horas 
So, YOU'RE the one who has the "Secret Cat" trading card from You Have to Win the Game! I congratulate you on that!

However, I was wondering a couple of things. Does having it give you a spot among your badges that shows you how many more cards you need until you reach the next level badge? Also, does having it make you eligible for creating a booster pack for that game? I'm just wondering what the answers to these questions are. I'm not looking to trade with you. Thank you.
jsb 26/fev./2024 às 14:55 
Been a bit since I've gone down the friends list, hope things are going well for you :)
ℕ 𝔸 𝕊 4/dez./2023 às 15:35 
hi added you,I am friend collector :hrh::crown1:
Dyeace 5/ago./2023 às 14:09 
oh hi, fellow 555er <3
❄ Laura 9/abr./2023 às 13:27 
Happy Easter :summer2019hare::CFire:
Jack Fat 29/dez./2022 às 12:41 
What's up, brother? I feel like we have much in common but that includes being too busy to chat. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you, still holding the first friend position on my profile due to your ridiculous Steam level ranking..