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Viser 61-70 af 114 forekomster
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4.6 timer registreret i alt (4.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Wow. Where to begin? In what seems to be some sort of new indie trend, this is yet another "game" that's not really a game, but more of an interactive story. It's kind of similar to Dear Esther in that respect, only in this case, there actually are some game-like elements (though they are very minor). Gameplay pretty much involves walking around in a series of scenes and clicking on various objects to proceed. Really, that's all there is to it. So you aren't really getting a traditional game here, and certainly nothing that involves any skill or critical thinking.

So why play it? IAATSS... (it's all about the story, stupid). The story itself is very difficult to explain in a short review (and really, the less said about it beforehand, the better), but just as a basic overview, it goes something like this: You play as Dr. Watts and Dr. Rosalene, two scientists who work for a company that gives dying people a final wish - a whole new set of memories that overwrites their old ones, which in theory, will allow them to die having fulfilled their lifelong dreams. This is done with the use of a machine that allows the scientists to traverse backwards through the patient's memories and implant the desire at an early age. The patient in this case is one John Wyles, whose last wish is to go to the Moon. And that's all I'll say. You simply have to experience the ride yourself.

In a neat twist, the graphics resemble those found in classic RPGs from the 16-bit console era. It may seem odd to tell such an involved story using retro sprite artwork, but it somehow works quite well. Additionally, I also want to make a point of mentioning the music in the game, which is by and large simply terrific, and perfectly complements the story.

The gameplay itself, as mentioned earlier, is nothing to write home about, but it gets the job done. Mostly you just walk around and click on objects to continue unraveling memories. There are some minor glitches with clicking here and there, but nothing game-breaking. Otherwise, the game itself is technically fine. One annoying thing, however, is the lack of Steam overlay integration, meaning you won't be able to chat, see announcements, or take Steam screenshots while in-game. Not a deal breaker, but certainly an inconvenience. There are also some v-sync issues, which thankfully can be resolved by hitting F1 and checking off a box in the game settings.

If you're not the kind of person who is interested in game stories, or non-game games, then this probably isn't for you. However, if you're open to these types of unique experiences, and don't mind setting aside some time (around 4 hours or so) for an interactive, emotional ride, then by all means, buy this and play it ASAP. I don't think you'll regret it. It's one of the best game experiences I've had in a long time. If you don't tear up at least once during the course of this game, then you are officially dead inside. So give it a shot, manly men, if you dare (and don't forget the tissues!)
Skrevet: 29. november 2012.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.3 timer registreret i alt
As someone who loved World of Goo about as much as someone can possibly love a game, buying this was a no-brainer. But should you do the same? I'm not sure.

This is definitely one of those "love it or hate it" games (if it can even be called a game). I personally loved it, but I wonder how many others will. On one hand, the gameplay consists of burning things... lots and lots of things. This is an act of primal enjoyment for most human beings. But on the other hand, that's really all there is to it (for the most part). I mean that literally - the entire 4+ hour game consists of burning things in a fireplace. I know that sounds boring, but it's actually kind of not. It's fun to throw different items in to see what they do, and finding combinations of items that, when burned together, reward you with tons of cash and more items. How much mileage others will get out of that experience I can't even being to predict.

Aside from burning things, the only other notable aspect of the game is its story (which for 90% of the time takes place more in the background). The end of the game changes this significantly, but I shan't say more about that ;). The story is a sort of societal commentary built of mounds of metaphors (some subtle, some not so much), with a major revelation at the end... basically, it's the kind of thing that goes over well with the "artsy" crowd. I dug it, but again, I'm just not sure how that translates to a mainstream audience. It does, however, lend itself perfectly to the overall atmosphere of the experience (along with the unique art style and music).

If you're open to unique indie experiences and don't mind the $15 price tag, go for it. Just be warned that there's not all that much to it. World of Goo, this most definitely is not - but it's definitely something very unique (in its own very, very weird and addicting way), and all-in-all, a worthy successor.
Skrevet: 25. november 2012.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
6.2 timer registreret i alt
Penumbra is a horror/adventure series by Frictional Games, the developers of Amnesia: The Dark Descent. While not nearly as good as that horror masterpiece, there is still a lot to enjoy in Penumbra. In fact, it's very easy to see how Amnesia eventually came to be what it is - its elements are on full display here, albeit in early forms. While the games do have some scary bits, overall the fright-factor is not quite where it could be. This is mainly due to the somewhat dated graphics and easily thwarted enemies (which, unlike in Amnesia, can usually be killed). The puzzles are generally pretty decent, with only a few solutions being particularly obtuse. So, while not perfect, the series is still worth a look for horror/adventure game fans, especially those who enjoyed Amnesia and are interested in seeing the roots of that game and supporting its developers.

Penumbra: Black Plague is the 2nd game in the series. It improves upon many aspects of Overture, and is the best of the 3 games.
Skrevet: 3. november 2012.
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6.0 timer registreret i alt
Penumbra is a horror/adventure series by Frictional Games, the developers of Amnesia: The Dark Descent. While not nearly as good as that horror masterpiece, there is still a lot to enjoy in Penumbra. In fact, it's very easy to see how Amnesia eventually came to be what it is - its elements are on full display here, albeit in early forms. While the games do have some scary bits, overall the fright-factor is not quite where it could be. This is mainly due to the somewhat dated graphics and easily thwarted enemies (which, unlike in Amnesia, can usually be killed). The puzzles are generally pretty decent, with only a few solutions being particularly obtuse. So, while not perfect, the series is still worth a look for horror/adventure game fans, especially those who enjoyed Amnesia and are interested in seeing the roots of that game and supporting its developers.

