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Viser 71-80 af 114 forekomster
5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
39.6 timer registreret i alt
Belated review. Dungeon Defenders is one of the best action-tower defense games I have played. The gameplay is much like other games in the genre - progress through a series of levels in which your goal is to defend a crystal. The catch is the crystal is under attack by waves of enemies. Between waves you have the opportunity to set up defenses (different types are available depending on which of the 4 characters you use). Once a wave starts, it's you and your defense versus the horde... rinse and repeat. So what sets DD apart? Well, one cool thing is that you create and play as a personalized character that can be saved. Your character levels up via experience gained and can be equipped with hundreds of different weapons that are found during levels. Add in an excellent online co-op mode, tons of extra challenges and DLC, and you've got a damn near perfect package. Give this a shot, even if you've never tried tower defense before... but don't blame me if you become addicted! :)
Skrevet: 3. juni 2012.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
8.0 timer registreret i alt
On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two picks up shortly after the events of the first game. Once again, you (your character from the first episode can be imported) team up with 1920's-era Gabe & Tycho to stop an apocolyptic menace. Everything I said in my recommendation of the first game once again holds here, because this is pretty much the exact same game - literally, it uses the same engine, combat, mechanics, style, etc. The only things that have changed are the locations and enemies. So just take my previous review, replace "slaughtering hobos, clowns and mimes" with "slaughtering mental patients, pretentious rich folks and giant spiders", and there ya go. But that's not to say there's anything wrong with this - it works in an episodic format. So once again, if you are a fan of PA (their humor or characters) and adventure-RPGs, this is worth a look, despite the rough edges. I'm now looking forward to the recently announced Episode Three!
Skrevet: 28. maj 2012.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
7.0 timer registreret i alt
Has it really been 4 years since this came out? As a PA fan, I am fail... oh well, better late than never. I wasn't sure what to expect from this, but it ended up being pretty good - not perfect, but satisfying enough for the price and length (5-6 hours). OtRSPoD is an interactive story wearing the clothes of a real-time turn-based RPG. What I mean is that there are never really any choices to make or side quests to take on, like you'd find in a typical RPG. From beginning to end, everything you do is part of a linear path (including a finite number of battles that leave your characters at their max level with full upgrades when completed). That said, I still found it fun, as the battle system was pretty cool. And if you are a fan if PA, you will also love the humorous story/interactions with Gabe & Tycho. It's a short ride and there's not much to it, but as you're slaughtering fruit-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, hobos, clowns and mimes, you'll probably be too entertained to notice any of its shortcomings.
Skrevet: 27. maj 2012.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.9 timer registreret i alt
Jamestown is a "bullet hell" vertical shooter made with a retro 16-bit art style. Fans of similar SHMUPS (Ikaruga, Radiant Silvergun, etc) should pick this up without any hesitation. It's really good, but also very frustrating at times (as with most games in this genre). But if you have the skills and patience required, this is a no-brainer. For everyone else... I'm not so sure. Sure, it's a solid game and very fun, but unless you have 'mad skills' (or a lot of time on your hands), I'm not sure how long you'll be able to play before your patience wears thin. Personally, I was able to at least finish the game and get through a bulk of the challenges before giving up out of frustration (hey, I'm old!), but YMMV. Still, to me, even seeing half of what this game offers was worth the asking price. I should also mention that it has great music and a very odd story (some kind of weird alternate history involving the lost colony of Roanoke and Mars... don't ask). Anyways, check it out!
Skrevet: 23. maj 2012.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.5 timer registreret i alt
From what I've read, the general consensus on Homefront is that it's just average. After finally getting around to finishing it, I think the reviewers may have sold it a tad short. I mean, I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but I also found very little wrong with it. I guess the biggest issue is that the single player (which is all I cared about) only took 4-5 hours to finish. So while it definitely wasn't worth the original asking price, now that it's only $20, it may not be a bad investment if you have ever had any interest in playing it. As far as the gameplay goes, it's pretty standard for a modern shooter. Mostly you shoot people (duh), but some levels mix it up with vehicle sections and other types of mechanics. The final level is also pretty epic. What sets Homefront apart from most shooters is the story, the premise being an alternate future where North Korea has occupied the US. All in all, it's a decent, but short game. Perfect for FPS fans to kill time on a rainy afternoon.
