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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.2 hrs on record
Posted: 9 Jul, 2013 @ 1:51pm

Gun Monkeys is a multiplayer-only 2D platform-deathmatch game. The premise is really simple - you are a monkey with a gun, locked in a small arena with another player, who (let's all act surprised now)... is also a monkey with a gun! Your goal is to collect "power cubes" that randomly drop into the level and deposit them into your home base. The catch is that the power level in both player's home bases is always going down, so you have to survive long enough and collect enough power (while simultaneously avoiding the attacks of the other monkey) so that the other player runs out of power before you do. It's about as simple as can be. And that's the problem. While the game has the potential to be fun, there's just not all that much to it. There are a few different weapons that spice things up, and the levels are procedurally generated (so the arena is slightly different every time), but essentially it's just the same thing over and over again. While novel in short bursts (especially if you have a friend to play with), the whole experience can get boring pretty quickly. There are also quite a few bugs I came across in my short time playing (though the developers are actively working on fixing things, so that's nice). The problem for me is that there just isn't enough meat on the bones here to justify a $10 price tag. For half that amount, I'd say go ahead and take a chance... but for full price, you're probably better off passing on it, at least for now.
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