Penumbra: Overture is the 1st game in the series. It's decent, but has some rough edges and doesn't quite come together fully.
Skrevet: 3. november 2012.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
19.5 timer registreret i alt
For fans of the original OMD, especially if you ever longed for co-op, this is a must. However, co-op aside, the other improvements are all solid as well. The main difference (aside from the addition of the Sorceress as a playable character) is a new upgrade/unlock system based on skulls earned by completing levels. It works pretty well and allows you to customize your characters with the traps and weapons you like the best. Other than that, this is pretty much the same game as OMD1, only with new campaign levels and a series of "endless mode" challenges... so, essentially this is more like OMD1.5 than a full on sequel. That said, I am fine with that at the low asking price. I guess the only negative thing I found was that it seemed like levels were designed for co-op. I was able to complete the game solo, so it's not impossibly difficult, but it definitely would have been easier and more fun with a partner. OMD2 provides a solid few hours of fun, plus lots more for high-score hounds.
Skrevet: 26. august 2012.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
19.9 timer registreret i alt (18.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Belated recommendation. Super Meat Boy is a fantastic throwback to the earliest days of 2D platform gaming, with a few notable differences. First, the difficulty level is brutal. And I don't use that word lightly. I played a ton of sidescrollers in my day, but can't think of very many that even approach this level of difficulty. That said, SMB alleviates a lot of the frustration that usually comes with difficult games by doing away with "lives", and making respawns instantaneous. These elements, coupled with short stages, allow for levels to be retried many times (which you WILL need to do) quickly and easily. If this weren't the case, the game would almost certainly be far too frustrating for most gamers. Add in some cool music, strange cutscenes (plus lots and lots of spinning blades), and what you've got is a classic of the genre. Just be warned, unless you are some keyboard savant, you are going to need a controller to get very far, especially once you hit the later levels.
Skrevet: 12. juli 2012.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
14.1 timer registreret i alt
PA's OtRSPoD 3 continues the story of the previous games, with three main differences: first, the look of the game has completely changed to that of a 16-bit style RPG; second, the combat (while grounded in the 16-bit RPG style) is based on an all new system involving "pins", which are basically different classes with specific abilities that can be applied to characters; and finally, there is no longer an option to create your own character to join Gabe and Tycho's party (also note: nothing from the prior games is imported at all). The writing is the same as it was (perhaps even better), but if you're not a fan of Jerry Holkins' style, this game probably won't change that. As a fan of these types of RPGs in my youth, this game brought a lot of nostalgia to the table, and I enjoyed it for that alone. It's not perfect, but Zeboyd Games and Penny Arcade have put together a nice little retro package at a fair price. If you're a fan of retro RPGs and/or Penny Arcade, give it a look.
Skrevet: 7. juli 2012.
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10.4 timer registreret i alt
As you probably already know, Quantum Conundrum is a new game from Kim Swift, the creator of Portal. And while it does share a few similarities with Portal (1st person puzzle solving, an omnipresent narrator), QC is a distinctly unique experience. Instead of Portals, the tools at your disposal are 4 "dimensions" (fluffy, heavy, slow-mo and reverse-grav), which you can swap between at will. Just like in Portal, each dimension, and the various techniques needed to solve puzzles using them, are introduced gradually. Each of the 3 main levels start out easy, but end up requiring ever-more mind-bending uses of the various dimension shifts to solve. I never found the game to be particularly hard, but you will definitely have to think hard about some of the solutions. All in all, it's very satisfying as a puzzle game. One other note - in addition to puzzles, a significant degree of platforming skill is required throughout (just something to be aware of). Great game... highly recommended!
Skrevet: 24. juni 2012.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
7.6 timer registreret i alt
Let me get the negative out of the way first: this game requires Games for Windows Live. However, if that hasn't scared you off, read on. ITSP is a fairly unique puzzle/shooter hybrid in the classic "Metroidvania" style (explore a sprawling 2D map using progressively earned abilities, backtracking to progress further, etc). So what sets this apart from similar games? Firstly, it has a very unique 'shadowy' art style that is pretty cool. And second, instead of being a character-based platformer, it's a spaceship-based twin-stick shooter with heavy puzzle elements. If that sounds interesting or up your alley, I would say don't hesitate to check this out. The only downsides to the experience are that the game is pretty short (~7 hours for the single-player, but it also has a multiplayer mode) and it is not particularly difficult (you will certainly die on occasion, but checkpoints are plentiful). It's not an all-time classic, but it's definitely a cool low-key experience. Check it out!
Skrevet: 11. juni 2012.
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23.7 timer registreret i alt
Orcs Must Die! is yet another take on the now ubiquitous action-tower defense genre. In many ways, it's similar to Dungeon Defenders (see previous review), but you play as only one character and there is no customization, other than what traps you decide to use on each level. That doesn't make it bad, however. In fact, it's a real plus in the game's favor... as the main character is, well, quite a character! I guarantee his goofy lines will bring a smile to your face. Gameplay is standard fare for the genre - progress through a series of levels in which you must set up traps and defend your magic rift from hordes of orcs. Every new level completed adds a new trap or ally to your arsenal, making for a smooth progression (though nothing is ever really a cakewalk). You will be challenged, for sure... especially on later levels. If you're looking for a new tower defense game (or maybe looking to try one for the first time), Orcs Must Die is about as solid as they come. Give it a look!
Skrevet: 3. juni 2012.
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