Skrevet: 20. maj 2012.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
41.6 timer registreret i alt
Although I've owned this since it came out, unfortunately my old PC wasn't able to run it... so when the Enhanced Edition came out the same week I got a new PC, I took it as a sign to finally make this backlog sin right. And it was worth the wait. If you played and liked the first game, you will love this. And if not, you will probably like it anyways, assuming action/RPGs interest you. Witcher 2 improves on every aspect of the first game - graphics (which are gorgeous), combat, story, and UI (inventory management, while better, still isn't quite perfect though). I can't really think of much bad to say about this game. It's really well made, the story/characters are interesting, and it's well-written and voiced. Witcher 2 also features a major branching story path at the end of chapter 1 that totally changes the rest of the game, which in turn adds a ton of replay value if you really want to see everything. All in all, this is an awesome game - highly recommended. Can't wait for #3!
Skrevet: 6. maj 2012.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
6.9 timer registreret i alt
Sanctum is a combination of first person shooter and tower defense. There are 5 or 6 main levels, each consisting of a whole bunch of "waves". In between each wave, you use resources to build various types of turrets/defenses and/or upgrade your weapons. Once a wave starts, between you and your defenses, you just have to lay the smackdown on a bunch of advancing aliens. Rinse and repeat. Overall, it's a pretty fun game. However, the between-wave building parts kind of brought the game down for me due to the need to build all your defenses in first person. It's very tedious and time-consuming (and also confusing at times, especially on larger maps). The game would be so much better if the building could be done via a top down "god view". But other than that, no major complaints. Apparently it is more fun in multiplayer, but I never ended up checking that out. Overall, I'd say this is worth a look if you like shooters and tower defense, and can pick it up on sale.
Skrevet: 8. april 2012.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
8.7 timer registreret i alt
Rock of Ages is a fun game with a quirky style and sense of humor. You play as Sisyphus, rolling boulders down various levels to break an enemy gate, while your opponents (a series of historical figures) are simultaneously trying to do the same to you. Rolling the stone is only half of the equation, though. In between rolls, you also have to set up defenses to hinder your opponent's progress towards your gate. It's an interesting mashup of genres. Aside from the gameplay, there is one other cool thing about the game - the cutscenes. Between levels, you are treated to very odd (but really funny) paper-cutout interludes starring the aforementioned historical figures. The scenes are reminiscent of Terry Gilliam's work from Monty Python, and are very enjoyable. All in all, this is a pretty fun game that works best in small doses (it tends to get a bit repetitive if playing for extended durations). The music is great too! I definitely say give it a shot if you're up for something different.
Skrevet: 4. marts 2012.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.1 timer registreret i alt
QUBE shares many similarities with Portal: both are 1st person puzzle games that require thinking instead of reflexes; both take place in sterile, empty, crumbling environments; both are fairly short (QUBE took about 3 hours to finish); both challenge you to think in new and clever ways to complete their respective "test chambers"; and both make you feel really smart for doing so. One might assume then that this is simply a cheap Portal knockoff, but that couldn't be further from the truth. QUBE can very much stand up on its own as a worthy entry in the genre. The main - and most important - difference that sets QUBE apart (aside from the lack of a murderous AI) is its game mechanics. In QUBE, you push and pull colored blocks in the environment to complete puzzles. At least, initially. Additional twists are added as you go along, so the game remains fresh throughout. This is a really fun game and definitely worth your time if you enjoyed Portal's brand of 1st person puzzling.
Skrevet: 2. marts 2012.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
6.0 timer registreret i alt
AYIM is a cool indie platformer with 2 unique twists: the 1st (and most significant) is the main game mechanic - the ability to rotate the world around your character in increments of 90 degrees; the 2nd is the way it looks - the environment is rendered in an artistic paper-cutout (literally) style. Both of these things add up to an experience unlike any other. That said, your goal is still similar to many other 2D platformers - get from one end of the level to the other - so the game is both familiar and fresh at the same time. At 4 chapters (plus 5 bonus epilogue levels), the experience is also just the right length. The difficulty ramps up nicely from beginning to end, and is usually fair (the exception would be the final bonus levels, which are excruciatingly hard, but since they are optional, that's ok). My only minor issue is the occasional wonkiness of jumping and the seemingly random height drops that cause death. That said, it's still well worth playing for platforming fans!
Skrevet: 27. februar 2012.
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