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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.1 hrs on record
Posted: 14 Nov, 2013 @ 11:37am

I'm not sure if a game like this can still be appreciated in these modern days of fancy 3D graphics and short attention spans... but it damn well should be. For whatever my opinion may be worth, I hereby go on record to state that this is one of the greatest RPGs ever made. Of course, that bold statement does come with a couple of caveats: first, my thoughts may very well be colored by nostalgia to a fair degree; and second, I haven't actually played this game in over 20 years, so it's entirely possible I am just forgetting all the bad parts. At any rate, if you are into RPGs, classic games, or at all interested in revisiting the early days of PC gaming, this is one of the very few games that should be near the top of anyone's "must-play someday" list. While I can't guarantee playing this game will captivate and inspire you the same way it did for people back in the day, I am at least fairly confident that the game itself is probably fundamentally solid, even if the underlying technology and graphics don't hold up. So definitely give this a look if you're open to embracing "the classics", or if you're just an old man like me pining for the good old days.
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